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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Nope, same in every style ^^

  2. *remembers there's no RayG 2.0 sheet of me yet* Dark-blue body, feet and hands, Blue arms, Nuva armour (including Pohatus feet) but golden Lhikans Hau.

  3. RayG will be enough, but only if it's not making things too busy ^^

  4. Good to hear, sounds like fun ^^

  5. Nothing much. Fighting boredom ^^

  6. Thanks ^^

    I haven't started on the new chapter yet.

  7. The huns invade your profile! Ruuuun!

  8. Maybe that'll lift my mood :P

    Nothing like trying to phail-dance.

  9. you could feed the manbearpig with cowsharks...or vice versa.

  10. Nono, I mean Killzone 2 ^^

  11. Ah, I only know those baddie from the back of my KZ2 box ^^

  12. Actually they can't because of an anatomical problem ^^

  13. Munki goes masked revolutionary?

  14. Ah, but what species then?

  15. Ssss,Aaaa,Ffff,Eeee,Tttt,Yyyy...

  16. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire...

  17. as long as I don't have to host the little bugger ^^

  18. Well if the first think guests see here is pictures of me as a baby and goofy little kid, then yes...

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