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Macku: Toa of Bubbles

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Macku: Toa of Bubbles

  1. Are you named after the mythological creature or something else?

  2. Welcome! Please read the Comedies Forum Standards before you post to Comedies. It's pinned at the top of the Comedies forum. So far, all of your posts there have been spam.

  3. I haven't read your story so I can't suggest anything specific. But in general, when I get bored with a story (aka "writers block"), it happens because I either don't have a clear plan of where I'm going with the story and am, therefore, not excited about writing it, or I'm so clear on where I'm going, I feel as if it's already written so why bother. You need to stir up some excitement. If you know where you're going already, try surprising yourself. Throw in something unexpected. Blow something up, introduce a new character, give your character a sudden craving for chocolate chip cookies, anything unexpected, and see how he reacts. But be careful. It's not unusual to throw in a new character to liven things up and have him dominate the story. I've heard of that happening a lot.
  4. Probably because I'm Turakii's mother. . . XD

  5. Two years ago, I got a PM from B6 asking if I'd like to be part of a new staff group they were forming. I said yes.

  6. Yep. I used to be an OBZPC and have a cool Copper Huna like you do, but I've joined the ranks of the maskless.

  7. Quite well, thank you. =) And you?

  8. It's my devotion to the book series that keeps me from watching the movie adaptations.
  9. Should I mention that my 18 year-old daughter won't swallow an aspirin? She'd rather suffer the pain.
  10. I like reading them. It helps that you have that nice big link in your sig to remind me when you're updated.
  11. Ah, some of my favorite books as well. Have a great birthday. =)

  12. Got around to reading the first three books. For the most part I liked them. Haven't seen the movies yet.
  13. Having a baby does that, kind of takes up all your time. =) She's almost two now, but with Bionicle ended, I haven't been as inspired to do things.

  14. My girls watch it. I sort of know what's going on.

  15. Here a Dalek, there a Dalek, everywhere a Dalek-dalek. =p

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