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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Everything posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. IC: "I have a feeling your task may be to stop the others from trying to kill each other," Palma answered Mortsia with a sigh. "Now if you could get the patient out of here sometime soon, I would appreciate it." IC: Fang was right. The Visorak were coming. Their queen's flight had left them behind, but they were swiftly catching up, and it would be a fair bet that they wouldn't be happy. Their grating ululations were all the sound that could be heard in the jungle. The crippled queen screamed as Kat's blow struck deep and true. But it still had enough strength, powered by spite, to use its remaining legs to shove itself sideways, slamming its armoured carapace into to insect that dared to hurt it! The Kahgarak powered into Kat with the sort of force you only got with high-grade construction equipment, a steamroller or gold and blue. It drove the swords deeper into its eye, but with all the fear, anger and pain it no longer cared. Reason was beyond it IC: "I mean that there are two ways to make things go easier in Malebranche. You can make things slide along with oil, or just apply little gold in the right place." Grossh smiled, the crooked mask on his doing its best to mimic the movements on a face it wasn't designed to fit, "Which is handy for me, because I do have quite a talent with gold." To the others this probably went without saying. His home-made auric armour declared his passion for the material to everyone...except of course the sightless Hoto
  2. Sorry, I did miss that. Been having a busy time of things these last few days, couldn't read everything as thoroughly as I do normally Yep, that's about it Approved then
  3. IC: "If you insist!" A disk with razor sharp edges appeared in the Slizer's hand. Careful not to touch that same bladed rim she hurled it at the stack of shelves Dayeth was standing behind, packing all the momentum into the swing to ensure the disk was moving as fast as it could. Aimed at the base of the shelves, Turbo was trying to slice through the structure's supports, bring the whole thing crashing down on the target of her attack... IC: Sparks flew as the Wyrm's blade rang off Skrall's armour. His protective gear was older than he was but it still managed to hold out against the blow. This time anyway. Skrall could feel the metal had warped and torn slightly under the sword swipe. It wouldn't be able to take another like that, most likely. Skrall swung, his shield and its razor-bladed rim sweeping around in an arc that would lead it to clashing with Wyrm's head. Skrall had noted the ease with which his foe had avoided his last attack though, and was merely using this easily dodged strike as a diversion. His sword would be the real threat, thrusting out like a spiked battering ram towards Wyrm's centre of mass. Any move that would let him dodge or side-step the shield would not be extreme enough to avoid the sword. And if he took such measure anyway and got out the way of the sword's thrust by chance, then he would be too far away to counter-attack, giving he, Skrall, the chance to simply continue his assault unhindered IC: "What do you say to finding someone expendable and getting them to poke it a bit then?" Venga suggested, "Must be pretty lonely in a box all by yourself, maybe we can get you some company!" IC: "But what would you actually do as a boat?" Olari asked, "Just sailing randomly anywhere sounds much like what you are doing now, I thought you were looking for a purpose." IC: Watching the current round from the Knowledge Sector, Jorth was struck with a single though. Mechs were really kind cool. Also? Less chance of him being shot if he were inside a big metal cradle. Its like there were no downsides to this! He stood up and headed down to engineering, designs spinning round his head as he went... IC: Tuyetkhamun was stalking through the corridors, towards the medical facilities. She had waited in the food court long enough to see there was no detection of her tampering with the drinks dispensary, and was heading to where the results of her misdeeds would go once the poison kicked in. They'd be weak and vulnerable, perfect prey for her mental manipulations. While she was there she might as well try to gain a psychic foothold in anyone else there who was weak and infirm. Normally she'd consider them useless, but since this place had the facilities to restore the weak to full power within seconds, there would be some use in her activities
  4. Going to be honest, not a fan of the wings, WoS. They kind of seem like they're giving you a few extra abilities which I've said before I'm not particularly okay with. Not sure why they'd be needed either, Rahkshi can fly without them
  5. IC: "Just a taste. But I insist you try more before we move onto the second course." Turbo maintained her stream of filings. They were metal after all, something as insubstantial and intangible as fire wasn't going to stop them. They'd just go right though and hit as a stream of blazing hot, fast moving projectiles. Well, bitingly cold fast moving projectiles, but the Vixen didn't know how Dayeth's fire worked. She just knew the Toa had probably just made things worse for herself IC: Bright energy swirling into existence into something held in a hand and pointed straight at him? Skrall may not have been in Bionifight long enough to name a Rhotuka but he knew a weapon when one was being aimed at him. He jumped up, Skrall strength letting him bound high enough to clear the wheel, momentum carrying him forward into slicing range of Wyrm. His trusty blade came swinging down towards Wyrm's head, his downwards fall adding power to the cleaving arc... IC: "And it could accomplish...what? Turning a Toa into ones and zeroes?" Venga tried getting a better look at the device within Arkrax despite the hollographics concealing it. "Would it do that to everyone who touched it? Could you get more than one person in there?" IC: Olari was about to push harder, but she sensed maybe the admission of a realisation hidden amidst those ramblings. Probably best she stuck to baby steps if she was going to get someone to rethink their outlook on life. "Yes Zakaro, maybe you float."
  6. IC: The chime of Palma's staff being thumped against the floor rang out, the single clear note cutting through the bickering. "I am not sure how much or how little time we have, but this debate is wasting it all the same. Vlad brought this Matoran here when he had no need to, getting solely involved solely to help, and so I trust him. If you are not willing to do the same, Xara, then you can just walk away now and forget we ever had this conversation, forget you were ever here. But this Matoran is getting to safety whether it takes one, two or all three of you." IC: When she'd been striking at the great queen with gravity-assisted might Kat had been unable to do much damage. True she was striking at weaker points this time, but she was hindered by her own position. Dangling from someone's eyebrow was not the best place to be making kicks, the awkwardness of it decreased how much force Kat could put behind her blow. Her blows were dull thuds on the spider's hide rather than the amputating strikes she intended them to be. On the plus side she had given the idea to Sidonas and Fang. The former's bolts struck fast and true, sinking into the more vulnerable fleshy muscles around the Kahgarak's 'shoulder'. Fang was right, alone the quarrels were too small to really trouble the queen, mere thorns to a stone ape...but they weren't alone. Fang's level three plasma jets were only slowly burning through the beast's tough hide, but it was when their heat reached the metal heads of Sidonas' bolts that teamwork decided to help the pair out. The metal heads expanded with the temperature, cutting and slicing deeper into the Kahgarak's flesh. And with the extra space they cleaved, Fang's plasma was able to burn further and further in, bypassing the tougher exterior and roasting the joint from the inside. There was a sizzling crack, like a whip in slow motion, and the queen's leg was severed entirely, its end and the stump it was rapidly falling from smoking and glowing. Already unbalanced by Kat swinging on one side of its face and Exxan buffeting the other, the queen staggered once and collapsed, its mighty form smashing a swathe through the trees and scrub. Its remaining legs skittered and swung trying to gain enough purchase to hoist it back upright...
  7. Doesn't need to, the eyes of his squidcoat do it for him
  8. Bleh, been a busy couple of days with a lot of travelling. For the record, I've always read Vlad as sounding like the Count from Sesame Street, since they're both vampire parodies and have that pseudo Eastern Europe accent. I'm also going to point out that not everyone has the same ease understanding accents in our world, it can differ from person to person, country to country (the Americans amongst you might have no trouble with various other American dialects but I defy any of you to decipher my uncle's thick Mancunian brogue). So I don't think one Rahk out of dozens having an issue with Vlad's speech is too big a deal. Different story if Nato were demanding everyone have a hard time with Vlad's speech, but it does only seem to be Xara. Approved. Good luck with the second attempt Just going to make sure I understand the weapon right; the unfolding struts and the fabric between them on this umbrella are attacked to two metal rings which are themselves attacked to the main shaft, rather than the struts being attached to the shaft themselves. The rings (and thus the struts) can be removed and the weapon is revealed as a sword. That right, or is it just a really pointy umbrella?
  9. I'll have all my characters participate. And Jorth will bring the Ebon Flow. On that note, I noticed he's down as competing in round 4. Just thought I should restate what I said in the post with the mech profile, but I don't intend for him to be inspired to create the mech designs until after round 4. He's not requested the Ebon Flow be created in-game yet, so can't be competing in round 4. Sorry if this was unclear
  10. IC: "So if they weren't intending to turn you into a walking lightbulb, it was supposed to do what, exactly?" He reached out with a tentative finger, wondering if he could poke Arkrax, Just turn you into an encyclopaedia?" IC: "You are trying to change the subject." Olari gave Zakaro an arch look. Given how bordeline closed his eyes were he may not have noticed, "You say its easier not to think about it. That makes me think when you do think about it you feel the same as me. How hollow do you feel these days Zakaro? How empty have all those fights left you?" IC: Red lights flashed in the Vixen's extrasensory vision as her visor registered the fireball as a major threat. Well duh, she thought to herself, speeding backwards faster than blinking out the way of the blazing projectile. Before it had even burst into flickering embers on the ground she pointed her arm at Dayeth and begun blasting the biped with a stream of iron filings, a black sandstorm intended to wear down armour, puncture soft components and blind her sight... IC: Very well. The first move would fall to Skrall. Normally he preferred waiting for the other to take the initial step, try to learn what he could from it, which was probably what the creature was trying to do here. But in doing so he had perhaps given a little something of his own character away. The creature was cautious. Wary. In one of his own kind Skrall would have said this was purely good sense, but in another it reeked of cowardice. The creature was perhaps lacking in strength or combat skills? Alternatively, this could be a trap, trying to lure him into making an unwise move... Attempting to make the best of both aggression and caution, Skrall advanced at a steady march towards Wyrm. His shield was held to cover him, his sword held ready at his side, his eyes watching for any trick or deception...
  11. IC: Palma nodded at Vlad and Xara. "The two of you then. Go now, get him clear of Corpus Rahkshi." IC: "Your armour is red. I realise that you have no context for what 'red' is, but..." Grossh shrugged, "I'm trying to reach out here. Normally I just bribe people, this is sort of new ground." IC: The problem with trying to pour fear into a Kahgarak, as Kat was about to find out, was the difference in size. She was making the spider queen afraid of her, yes, but she was still the relative size of a wasp. And people do not run from wasps. They swat them. The Kahgarak swung its head through the tree-line, using the branches and clinging vines as the world's largest comb to brush off the terrible creature on its eye
  12. IC: "Don't know what you're laughing at, smiley." Another disk materialised in Vixen's three-fingered hand, "You're next." "What did you just do?" "Oh relax, she won't be out that long. I'm only making a plea for attention, not going on a rampage." Ignoring Feli's attempt to waken Minami (hey, just meant she could knock her out again!) she flung her second disk in Dayeth's direction IC: Skrall immediately placed the dumbells back where he had found them and stalked over to the nearest sparring ring. Having no real powers of his own he didn't bother asking if the Wyrm preferred a mano-e-mano fight and just assumed this would be a feee for all. While waiting for his opponent to take his place, he took up a defensive position, shield held high IC: "Even if it is a simulation, it feels real enough. You may wake up with all your wounds healed, but you still remember the pain of getting them." Olari shrugged. "Perhaps you're just more used to it than I. You've been doing it longer, you've grown used to it." IC: "So how do you know you are actually a Toa?" Venga asked, tactlessly as usual, "If you have no memory of being digitised, how can you be sure you aren't just a program who'd been made to think he was once a Toa?"
  13. IC: "I had no idea you could do that. Was it painful?" Venga wouldn't have known where to begin trying to turn someone digital. Computers were something he normally just broke if he came across them IC: Best way to get staff attention was to start a fight? Well she could do that. With a twist of her arm, Turbo Vixen summoned a rounded disk of steel about the size of Minami's head. A comparison that was about to become a whole lot more visibly apparent as she sent it hurtling towards Minami's face. She didn't take particularly well to being laughed at
  14. IC: "Look, if Tridax is allowed to do what he wants in this situation, he'll just make everything disappear. The mysterious invasion of the Matoran will be a string of rumours, nothing more. And to resolve everything as quickly as possible he'll just vanish the Matoran, living or dead. So, since you want answers and I want answers we need the one living Matoran we have to be somewhere safe and sound and out of Tridax's reach." She turned her efforts back to the one with the broken neck. "I can't hide him. All Tridax has to do is demand I tell him where to find our survivor and I'll have no choice but to obey. It has to be you, or Vlad, or one of the others who know whats going on exactly, because you've got the choice to lie. Those are the options: hide the Matoran yourself, or have Tridax hide him in a more permanent manner." IC: The Rahkshi toes, large as they were, were not sharp enough to be as damaging as a dagger or knife. The Kahgarak was forced to squint, but kept its sight. The burst of pain caused it to stop suddenly, halting its mad flight from Farsholt. Kat was going to need to hold on very tight indeed to avoid being flung right off the giant spider's spiny head... IC: "A shame you have no input in designing your own appearance," Grossh said to Hoto, "I always felt it more fitting to show to your friends and enemies what you wish them to see rather than how others wish you to be seen. If there is any part of your sonic system you feel could be improved though, do not hesitate to ask." OOC: Bah, had fuller versions of these mostly written up, but autosave didn't kick in after an accidental refresh, so had to type them up again as best I could remember. Bah again...
  15. IC: "As you wish." Skrall was happy to let the lesser beings continue along whatever meaningless tasks they wished since it generally meant they left him alone. "Unless you wish to test yourself against me?" After the round starting had interrupted his duel with Tarsus, and the round ending had left his fight against CinS with no real conclusion, Skrall had a real craving for an actual victory. Or even a fair defeat. Something concrete at the very least IC: "Attack someone you say?" Oh this would be good. See how the sneer on that smug so-and-so's face lasted when a solid steel disk smacked into it. The Vixen's three fingers twitched as they readied to summon the metal... "I wouldn't recommend that." Someone new. Another bipedal alien thing like tseemingly everything else around here, only covered in rocks. Clearly from a different sector than the other two. "The organizers of this place are extremely powerful. The Host, the one running this show; he can teleport as easily as he can breath. His companion, the Queen, possesses Psionics power far beyond even the Dasaka of old. And the Enforcer? Not only can they cancel out any known power... I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I hear that apparently they took an anti-materiel round to the face, a bullet capable of punching through carbon steel armor. They lived. Challenging any of them to single combat would be suicidal. They wouldn't willingly bring anything more powerful than themselves here." Some of those words made sense. Turbo had no idea what a Dasaka was, or Psionics. But bullets and steel? Those she knew. But all that speech told her was not to challenge them to single combat. Just pick them off or wear them down from a distance. "You do not want to anger the gamemakers. They are very strong, and by that I do not mean their physical strength.. they can intrude our minds, use our own powers against us or take them away, for example. But we will be given freedom sooner rather than later, so don't worry. I've fought in a tournament before, and I'm still alive." "I don't want freedom later. I don't want freedom sooner. I want freedom now. How is that so hard to understand?" She revved angrily, "Look, I clearly don't belong in this crazy world, so just show me to this Host and I can talk it over with him. Or just beat him up a bit until he agrees. Whichever solves the problem fastest." IC: Venga looked inquisitively at Arkrax, a being of such that he had never seen before. "So, and don't take this the wrong way, but what are you?" IC: The subject had been skirting around sanity for too long for Olari to ignore the questions bubbling around in her head. "After being in so many battles, have you not started to feel...thin?" She looked at her arm. The arm she absolutely should not have because it had been blown off last round. She'd felt every burning second of it being blown off. The arm she had right now was a ghost, no matter how solid it felt. "Thin or unsubstantial. Like bits of you are flaking off?"
  16. OOC: I'd prefer if you only RPed with characters who are actually at Corpus Rahkshi. Its what the game's named for, after all IC: "As would I, but I would also like to get this dealt with before Tridax returns. I am not sure how he would handle this matter, but he may decide to simply vanish the Matoran and sweep the matter under the rug." Palma stopped her efforts a moment to look at Xara. "The one with the damaged legs may be fit enough to move. It might be worth trying to get him to a safer location. I'll have no choice but to give him up if Tridax asks me to." IC: "I hadn't heard of Rahkshi armour being modified from the get go like that." Grossh thought for a moment, "Though in retrospect I hadn't really heard of Rahkshi armour being modified at all until our new neighbours set up shop." He looked over at Hoto. "Yours, I think, are equally extensive. Were those instruments you wear to compensate for your sight of your own design?" OOC: I think he was told what Hoto's clickers were for, not entirely sure though... IC: The Kahgarak's chitinous hide was no defence against Kat's fear powers, as they flowed through the great queen's synapses. Immediately, every threat was enhanced a thousand fold. Every Rahkshi was a screeching demon from the Zone of Darkness, every shadow concealed a lurking threat, every gust of wind an enemy flashing by out of view. The great beast start flailing wildly around, hooked pincers decapitating trees like scythes, jagged feet crushing and hacking at anything they stamped on. Ot only got worse when Exxan's dagger struck the spider in the eye, blinding it, hurting it. It started stomping back through the jungle below, fear and pain driving it to seek the safety of its lair in the mountains. The Visorak beneath scattered, fleeing in all directions to avoid being stepped on. Some tried following their queen, but they couldn't quite keep up, a black tail trailing behind a golden comet
  17. Given that a Rode is apparently capable of seeing those with a Huna I'm thinking it could see through the Clockodile's active camo. The Baterra Nui's illusions might be a different matter since they're not just illusions, they're hardlight, making them solid objects. Rode is no Akaku, I do mention it can't see through solid objects. I suppose the difference would be that the Clockodile is pulling a Liu Bolin and painting itself to match its surroundings, while the BN is painting a paper sheet to match its surroundings and then holding that up in front of it. So I think the RODAR would see through both manner of camouflage, but for the Clockodile that would reveal the mech and for the BN that would just reveal a big hardlight screen that still covers the mech itself
  18. Jumping on the mech bandwagon. Since its backstory involves it being dreamt up only after the coming big mech fight, it won't be participating in that particular, even if it does get approved before Friday Mech Name: The Ebon Flow Pilot Name: Jorth Power/Weapon 1: Ferrofluid construction. The Ebon Flow has a skeleton consisting of a series of hydraulically-powered cables around a central armoured hub. This skeleton is fleshed out by a kind of ferrofluid; particulates of iron-like metal held in a thick and viscous gel, bound to the cables by magnetic force. This gives the Ebon Flow a certain capacity to shapeshift. The limbs can twist and merge, combining into a single tentacle of greater strength. By increasing the power of the magnetism holding the ferrofluid in place it can be induced into creating geometric designs of great spikiness, the increased force holding it in place giving it the solidity of granite. This also makes the mech tricky to hurt with bladed or crushing weaponry, as instead of being resisted by a solid metal plate their impact is spread out, rippling out through the gel until the kinetic force has been entirely neutralised. Small or shallow cuts will self-repair, the gel just flowing back into place, though its own viscosity prevents it from easily slipping back into larger injuries. Power/Weapon 2: RODAR system. The ROde Detection And Ranging equipment is a set up meant to aid the Ebon Flow’s other visual and targeting hardware by channeling a Rode’s power of truth to see through stealth systems and other deceptions that enemy mechs might have set up. It has no trouble seeing through illusory veils or active camouflage but, slightly ironically, is useless if the enemy is simply crouched behind a large rock. Power/Weapon 3: By crossing the numerous magnetic fields produced by its inner cables the Ebon Flow can generate a crude electric charge. Amplified by the properties of the ferrofluid this allows it to actually create and launch beams of lightning from its tentacles, or shock with high voltage electricity on contact Appearance: Without the ferrofluid armouring the Ebon Flow is a central cockpit comprised of a series of square and hexagonal metal plates arranged in a shape known by the mouthful of syllables that is “truncated octahedron”. The RODAR system built into the machine relays what the outside looks like to display screens on the interior, replicated a view of the world as though there were no mech in the way, complete with any hidden enemies being revealed. Each of the 24 corners on the cockpit holds one of the long hydraulic cables that form the rest of the Ebon Flow’s skeletal structure. Tracks run along the edges between corners, letting them move around if they need to merge together. The more of the cables working together as a single limb, the stronger that limb is. With its particular armouring covering it, the Ebon Flow appears as a formless mass of black, the shadow of an octopus, the ferrofluid gel masking all detail. Other: After seeing a few other mech designs, Jorth came up with this as a machine styled after his squid-coat. But bigger
  19. IC: "And I have no idea what you are." Skrall grabbed a pair of dumbbells, wanting to exercise his arms a little, keep their strength up. Next time he met that robot he wanted to be able to punch right through him, teach him not to so callously destroy a Skrall's shield. "So I think that makes us even." IC: "I...see..." Turbo went quiet, and very still. The sudden lack of body language made her consistent lack of a true face all the more off-putting, reducing her to a more mechanical level. "Then would someone kindly point me towards these gamemakers," she said, her voice a glacier. Slow and icy. "For I wish to kick their cogs in." IC: "We could make the nurses portable. Nurse-in-a-purse. Take them onto the battlefield with us." It was a poor joke, but she'd never been very good at them, and had been out of practice for years. "Myself, I wouldn't fault your personal logic," she continued, joining in where she could with Zakaro's ramblings, "You have a decent grasp of what you're capable of, what ideals you stand for, what flaws you might have. Probably makes you one of the sanest people in this whole crazy contest."
  20. IC: Palma gestured vaguely at the curtains where the deceased Matoran had been hidden away. "That one I'm going to have to bury, secretly if preferable. I'd prefer the other students thought these intruders just escaped. Let their imaginations create all the urban legends they want." She sighed and laid her hands over the head of the one with the broken neck. "And I think I may have to do the same with this one. I've fixed up the legs of the others...best I can anyway. He's not going to get much use out of them from now on. But this injury is...severe...delicate. I'm beginning to think a mercy killing may be the better option." IC: Inspecting the assorted injured and wounded gathered at the Crawler, most unconscious, all exhausted, Suvak's options were limited. "It looks like its up to you and Fang then," he said to Sidonas, "I'd have Fang as the one to level the tunnel, personally, with you leading as many Visorak in there as you can. Play to your strengths." * * * * * * * * * Exxan's knife struck the gathering whorls of the Rhotuka, shattering them into thousands upon thousands of tiny whorls of blackness, miniature voids where the world was missing. The Kahgarak hollered as it tried shaking them out of its eyes, stamping its feet like a child throwing a tantrum. One of its great clawed toes came crashing down on Stronghold, driving him into the boggy ground like a mallet. It was easily open for Kat's punch, but the effect wasn't quite what she was hoping for. The spider was the size of a building, its hide was thicker than anything Kat had encountered before. The impact juddered up her arm, pain flaring like fireworks along every nerve. She'd broken a few fingers, that was for sure... On the plus side, there were no Rhotuka coming her way anymore. Alpha's plan had one slight flaw, the Oohnorak weren't foolish enough to earn their Queen's ire by firing on her. But that did reveal a potential oasis of safety the fighting students could use. Shame it involved being so close to the behemoth trying to eat them...
  21. Actually it wouldn't be completely out of character for her. Gorast did use Vultraz to do a lot of her dirty work in the main story, though I think in the RPG's time setting that hasn't happened yet
  22. Better, approved A.) I have no qualms with the bio, Hunter being specifically designed to hunt down rogues. So don't be so melodramatic. B.) Its all the extra powers I've got a problem. I've laid out the problems I have with them clearly and a number of times now. C.) If you're going to define your character entirely by the powers they have then you haven't got the best character there Actually this post if your first mention of approving the bio which is why I said you had made no mention of it previously (as in befroe this post). I have been reading your posts and just double checked all of them. If I missed something would you please quote it for me? Not bringing the bio up means I didn't have any problems with it, because I didn't see anything that needed changing. That is the point I was making there, Kapura. I only ever talked about wanting the powers dropped, so where you got the idea about wanted the backstory gone as well I don't know While its not been mentioned IC, the Trinity Brothers (Toxin, Bullseye, Stronghold) have been mentioned to have come from the Tren Krom Peninsula; Gorast's territory. Arcticfreeze has recognised their 'parentage' OOC, saying that Gorast is indeed their creator
  23. IC: "I am unsure as to what manner of creature you are though," Skrall said, completely missing Wyrm's sarcasm. The creature was coloured shades of mottled green that occasionally bordered on black though, almost as if he were wearing Skrall colours... "Are you from a Bota Magna outpost?" IC: Turbo revved her tires, their squealing on the facility's floor expressing her annoyance far more than words ever could. "No, but, see, I don't belong here. There must have been a clerical error or something. So I'd like to go home now." IC: "How would a doc in the box even work?" Olari asked, levering Zakaro onto his bed, "They going to pop out on a spring whenever someone says ouch?" She enjoyed these moments of peace. Back in Ihu, it always fed her fighting spirit to remind her what she was fighting for, to share in the Matoran's laughter, help with even their smaller problems. Here...here she was fighting for nothing. So she would take what peace she could IC: "Icarax cares little for my grumblings about jobs as long as I get them done," Venga shrugged, "Sort of like here really. I think most of the competitors resent being brought here but as long as we keep fighting the Host and Queen couldn't care less."
  24. You were actually reading my posts, yes? Where I specifically said it was the powers I wasn't going to allow and had no criticisms for the bio and backstory? I would have thought that was some clue that I had no problem with the bio. And, once again, I'm not going to improve him with his higher power level. You want hunger powers then you start with kraata level 2 hunger powers and I'm not going to allow a fancy magic hand that lets him cheat around that. Trying to use Squid as an example of "extra powers" that got allowed is a flawed argument. He's got the little flagella yes, but I was very sure to make sure they weren't prehensile. They're for looks and nothing else, no use as octopus-like arms. They don't give him any extra abilities, which Hunters hand most definitely does
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