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Everything posted by Calliou

  1. Yeah, the PSAT is a real pain, but it is a good indicator for what you can score later. Are you sure that you're looking in the right area? The PSAT is scored out of 240, with each section worth 80, so it would be hard to get a 610.
  2. Zar has had some real life stuff that he was working through, last I heard, and there really wasn't much on here to draw him back. He is on Xbox Live every now and then and I've played with him a bit. Alex...Who knows?
  3. Yesssss, Washington's sport programs may suck overall, but they have their moments.
  4. Who dat? It ain't dem Saints this time around.
  5. Callate, little Sun. It is definitely better that you learn Spanish, though, because it is a fun language. And, you can still learn it when you're older, it's just a bit harder to do. When you're younger, you are definitely more receptive, but if you're willing and committed, you can definitely still do it.
  6. Oh, my. Who in their right mind would give you a blog, I do ask?
  7. Avada Kedav-- *is tackled*
  8. If you're a fantasy guy, I'd definitely recommend the Wheel of Time series. It's a lot of reading, but after you've gone through a Robert Jordan novel, you see just what a master with words he is.
  9. Out of XBL, you guys almost never show up. =P

  10. Why, is this one of those people from XBL? I am shocked to find you out of your native habitat. =P

  11. Calliou


    "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons [or all flame-related beings], because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."
  12. *shrug* You already gave it to me, the rest is just formality. The rest of us know that.
  13. Kini has so generously agreed to give me his part of the Keep, and all I have to do is throw him down from the top of the building. Simple enough.
  14. Calliou

    Hey There.

    I must honestly agree with you about those AP Classes. I'm in my Junior year now and taking two, and they are going to kill me when I take six of them next year. It certainly will be an interesting year, I do say. I also concur with your sentiment regarding Robert Jordan. It truly is a shame that he died and had to have Sanderson finish his work, because he was such a fantastic author that I've found myself rereading his works, trying to find wordplay and scripting to learn from and put in my own writing. Also, scholarships are a pain. Since I'm a Junior, the only major scholarships I can apply to are the national ones, so I don't ever really have any chance at winning many of them. But, I wish you the best of luck in your efforts. You're using a search engine, I presume? There are a few out there on the web.
  15. Calliou

    Black Friday

    Once you get Halo: Reach, send me a message and we should play sometime.
  16. Calliou


    Yup, yup. My area got about seven inches, but the rain tomorrow should wash it all away. On the plus side, I haven't seen the outdoor thermometer go to 15 degrees before. Also, I got out of school at 11:15.
  17. Seven inches of snow. Washington beats EW again.
  18. Hey AA, it's been a while. I didn't even notice that you came back until now, so sorry about the late response, but it's cool that you're back.
  19. Be sure to keep that spellcheck handy for certain blog entry titles, eh?
  20. Or, possibly, a syringe filled with a certain black substance?
  21. I simply don't know this person whom you are talking about. The name isn't familiar to me.

  22. I don't know what you're talking about. Who is this person?

  23. I must say that this would be an excellent addition to a wonderful sport.
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