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Premier Forum Assistants
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Everything posted by Sumiki

  1. Sumiki


    I'm sorry. Here's a comment. Have fun. -=< >=-
  2. Sumiki


    I guess you can still blog since you're a Bloggie. -=< >=-
  3. Sumiki

    Come back soon man.

  4. Welcome to BZPower!

    You will be in the New Members group until you get 10 approved posts. After that, if you have any questions, PM me or post in the New Member Q&A forum. Have fun here!

  5. Sumiki

    Not Again.......

    Container is fail. About as fail as Tropicana Field. -=< >=-
  6. Sumiki


    I ended up using Air Katana in the meantime. Where did that Quake Breaker go... -=< >=-
  7. Sumiki


    New MOC coming soon. I need to find my missing quake breaker. The MOC is a super-custom movie/set-revamp Toa Nuva. And all of the sorting of my spare parts I did is for naught. It's just too easy to spill out the contents of a storage bin and not get around to putting it back up. -=< >=-
  8. Now there's something to keep me up at night. -=< >=-
  9. Sumiki

    Good Results

    ...could someone fill me in? I think it's great that you told her, but I'm still in the dark about what it actually is... -=< >=-
  10. Sumiki


    This is chain quoting, against the rules. -=< >=-
  11. Your C drive needs Driver's Ed. -=< >=-
  12. As Always, Adventurer has An Awesome rank image.

  13. What's wrong with wishing you a happy birthday?

  14. Sumiki


    That's because it's 3:00 on the East Coast, when BZP gets maintenance work done. -=< >=-
  15. I'll work on it. -=< >=-
  16. I think it's a Cyberman from Doctor Who.

  17. Sumiki


    I like PB&J bagels. -=< >=-
  18. I know this is late but a word of warning: Don't abuse your newfound blogging powers. It's addictive, trust me. -=< >=- Yeah...I think you may be already too late. Oh well. Let the insanity begin. -Nukaya
  19. Sumiki

    Billy Mays

    Do I need to credit you to use it? -=< >=-
  20. Sumiki


    They did a 2-hour "Demolition derby special" Myths included Hollywood-style escapes, through fruit stands, gates, trailers, and turning a sedan into a convertible by driving under a 18-wheeler. They dropped a car from a helicopter to test out the reality of a car commercial, and also revisited the 2006 myth "Compact Compact". In addition, they slammed a car into oblivion by slamming it with a steel plate going faster than the speed of sound, and to finish up talked about "Explosive Welding". In that small section, Adam got into the three-foot deep hole and made a comment about how the hole was similar to the hole Jamie made when he crashed to earth. -=< >=-

  22. Sumiki


    Well, Zesk has tan. Need I say more? -=< >=
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