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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. That only means someone took the time to read through all that :P Thanks for taking the time.

  2. Hows the coolest cyberpunk lady I know (Aka You) doing?

  3. Danke! ^^ Glad you like it.

  4. *Moonwalks in* Sup`? *Moonwalks out*

  5. Ahh, that's good to hear ^^ Make sure you stay in one piece, espescially don't loose your head, that's really bad for hand-eye coordination in drawing ;)

  6. Heya, what's up? I felt like checking up on here.

  7. I sense a lack of comments on my profile *shameless advertising*

  8. Reminds me of "Cm'ere, I'm gonna eat ya! I'm bigger then you, I'm higher in the foodchain, get in ma belly!"

  9. Tanning+Brit= lobster. At least, thats what my 5th class english teacher told us ^^

  10. Wonder what it would be like to actually post memos on my profile...like...reminders to buy groceriesand stuff...

  11. Hey Xenronn, don't blame me, even if I am a ghost.

    On another note: I guess your account was hacked then...

  12. Wowy, how boring must I be right now...I start leaving comments on my own profile. Give the man a hand folks!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Aurora the cat

      Aurora the cat

      Slow clap processors initiated.


      *Clap clap clap clap*

    3. NorikSigma


      Status has been unchanged for 5 years.


      Here's TWO hands.

    4. Vezok's Friend

      Vezok's Friend

      Holy cow I only just noticed people commented on this. Thanks for the hands, I guess? XD

  13. Hmm...I want a warp-drive lawnmower.

  14. Now what goggleman might that be? ^^

  15. How was your weekend visit? :)

  16. About a Week now, I think ^^

  17. I sense the presence of Jollyjack...

  18. looking forward to 11111 :P

  19. I shall not be dragged into this argument :P Each abs to his own.

  20. I could make a mean joke on the cost of both your abs now..but I'll resist, I'm civilized after all.

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