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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. That's cheating... you're just naming off all the left hand / right hand Matoran of Mata-Nui...


    ... you got 4 out of the 5 right... although 4 right out of 9 guesses isn't a great percentage...



    I was actually naming Matoran that have had prominent roles in all of your epics. Well, Jaller and Hahli are dead certs, right?



    I poked fun at that mistake as the main plot of my entry.

  2. Typos make debates difficult...

    Regardless, I think it's a disservice to them not to mention them to you after being dismissed as having "problems." I still disagree with your statement and am insulted by your original criticism.

    And you still claimed that coffee-drinkers have problems, which is an insult to most people I know.


    And I never "blew off at people."

  3. Learn some thinking skills,


    Ok, heres how it is, people start drugs because they,


    1. Want to fit in (No body needs to "fit in")

    2. They think its a comfort for the things in theyre life

    3. They have problems


    Tell me, does your family not qualify for these?

    This one may be due to a typo or something. I may have interpreted it wrong.

    If you really cared about other people should act about your family, you shouldn't bring it up.
  4. I was trying to be nice and keep you anonymous...


    Anyways, you posted in your blog that any drug-users (including coffee drinkers) have "problems." I hear my loved ones criticized for this every day and so I replied in your blog that drug-users don't always and can be good people. I'm defending the memories of the people I love from this sort of criticism.


    I thought it didn't go through, so I posted it again later. After that one disappeared, again with no explanation, I got irritated and kept trying to at least get an answer for why my perfectly valid comment was gone.


    Then you PMed me and I replied that you insulted my relatives. You said you didn't understand how. After I told you that you had claimed they had problems, you randomly shifted to lecturing me about the amount of chemicals in cigarette smoke.


    We got into an argument about what constitutes an insult. You insisted that, as I had called you closeminded earlier, I had insulted you and that, because a few of my family members had used drugs, what you said wasn't an insult.


    At some point you gave a list of things you thought made the drug-use morally wrong and this time asked if it applied to my entire family! Then you started claiming that because I brought it up and defended them, I didn't truly care about them.


    That is something I find insulting. The idea that you would claim I don't love my family disgusts me. Why would I not be angry?

  5. That's terrible. People under seven feet should be in a booster seat. How could they endanger 12-year olds like that?

    I don't know. It's like saying trees under twenty feet tall should be in plant pots.

    Did you think I was being serious?

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