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Premier Forum Assistants
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Status Replies posted by Sumiki

  1. When Vorex's blog entries are not about him doing something referencing me IRL, they're usually about trying to convince you to join.



  4. June 2nd. Portland, Oregon. Bricks Cascade. I'll be there.

  5. you need to get active again

  6. Have you always been a oustanding member? I knew you were premier but I just noticed you were an oustanding member...

  7. It's highly rude of TPH and Mushy to continuously spam your page with foodstuffs even after you asked them not to. I suggest getting someone to decrease their proto.

  8. It's highly rude of TPH and Mushy to continuously spam your page with foodstuffs even after you asked them not to. I suggest getting someone to decrease their proto.

  9. "When in doubt, C-4."

  10. Since you've been a forum mentor for a while now, why do you still say you're a noob? (BTW, bananas)

  11. Yeah, I agree with you. It looks scary, IMO, if so much people are posting food-based comments. Still can't get the purpose of that...

  12. STALKER of ...................................PIZZA!!! DUN DUN DUN!

  13. My profile has apparently been taken over by people proclaiming the names of various foodstuffs. I'm not entirely sure what to make of this.

  14. My profile has apparently been taken over by people proclaiming the names of various foodstuffs. I'm not entirely sure what to make of this.

  15. DONUTS.

  16. An I get an awesome point!?!?!

  17. Even -more- interesting words: oligopsony, crwth, fumosities, lèse-majesté, pied-à-terre, soigné

  18. suddenly everything seems better

  19. This is probably not important to you: I GOT 1,000 POST!!!!! Useless message over.

  20. [strong controversial opinions]

  21. If I on July I can change my name I'll make it "Sumiki is Awesome" just for you.

  22. If I on July I can change my name I'll make it "Sumiki is Awesome" just for you.

  23. Now a rainbow's tale isn't quite as nice// As the story we knew of sugar and spice//But a rainbow's easy once you get to know it// With the help of the magic of a pegasus device//

  24. armadillo 17

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