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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Voxumo

  1. *Sighs* Ya know, I'm getting really tired of dying day/night 1. I think this is the third game in a row. To be fair, I posted at the same Ehks posted. As I was typing out my post, of which there was no post beyond the scene yet, Ehks posted. So I was voting Nato before I even saw who ehks was voting for. Though given the fact vote switches are not allowed, but I see no rules on cancelling a vote, I don't particularly want to see a double-hang handed to those who are incapable of their own thoughts, and whose PAST mistakes are going to repeat, I'm cancelling my vote for nato.
  2. Remember what happened last time you voted me? Doth thou really wish for a repeat of that?
  3. It's fun having like 90% of my plans work exactly as expected. Seems plans don't tend work out as expected when you try and let others in on those plans *Points to Irteza as the prime example*
  4. I'm really starting to regret suggesting to Tex to allow you to "Dodge" the assassins that were sent after you.
  5. Oh I assumed that since the player list was filled all slots were filled. But yeah if there is still room I'd definitely like to sign up.
  6. Vox hissed as he noticed Imrukii having managed to evade the barrage of bullets, but as he watched Imrukii be assaulted by his own series of problems, Vox smirked gleefully "Well... I'll let him deal with those issues." Vox commented to himself as he flew high above the field. His last little stunt had cost him a fair amount of his "Blink" energy, and as such he was forced to take a step back from the fighting to recover. Landing gracefully atop one of the catwalks, he dug his three-clawed feet into the metal as he placed his free hand along the edge, crouching forward to observe some of the fighting occurring. So many variations of teleportation were at play here, and he was admittedly a bit jealous of the more advanced teleportation. Vox's phasing ability was not on the same level as these teleporters, as he was unable to phase through solid matter, and was limited to about 15 feet infront of him, unless of course he were to throw an item which could act as an anchor. But most importantly his body never truly ceased to occupy space, part of the reason he could not phase through solid matter. The trail he left behind when phasing was infact the after image of his body as it sliced through the air molecules.
  7. Dang people... I'm gone for 16 hours and ya snatch stuff up so quickly. Oh well, I'll have fun watching from the sidelines.
  8. As Vox felt the wave of heat coming his and pahrak's way, he did the smartest thing possible and blinked behind the source of the plasma. He watched as Imrukii took flight, only to come crashing back down swiftly. Taking advantage of Imrukii's weakened state, Vox threw his first boltikon towards Imrukii. He soon phased to the weapon before it made impact, firing off a single round at Imrukii, and simultaneously throwing his second Boltikon in another direction, this time away from Imrukii. Phasing once more he reenacted the first attack, firing off a round and tossing. He did this once more, a very faint trail of white energy being left behind from the phasing, which from above would show the outline of a triangle, with Imrukii in the center.
  9. "Nothing's fair in war." Vox commented as he was sent flying backwards by the blast of fire. With his carapace singed a it, Vox hissed in frustration as he once again flew towards Imrukii, only to toss one of his Boltikon's at Pahrak, aiming for the chest. Should the boltikon get close enough, Vox phases to it, using the momentum to bring his clawed feet towards Pahrak's chest, perhaps intending on sending him flying into the molten mess below.
  10. As the floor bursts open beneath them, Vox immediately takes to flying above the field, though not before Timelord can get in a few good hits. "Well... aren't you just the annoying one." Vox hisses as he phases out of the way of the molten metal, ending up a fair distance away. Dark eyes scan the arena, taking note of the oddly glowing toa, and much like moth drawn to flame, Vox rushes towards the toa, tossing one of the Boltikons ahead of him, only to reappear holding the axe once it's close, the momentum of his flight still active as he slams into Imrukii, all three boltikons aiming for the toa's chest
  11. Amen to that feeling. The last several seems particularly true to this statement.
  12. Member Name: Vox Weapon/Power 1: Tri-Boltikons Like Gunblades, but with axes. Weapon/Power 2: Phasing - Ability to "Blink" from one position to another in an instant without losing momentum (Think FFXV for reference) Weapon/Power 3: Natural Flight (Wings...) Not sure if I really need to include this as it's own power but eh... Appearance: Four-armed, lithe insectoid, Stands about 9 feet tall, about the height of a vortixx. Special Weapons: ALL OF THEM! (None actually) Also Tex, Not sure if you would count flight as a power. If not let me know and I'll change it.
  13. I'm still going, do you want me to pick you up any? I've been thinking Light could use some repping. - Pick me up a Toa of Magnetism. Make sure it's the factory model. Don't want none of those pesky morals getting in the way.
  14. You're not that threatening when you can't burn anything to the ground. You only were successful in conquering the jungle region because their region it literally wood. Any strategic advantage they had due to landscape was null. Most other regions, except maybe ice, you're not as threatening or intimidating. "Oh no... he's burning Kamuk to the ground... and making glass? Such a strange tactic."
  15. Voxumo


    I'd probably be styling this one more after the originals (1, 2, 3, and 4) than the Ultimate games. The RPG wouldn't be factoring in much at all. Then yeah I'd be in for sure.
  16. Voxumo


    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tad interested. As long as it's in the style of the old bionifights and not the rpg I would likely play.
  17. Don't worry, we can keep each other company in the "Non-appearance void"
  18. *Is in a constant state of Limbo, neither alive nor dead* also how the bloody heck is it this topic only has 2 pages thus far?
  19. Came for Bionicles, Stayed for the Mafia and Hitman.

    1. Underscore


      and the BZPGOT

  20. What Insanity? I'm perfectly sane. Ignore the crowds of people calling me insane, clearly they are the ones lacking sanity if they find insanity in my actions and words.
  21. You should really stop looking in the mirror.
  22. *Takes tour of the Earth Region* Oh that's the Ruler's house there? Hmm you don't say. Good to know. *Takes notes*
  23. Well, no. Although it didn't wind up being included in the episode, in the PM itself I quite specifically challenged Timelord to a trail by combat in the Jungle Region. His people were already losing faith in him, and I hoped seeing their ruler murdered right in front of them would serve to dishearten them further. Timelord agreed, then changed his mind and decided to ship us off to the Ancient City for Voxumo's public execution trial instead. This being after Timelord had bragged to us in a backdoor PM that he'd originally planned to simply poison us in our cells. So, as I have explained many, many times now, it was Timelord who first broke the terms of our agreement, not I. I offered him a chance for a fair fight, and he discarded it. So I smashed his head in with a rock instead. To be fair, I was not aware of the jungle region bit, though I knew of the trial by combat, and I'm the one who suggested the trial by combat take place in the arena of the Ancient city... and totally wasn't going to give a mask of strength to Timelord... totally wasn't. It's nice not having to rely on backdoor pms to get shtuff done isn't it?
  24. It's nato, when has he ever accepted a trial by combat? The one time he ordered one, he killed the person en route to the trial by combat.
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