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Blog Comments posted by Kakaru

  1. I was seriously hoping this was an awesome 'pan' pun


    Please tell me I'm right



    (edit: wow I didn't realize this was from July, now I feel like a creeper. That's what I get for not going on BZP in months…)

    (this is totes a pan pun thank you for noticing :3 )


    (also don't worry about the date I get excited about new comments no matter what)


    Micah you're a doll~


    As far as I can tell nobody has reacted hatefully, or even negatively, to the new group. Not sure what the issue here is.

    There's been some, but it's been very subdued and passive-aggressive, and in less-visible venues. But like the angry Moocow said, I think you've misunderstand the thrust of this entry!


    Hm... I don't see any problem with the idea or group, personally. People have issues, and having like-minded people there to help can be, well, a lot of help. I may not agree 100% with what is going to promoted or argued, but I tend to see most attempts at civilly promoting positions as a net plus, and this is no exception.


    I didn't really understand the point of this entry in the first place, though, so yeah, I kind of didn't get the point. Oh well. :P


    I apologize for the misunderstanding. I should have been more clear with my words and intentions from the start.
  3. This has more to do with the recent crackdown in negative responses to BZPower members coming out of the closet and less to do with the unveiling of the BZPower Gender Squad (which is super great BTW).


    The point is, there will be less outspoken negative responses to these things in the future because BZPower is openly becoming increasingly unsafe for hateful people, and I'm celebrating that fact. There's nothing worth arguing here.

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