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Status Updates posted by Sumiki

  1. *aggressively wears multiple hats*

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Sumiki


      I love how this was derailed by people who weren't at BrickFair. :|

    3. Toa of Dancing

      Toa of Dancing

      *wasn't at Brickfair*


      *wasn't trying to derail*

    4. fishers64


      *happily derails conversation*

  2. *bird*







  3. *english teacher* but what does the curly bracket MEAN in CULTURE

  4. *hugs*


    Don't blame me, Smeag told me to.

  5. *ip sip sip* Delicious!

  6. *looks*


    Hmph, nothing looks obviously wrong. Av/banner size over 100KB, maybe?

  7. *maniacal cackling*

  8. *poke poke poke poke*

  9. *rummages for two hours in a part bin*

  10. *sees staff promotion separately from the rest of them*


    *promptly falls off of chair*

  11. *smashes leg with rock*


    uh ... whoops

  12. *thinks Dokuma's proposal is awesome*

  13. *yay*

    1. Xinlo


      yay! where're YOUR pony pics?

    2. Sumiki


      I changed my avatar/personal pic slightly, but I can't actually see it. I'm assuming others can though. :P

    3. Xinlo


      I see an upside down pinkie.


  14. >.> You lost your PMship?!

  15. >implying that I'm still a noob

  16. >okay lol

  17. #arsospaceport

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