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Blog Comments posted by Kakaru

  1. Now I feel bad, because you made an interesting addition to the canon that I hadn't come up. My Dume was always a skeevy, manipulative dude who wanted to be on the level of Makuta but failed. This whole senility thing is AWESOME but never something I mentioned.


    Good job improving my stuff, mang!

    What no. :c




    I could have sworn you mentioned something to this effect. At any rate, I got the general idea that Dume was genuinely acting on his own and not any of that awful Makuta stuff, which is the idea I was trying to get across. I'm glad it worked though. Thanks! :v

  2. I just


    I cannot get over how much I loved riddles in the dark. Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis (and the entire animation team backing him) were absolutely the crowning achievement of the entire film. Any gripe I have with other inconsistencies are absolutely blown away by how well that scene was executed.


    oh and the songs


    I love how they included most of the songs which were all absolutely great and I'm said that they had neither the jolly singing of the elves nor the chant of the goblins while burning the trees, but I guess neither of that made sense when compared to how they had established both groups withing Peter Jackson's Middle Earth. Oh well.


    not to mention the subtle references in lines or song to the chapter titles, which i thought was a nice clever touch to anyone who remembers the book (An Unexpected Party, Roast Mutton, Riddles in the Dark, Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire). Overall, I can sympathise with most of the decisions to cut, include or revise certain material, even if it felt like a little of the story I've known since I was a kid died while watching it.

  3. Yeah, you've both summarized exactly what I'm trying to say. Any sort of inversion of the audience's expectations is completely lost under the mess of action sequences and clear pandering, so the real point just wasn't coherent enough. Originally I wanted to see it for the big set-pieces they put in the trailer, like the giant samurai with a minigun and the post-apoc WWII scenes (and I genuinely wasn't swayed by the "pretty girls with guns" gimmick that Snyder was trying to draw people in with) so I just enjoyed the mindless action and explosions.

    However, I did read and watch a lot of what Bob Chipman had to say, so I was definitely interested in seeing this massive twist ending that he talked about, but it just never showed up. In that sense, the movie just felt like an incredible disappointment, like I had just un-ironically watched a mindless shoot-em-up like Expendables or Transformers or something. I don't know.

    At any rate, my girlfriend really disliked it so she just gave it to me As with most movies that promise some sort of deeper meaning, I'm probably going to have to watch it again to clear up my thoughts on it, but I just can't muster the energy to.

    *goes to watch Advent Children instead because the fights were cooler and a lot less offensive for some reason*

  4. So, for some reason I thought you were shipping Makaru and Kakura. Now I know what the true meaning of this entry is.

    (but seriously who doesn't ship this C: )


    You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was actually going to send you jellybeans because you asked for food, but I got hungry before I sent it and ended up eating them myself. True story.


    Also, the drawing will ship as soon as I have control of my bank account again. I lost my wallet and everything in it over break, so I'm just waiting for a new debit card to arrive sometime this week. :3

  5. You've asked for forgiveness like five times already. Relax; that incident happened in 2011! There's no reason to apologize anymore, really. It's fine, Micah. My lip is fine, my swords are fine, my sanity is fin-- okay, maybe not that. Still. It's cool.

    This made me laugh out loud because I was totally flipping out about that for like half a year. I'm glad to hear you don't hold grudges about things like that.


    Thank you so much, everyone. I guess there's nothing else left for me to say in the aftermath, so I'm going to bow out and enjoy my winter break in peace


    Far Cry 3 here I come :3

  6. I feel like I should drop a note in here to say that Gato and I have reconciled our problems on a personal level. His comment was perhaps a little short towards me, but he simply wanted to cut off what appeared to be tired old rehash of the exact same argument he's had to suffer through far too many times before. It was an "I don't feel like dealing with this again" post, and it was entirely justified based on what I had said.


    One last time, I'd like to apologize for the initial impression of my argument I may have created, and that absolutely horrid football metaphor, which was not fair or apt for anyone in any circumstance. I'm leaving it where it is as an example of how exactly not to do things, and as a testament to my own stupidity when people revisit this issue in years to come.


    also Gato is like a gazillion times cooler than he's appeared to me in the past, and I'm really glad that such a horrendous issue has given me the chance to get to know him just a little better.


    Kudos to everyone for being reasonable and on the level about our differences this time around. I'm glad to see we can still have rational discussions around here. All the apologies I can offer can't cover the damage I've done, so I only hope the rest of you can forgive me for my part in this mess.






    Er, there's no real requirement as far as activity, or posting reviews, or even the points system. Those are pretty arbitrary. The only reason I can think of is if you'd like honest feedback on your stories from a group of reasonably experienced fellow writers.


    That being said, you could find that anywhere. As an honorary and self-proclaimed leader of the Ambage, I couldn't give you any real reason to join beyond your personal choice. Best of luck with the decision though.

  8. The fact there are different sides in an argument about discrimination takes away a bit of that hope.


    On Gato's entry, I'm not exactly new to debate. Over the years I've learned that no one-minus a rare few, they do exist, though they're rarer then a double rainbow-will ever change their opinion based on reason. Far to much focus on emotion. I suppose responding with anger isn't the best solution to that....but sometimes it's like talking to a wall. Eventually you just want to break out the hammer.


    I won't speak to the entirity of his character, largely because you know him better then me. But I will say I doubt it's entirely because of a poor word choice. Those who do harm seldom mean it. In everyday life at least.

    Hahaha, I totally get that. Right, like I said, the key to a good debate is restraining from using the hammer, even when it would really be far easier to vent your frustration.


    A good method I've found is to open a text document, then write down everything you're feeling against that person. Swears and all. Type in caps if it helps.


    Then walk away from the computer for an hour or two, maybe even a day. Try to avoid thinking about the beef you hold with that person. Read a book, watch a movie, maybe take a long walk and try to put things into perspective.


    Then come back and read what you wrote. Chances are that a good portion of it is going to seem more absurd than it did at the time you wrote it.


    Then you can start composing an actual reply once you're done venting. Like I said, acting on impulse and throwing out careless words against someone else is harmful to everyone and can destroy lives.


    That's what I've had to do on more than one occasion when involved in these sorts of debates with other people. Just thought I'd share my tactic.


    Anyways, thank you so much for the chance to hold a rational and civilized discussion. If we all understand that not everyone will choose their words with care and respect, and we choose to step up to be the example first, I'm confident in the future of the site, despite the drama and vastly contrasted viewpoints represented.


    Cheers mate!





    I'm leaving a note here that me and Basilisk have reached an understanding in private, and he's given me permission to close this entry to prevent room for misunderstandings and additional controversy. I'm pulling my head out of the hornet's nest, as all I wanted to do was ask people to be more respectful in their discussion of controversial topics, and to lead the way by being more tolerant to show others how to follow suit. If you have any additional thoughts, feel free to shoot me a PM.


    Thanks for understanding, everyone. Entry locked.

  9. .....Well. There goes my righteous anger. In a puff of logic.


    Though I respectfully submit there is no good reason to discriminate or to believe in it.

    Thank you for understanding and being respectful, I genuinely appreciate that. I agree absolutely, there is not nor will there ever be a good way to justify discrimination.


    The entire reason I chose to stick my head in this hornet's nest was to defend my good friend Velox's character, if not his actions and words.


    I've explained at length elsewhere that Velox simply has a hard time gathering his words together properly, and discrimination based on sex, race, religion, sexuality or anything else was not what he intended. But what he said has been said, and the damage to his character is done. Regardless his intentions, his reputation as a respectful and understanding guy has been soiled by a few poorly chosen words and a heap of misunderstanding and lack of respect and clarity.


    This is why I'm asking everyone to stay respectful to their opponents and to choose their words (and when it's appropriate to say them) with a little more care. Lives can be ruined in a matter of seconds with a few careless words.


    Thank you for your time and responses, Basilisk. I'd like to apologize for calling you out in Gato's entry. That remark to Zar caught me as off-colour and I wanted to cut off any chance for your words to be misinterpreted then and there. Understand that I would have done the same if I walked in and Zar had just said the same sort of thing to you.


    I appreciate that we can still have a civil discussion on this site. There's hope for BZPower yet, on both sides.

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