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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend


  2. My goodness! One whole week without some weird comment-war going on on your page? What's the world coming to!?

  3. the pink guy on the top left says so. If not, I made a tasteless joke ^^

  4. *Is as interested in the answert to Raias question as she is*

  5. I was just gonna say ^^ What's up?

  6. I just bought Prince of Persia.

    I blame you! ^^

  7. Dang ^^ I was just thinking of how this could be done in Minifig scale a couple of days ago.

  8. I shall not be dragged into this argument :P Each abs to his own.

  9. Fingers? I know when someone pressed copay and paste too often. I know it because humans are a lazy species by nature.

  10. Isn't it your holiday today?

  11. Thanks ^^

    I haven't started on the new chapter yet.

  12. Schrödinger XD Awesome sig/avvie, man!

  13. Unless someone is willing to give me money. Of course the effort I put into a pic will be worth the money.

  14. ^^ After all I haven't posted new art in quite a while...

  15. Hey Reidak, long time no see. ^^

    And there is anothe reason why I believe Munki is a gal.

  16. "he didn't teach you that!"

    "Nope. figured it out myself-Skadoosh."

  17. Were you more the dark or light chocolate type`?

  18. I am prety sure you are ^^

  19. Oh, he doesn't actually, It was just something he tested one time after Mr. Fox showed him.

  20. Hope you're doing better again. C U

  21. Markus from Indiana jones..."Anyone who speak ancient greek around here?"

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