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Everything posted by Erebus

  1. Finally got that Dukemon you always wanted, huh? Which one is a bit of a disappointment?
  2. Anyone up for some co-op one of these days? I think the limit is 6, so a small group of us can tear through the dungeons and get loot and stuff. Would be fun. Or is everyone playing Borderlands 2? (Takuma, hurry up and get TL 2)
  3. I have updated the first post to reflect the new information I received on Velika's motive for killing Tren Krom and Karzahni:
  4. Erebus


    Finally beat the end boss in FTL - Faster Than Light ( )... on Easy ( ). I'm not even sure I want to try Normal now. I strongly recommend checking this game out on Steam.
  5. I think I'm obligated to say a strong yes for each.
  6. Greg Farshtey offered me information on the Red Star, and of course I said yes. There's a lot more to the Red Star than its previously revealed function, which was to provide a boost for Mata Nui whenever he leaves a planet. Some of you have already guessed it, but still surprising nevertheless. Be sure to check out the topic I posted up here to get your hands on the new information.
  7. Updated 10/17 (see below)The Red Star does not only help Mata Nui with his liftoff.Some of you have already guessed it. Others will be shocked by it. Find out the true nature of the Red Star and why Mavrah is still alive by clicking the spoiler tag: -------------UPDATE [10/4]: Why are some beings alive, like Mavrah, and others are not? -------------UPDATE [10/7]: What is the nature of the lightning that struck 6 Matoran? -------------UPDATE [10/10]: -------------UPDATE [10/17]: [ bones: Spoiler tags no longer needed.]
  8. Erebus


    That's not how you count sheep!
  9. Erebus

    Wii U Preordered

    You mentioned a number of games you would like to buy eventually. Which ones have you chosen for Day 1, if any?
  10. Erebus

    Wii U

    I'm excited about Monster Hunter too! What games do you plan to buy, Kohaku?
  11. BS01 and BZP staff. Always wanted to know the kind of members I work with.
  12. Among my villain sets, I would have to choose the Vezon and Fenrakk set. Vezon for its double-sided face/mask and Fenrakk for its ferocious looks.
  13. Without a doubt, the VNOLG Ignika or 2007/08 Ignika.
  14. I would take my Toa Ignika set because of how cool it is. I really like the mask design. Sheer love indeed.
  15. Last set I bought was Toa Ignika from Walmart. Had to choose between him or Toa Lesovikk.
  16. You're so very welcome! As someone who has absolutely no relation to your wife, I'm always glad to help out! .
  17. Today we celebrate Harlem Globetrotter's Blossom's 24th birthday! Wish her on her special day!
  18. Oh my! There is a rather large piece of BIONICLE information in the next BS01 Podcast. Info that many fans have been dying to hear about for a long time. I'm sure you can find a hint about it somewhere out there. Also ignore Dorek and Swert below.
  19. CUUSOO is already reviewing a LEGO Zelda project right now, so it could work.Doesn't Bandai own the license, though?
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