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Blog Comments posted by Kakaru

  1. The textbook description of sexism was brought up. They meet it. I brought up evidence and all I got was evasion. So you can't accuse me of using it as a cheap tactic to cover up a weak argument.


    Maybe they should have the decency to not discriminate in the first place.

    That's not what I meant to imply at all, and I apologise if I've allowed it to be taken that way.


    You're right, they brought up the definition and the argument, and you brought up the evidence. But that doesn't mean that we have to stick it to them, because that's disrespectful even if they are in the wrong. Always assume that they believe what they believe very strongly and have a good reason.


    Absolutely correct, they should have the decency to keep from making bigoted remarks in the first place where they're aware that people will take issue with it. And understand that I'm not saying that you shouldn't disagree with them or attempt to argue with them if it conflicts with your beliefs. That's a good thing.


    What I'm saying is, (and this applies to everyone, this is only directed towards you as an example. I apologize if this offends you) have debates. Have lengthy discussion. Resolve your issues.


    But do it with respect in all things, and they in turn should show you the same respect. Asking them to be tolerant first won't work because they'll ask you to do the same, and if nobody takes that first step it will never happen.


    Thanks for understanding. I don't mean to call you out specifically, but you responded with a good point that allowed me to clarify my ideas. All I'm trying to do is prevent nasty feeling towards each other by resolving our issues through a mutual respect and understanding.

  2. Ah, I apologise for the erroneous comparison. I didn't mean for the comparison to mean "this is just something you enjoy casually and can make the choice to change at any time," I meant that I respect it as an aspect of who you are. By using the football comparison I meant to imply that liking football was a part of who they are, and the fact that it's a hobby (and therefore a more casual choice) proved to be a hindrance to my point.


    Since there's not really an apt comparison I can make to sexuality in that regard, I suppose it will serve us both better if I simply say that I respect who you are and your right to your very being and personality, and I think that any form of oppression and hatred because of it is simply awful.


    While my religion inclines me to disagree with it, I will readily admit that I do not and will not ever fully understand my beliefs and how they relate to who you are. For this reason I will always choose to be respectful and give the greater benefit of the doubt to anyone whose actions disagree with my personal set of morals.


    I'd like to sincerely apologize for offending you in that regard. The metaphor I drew was in poor taste and the implications were not fully reasoned. In hindsight, I should have simply left it out entirely. I hope you understand and can accept my apology.

  3. I fail to see how calling someone what they are is hate. But whatever.

    Because even if it's true, it's still impolite and often detrimental to them. If they're sexist or bigoted, you can call them that, but you should respect them enough and have the decency to avoid labeling them with a derogatory term for the sake of the debate. It's this lack of respect and flippant "whatever" attitude that prevents any real debate or resolution and breeds the hatred I'm addressing in the first place.
  4. Okay Basilisk, stop bashing thanks. We're aware that you guys don't like Zar for his comments in the past. Try not to demean him, even if he does demean you. Be the better man here by giving him the example of the hate free-culture you're claiming to support.

    And Gato, I totally respect you and who you are. Even if I don't agree with it 100% (in the same way I don't agree 100% with people who watch football; that is, I don't do it myself and I don't personally see the appeal towards it, but I understand that's it a part of who they are and I do not demean them or their value as a person for doing it), I will still respect you, who you are, and your right to make that decision.
    This was a bad metaphor for many reasons. It was insulting and disrespectful, posted on a whim without care to understand the consequences and implication and I recognise that. I apologize for it and I definitely won't be making the same mistake again, ever. I'm leaving it here as a testament to my own carelessness, stupidity, and tendency towards hurtful words and actions. I can only pray that you won't think less of me for it in the years to come, but I understand that I have to live with the consequences of careless actions like this.

    In the meantime, please stop hating on either side of the argument, all of you. Period. I'm not saying it's gotten out of hand here yet, but if you stop treating your opponent with respect by belittling them and their views, we're going to have another horrid and pointless debate on our hands that will only breed more contempt, backstabbing and hate. If you have a problem, talk to them in person where egos can't be bruised and ignorance can't be justified.

    Thanks for understanding, guys.

  5. Being the somewhat decently large kind of Mass Effect fan I am I have to point out the CONTINUITY ERROR.







    And also because there was only ever one Janus Effect game. The three is actually hovering over the "effect," so it should read "Janus Effect to the third power (effect x effect x effect) which implies that the effect is multiplied by itself three times over as it should be.

    Also this picture is absolutely amazing and would probably be my desktop if I wasn't a lazy butt.


    Also the tiara makes this entire thing. (and Becca's face is adorably awesome)



    what yes thankyouverymuch. :3


    I'm glad everyone likes it because my hand cramped up like crazy when I was colouring this and I went back to fix like a hundred little details every time I went back to try and admire my work.


    it's like


    art is never really finished until you stop looking at it

  6. By the way, you can thank my girlfriend for A Monster Calls, since she picked it up at the library and brought it with her when we wento Nebraska to take a tour of my college last November. On the way, she finished it and I started it, then handed it off to Katie, who then eventually told you.


    yes it was a long boring drive because Nebraska sucks

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