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Blog Comments posted by Torhuki

  1. @ Crazed half-sphere fans

    I already have some dark grey ones from the AT-TE but I want some light bley to be able to use them in a fully light bley environment.

    If you're talking about the CW one, those are light bley. O_o


    And I have a bunch of those already, but they're all on sets...



  2. Hmm, I don't know.


    BTW, what's the difference between an apprentece and a padawan?

    Apprentice is Sith, Padawan is Jedi. Right?

    No, Padawan is every young Jedi in training. An apprentice is specific to those who have masters. So an apprentice is also a Padawan, but a Padawan isn't an apprentice.



  3. Er, insanely high Midiclorian count? :P


    Beat's me, her very existence defies all probability. How come the Jedi council let's Anakin have a padawan and they won't even let him become a Jedi master?

    Her existence defies Star Wars. If she was this powerful, why aren't any Masters starting to think she might be the Chosen One, and not Anakin? Sure, he might be pretty powerful now, but that's because he's like, 10 years older than her. :P



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