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Blog Comments posted by Torhuki

  1. Do I sense a TNG cameo here? If so then maybe I might go and see this. No Picard = no dice.

    Let me lay it out for you.


    TOS>TNG>DS9>Voyager>Star Wars>Plan 9 From Outer Space>Barney>Enterprise. Now go watch that movie.

    I wasn't aware Enterprise was so bad.

    I actually liked Enterprise.

    Me too... I just saw some of the marathon today. But I never really saw any of the older ones besides The Next Generation, so maybe I'm clueless as to why some more devoted fans hate it. I really dunno.

  2. Do I sense a TNG cameo here? If so then maybe I might go and see this. No Picard = no dice.

    Let me lay it out for you.


    TOS>TNG>DS9>Voyager>Star Wars>Plan 9 From Outer Space>Barney>Enterprise. Now go watch that movie.

    I wasn't aware Enterprise was so bad.

  3. Right now I'm thinking either Ave Maria University in Florida or Benedictine College in Kansas, and then an in-state college as my last resort. Both have good financial aid, strong faith-based communities, and majors in which I am vaguely interested. One of my friends is going to Benedictine, too.

    First off, congrats!


    Secondly, my dad went to Ave Maria up here in Michigan for his law degree. I think I remember him telling me they were thinking about moving to Florida... I guess they did.



  4. How odd. Jedi Outcast sounds like a fun game...


    And what song did you beat the high score on?


    But I'm positive we can't mention that site...

    1. Let's just say it's the closest to TFU that I'm ever gonna get. :P


    2. A few different songs that I can't recall from memory. Mostly country I'm sure.


    3. I wasn't sure either way, but it's not filtered so I figured that it must be alright. If somebody comes along and tells me it isn't, it's easy enough to remove.


    takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

    TFU rocks. I highly suggest it. =P




    If Shine sees this entry, I know what he'll say. I remember Dr. Keerahk (?) had it in his blog, and Shine came along and edited it out.

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