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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. 2001-2002: Awesome. Clearly.


    2003: Though I enjoyed much of it (Toa Nuva having their powers stolen, Rahkshi, seventh Toa), the no-violence policy really strained the excitement. Remember in MoL when Tahu attacked Lerahk with his deadly... Orange glow...?


    2004: A fairly good year. I liked the mysteries throughout it and the stuff that was explained from earlier years.


    2005. The only year in which I lost interest. Looking back, many of the books were pretty good, but Vakama turning evil was stupid and far too similar to Revenge of the Sith, which was from the same year, of course. The sets were mostly boring and the Visorak, though less cloned than the Bohrok, had a boring monotonous quality.


    2006: Sort of medium... The first half was great, what with the creative concepts introduced. It was like an evil version of 2001 with the Piraka washing up in canisters and posing as Toa to "save" the island. I also liked their Tiki-heads.

    The second half just fell flat. There were no cool adventures once the Inika showed up and it was just one, long, drawn-out running battle. The Matoran, who were so prominent in the first half, were pretty much tossed aside.


    2007: I actually really liked this one. The story was pretty interesting and Makuta played a good part in it. Downfall was a good book that I actually enjoyed more than the ever-popular Time Trap.

    The biggest problem I see was the choppiness. Two books were cut from the schedule and this made it feel awkward at times...


    2008 looks good so far and 2009 sounds awesome based on this topic.

  2. Might I beg you to upload an instrumental version of the song as well as the lyricized version when you do so on Bionicle.com? It's rather a good song, but so many of my favorite instrumental parts are obscured by the singing that I'd love to have one with words and one without...


  3. Multiple relatives I have have smoked and done drugs and I assure you that a lot of subtlety must be used.


    Don't act as though you look down on him for it- You need to make clear that you think nothing less of him for it but that you deeply disapprove of it. Don't just bash him over the head with a list of ingredients and health risks, either, because that doesn't help. It adds to the whole "looking-down-on-him" thing.


    Remember not to act as though you're more knowledgeable on the subject than he is because you're probably not. Everybody knows the health dangers of smoking and the problem is almost definitely that he's ignoring them. He's heard them before and restating them will just be more white noise.


    Just let him know that you don't want him to do it and that you're worried for his safety. Remember that looking out for him as a friend is a much more powerful form of leverage than looking out for him as an enemy.

  4. There wasn't much blood or gore in the movie... There were some small wounds and the scene with the bite, but it really wasn't as excessive as most horror movies these days. (I don't even consider most new movies to be horror movies, though, because they don't have the proper suspense.)


    This movie, however, I really liked because it was actually very well-done. I'm not a fan of gore, either, because I find it very distasteful, but I thought Cloverfield was great. It had a proper sense of impending doom and helplessness that made the horror actually horrifying.

  5. My scanner doesn't work right now, but somebody typed it out in another topic:

    Yeah, the contest is real. And I would provide a scan of it, but it involves forcely removing the page from magazine, so I won't for I don't want to damage it. I will through share what it say on it. Below is exactly what it say in magazine.


    Bionicle Makuta Building Challenge


    The Evil Brotherhood of Makuta is waging their final battle against the Toa Nuva for control of the universe. Knowing they will need all their power, they are calling on all their members to come to Karda Nui for the fight-including one created by BIONICLE fans!


    Build a Brotherhood of Makuta member using pieces from your LEGO collection and you could be one of the five winners!


    -Grand Prize: Your character featured in 2008 BIONICLE story, plus a LEGO set or sets of your choice worth up to $100.

    -Four First Prizes: A LEGO or sets of your choice worth up to $100!

    -How to Enter:

    1) Build a Brotherhood of Makuta member, using pieces from your LEGO collection.

    2) Take a color photograph of your model. Only color photos and glossy photo quality print-outs will be accepted-no Polaroids, please!

    3) Write a short essay-no more than 400 words-telling us about your character. What is his personality? Any special powers? What is his role in the Brotherhood?

    4) Send your photo and essay, along with your name, age, mailing address and daytime telephone number to:



    P.O. Box 1625

    Enfield, CT 06083-1625


    All entries must be received by March 1st, 2008. Open to LEGO BrickMasters only!


    That's basically it. I try to get a scan later, if I can get to use my brother's scanner.




  6. How are you liking the scripts so far? Have you settled the debate on a deforested Mata Nui? (I'd really like to see it...)


    Will he be Miserix? (That's what I'm hoping...)

    Really good job on the Mutran Chronicles, too. This is looking to be one of my favorite serials yet. The part where they flipped the Rahi was hilarious... I'm glad to see you injecting a bit of humor into the story. Some of my favorite memories of 2001 are the funny personalities the Matoran had.

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