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Everything posted by Voxumo

  1. "Oh... Well guess I'm not worth attacking." Vox muttered as he dive-bombed Pahrak, given he was flying above the fighter before, His right foot angled straight out towards the fighter's head while he was distracted.
  2. Just deal with it burnmad, and don't be a poor sport. At least your death wasn't as ridiculous as some in season 1, such as Jed sneaking through hundreds of skull spiders, two skull warriors, various jungle and stone fighters, during the middle of the day, in a jungle that is burning, and without anyone noticing. Or majority of stone region players being killed without so much as being given the chance to react. Hey man, at least yours was a statistical quirk, instead of the host literally just deciding to eject you from the game. - You should have been dead already when the assassin's first tried to kill you.
  3. Just deal with it burnmad, and don't be a poor sport. At least your death wasn't as ridiculous as some in season 1, such as Jed sneaking through hundreds of skull spiders, two skull warriors, various jungle and stone fighters, during the middle of the day, in a jungle that is burning, and without anyone noticing. Or majority of stone region players being killed without so much as being given the chance to react.
  4. Naw... it seems to like you.
  5. That is where he was going at the end of Episode 6, yes. I wonder if Makuta's corpse is still there. I saw no corpses... well aside from undead and skull warriors, but those clearly are not the corpses one would expect.
  6. Define "Let" It twas not my intention, but moreso a side effect of awakening a very powerful ally for the knights (Clearly I'm just the misunderstood good guy here)... Also it's not just skeletons but giant skeletal scorpions, and it's not just Kamuk, they are also likely harassing the border settlements of the ice region. Gotta list all facts mate. And let's not even talk about the spooky door.
  7. With Shadowvezon seemingly dazed, Vox shrugged and turned his attention towards pahrak, who was presently trying to avoid death by turret. Vox took to the air and flew towards pahrak, ensuring to stay out of range of the turrets should they suddenly consider him an enemy "Well... Seems like you are having some difficulty with those turrets eh?" Vox commented from above
  8. Burnmad was going to ally Fire with the Faith Pssh... that's gonna end poorly for him, as incase he hasn't noticed, the faith aren't exactly honoring their old alliances.
  9. I hate to say this, but I have a feeling your event might pale in comparison to what I pulled off. Your's was like the car's engine stuttering, where as mine is the car's engine stopping completely in the midst of a high speed chase.
  10. Even more unfortunately for Shadowvezon, The blades makes contact with vox's arm, though it makes contact with the handcuffs that are still around Vox's arms. "Well that didn't work out as planned did it?" Vox retaliated by thrusting his knee into Shadowvezon's stomach, while shouting towards the ground, likely aimed at Imrukii "No I'm not, as getting yourself injured now defeats the purpose. There's a difference between allowing yourself to be damaged out of spite, and using realism to avoid damage." OOC: You are telling me you have a sword bayonet attached to a gun about the size of a pistol, perhaps a bit larger... That must be awkward as heck to wield, but ok..
  11. As if Vox would just stand still and allow Imrukii to deliver a killing blow. He dodged out of the way, coming to face his assailants once more "You are disgusting, and it ills me to have to share an arena with the likes of you. You have no regard for the judge or the obstacles he places before you, you pull conveniences out of thin air, and you attack as if your opponents are literal rocks, unable of thinking." Vox turned towards the charging Shadowvezon, rising to his feet. He waited till the fighter was within considerable distance and phased before him angling his body to the side and holding his arm out like a branch towards Shadowvezon's neck, knowing full and well the fighter would not be able to stop himself in time thanks to momentum.
  12. Vox certainly was not expecting the toa to suddenly appear, but thankfully the size difference lessened just how far Vox skidded across the railing, his wings fanning out to decrease his speed. With a hiss he turned towards Imrukii, circling the fighter. "Who said I intend on fighting nato?" Vox questioned of Imrukii, though did not provide the fighter time to respond as he charged once more. However once within striking distance of Imrukii, Vox phased above the toa, using his momentum to grab the fighter by the shoulders with his talons, flinging him over Vox's back as Vox landed behind where Imrukii once stood.
  13. Satisfied with Pahrak's present predicament, Vox turned his attention towards Gairu, probably the fighter he knew least about. Do you really think it's smart for you to take me on?" Vox lowered himself towards the ground, taking a very predatory and animalistic stance as he appraised the fighter. Suddenly he charged at Gairu, his arms and legs carrying him forward.
  14. Vox phased through the sonic blasts, as thankfully sound was not solid matter, and reappeared right infront of Pahrak, lashing out with an axe kick aimed for the stumbling fighter's torso. And given the height difference this was easily doable.
  15. Vox took a deep breath as he licked the corrosive from his face, leaving a faint redness to his chitin. Pahrak may have succeeded in knocking Vox off course, but he did nothing to actually bring Vox to the ground. "All of you are infuriating. You forsake even the barest amount of common sense infavor of pretending to be these godlike fighters. Having been a judge myself I can take pity on what nato has to deal with." Vox lowered his arms, and bared his claws towards Pahrak, motioning for the fighter to come at him. "Don't forget I'm willing to end myself to ensure your death."
  16. "Oh you two are getting on my nerves." Vox yelled from his position above the first tier. He had no interest in fighting nato, as frankly with all the nonsense that the less logical fighters had been pulling this round, Nato needed all the help he could get. "Do you not comprehend the powers a judge wields? No matter where you can send it, Nato can just pull it back. There will be no peace for anyone." Vox shouted, as he divebombed Timelord, putting his entire weight into his attack "Just give up!"
  17. Yet I feel no regret for my sins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMFh4MGLiHA
  18. With much of Nato's forces either protecting the final jammer or busy with those fighters who had been a hassle, Vox found his path rather unchallenged, and with that he decided to take his time. No need to rush as the only threats were the mechanical arms but as long as he stayed within the middle of the arena and away from the walls he was safe. As such Vox paused as he watched Imrukii and Timelord have their little pow-wow. "Emotions have no place in Bionifight." Vox muttered to himself. With the jammer on this floor disable, Vox had a devious plan forming within his mind. Flying towards the two, Vox angled himself with his right foot sticking straight out. At the last second he phased towards the head, and when he phased back he bicycle kicked the banned head out of Imrukii's hands and back up towards the tippy top of the tower "Score!!!" Vox shouted at the top of his lungs as the head flew. "I should have been a soccer player." Vox muttered to himself, tossing his Boltikon back towards the way he came as he attempted to retreat from the now likely upset fighters.
  19. Once the duo were close to the third tier Vox tightened his grip on Pulse's shoulders, digging his talons into the flesh of Pulse. "It was foolish for you to trust me." Vox commented as he started to spin swiftly, eventually letting go of Pulse once enough momentum was built, sending him into a cluster of lohraks. Vox did not stick around to see the result as he flew upwards towards the fourth tier, not bothering to grab himself a key as frankly he found the disadvantage a tad fun, and as a worthy challenge.
  20. I finally broke down and bought the Strakk exclusive pieces, aka mask, axe and armor. I've never owned the strakk set so never have had these pieces before. I look forward to using them in a moc.

  21. The day Makuta becomes a good guy and forsakes his evilness.
  22. Vox carefully placed his tallons atop pulse's shoulder, using extreme caution not to puncture his flesh with his talons as he lifted him off the ground. Their speed would be nothing compared to what vox would be capable of without baggage, but it was faster than Pulse walking all the way up. Plus with pulse taking care of the various flying annoyances, Vox could focus on flight.
  23. Vox shrugged as pulse inquired of his plans "Not my concern. I don't care what you lot do, as long as you stay out of my way." he lifted himself into the air, his talons dangling over Pulse "I'll be gentle." Vox whispered.
  24. Vox looked down into the former snake-pit as he watched Pulse attempt to attack enemies he couldn't even see. With an annoyed hiss Vox sprang down into the pit, avoiding the randomly shot blasts as he landed behind Pulse "You are pathetic you know that?" He inquired of the fighter, crossing his arms over his chest "Though should you like I can least give you a lift."
  25. Booh! Take your hippie mumbo jumbo elsewhere! Booh!
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