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believe victims

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Everything posted by believe victims

  1. Well, this explains why he killed pretty much everything interesting about Krika's character.
  2. Is somebody being punched in the face every time someone votes "yes" or something?
  3. That would require the presence of a Mata Nui, surely? It's safe to say that Ekimu isn't a giant robot. or.... is he? Ekimu MU= Matoran Universe confirmed
  4. Better than Axonn/Brutaka? (I'm not big on shipping; I'm just throwing that out there.) you're right. i screwed up. i'm sorry.
  5. ...what? Obvious bait, but what are you talking about? That was really an unnecessary comment. I wasn't aware that gender matters in storytelling? Well excuse me. I voted yes, but I guess that means I don't matter. Null my vote. I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'd like to say more, but this forum is SFW. Have a nice day. ...is "women's opinions on women's issues are more valuable than men's" a controversial thing now?
  6. Numerous. The pressure for those jobs to be female-oriented is very social in nature, not hard-wired brain things. For example, male nurses are often the target of derision for taking a "woman's" job. There might be differences between genders, but they definitely are not as pronounced and prohibitive as you think they are. You'd be surprised by the large personality overlap between the two. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/Img/155048/0046139.gif ratio of teacher genders http://beckerexhibits.wustl.edu/mowihsp/images/ChartPieA.jpg ratio of RN genders Matoran don't have a broad enough choice of professions for social things to come into play. "Oh you're a Le-Matoran in Le-Metru? What will it be, pilot or chute operator?" I realized now that I came off as more harsh than I wanted to be. I was using the job example to make a point of my main point: fight or flight versus tend and befriend. Nurses and teachers tend and befriend. Those sure are some statistics. Don't see how they disprove that the disparity is far more societal than biological, but those sure are some statistics.
  7. Numerous. The pressure for those jobs to be female-oriented is very social in nature, not hard-wired brain things. For example, male nurses are often the target of derision for taking a "woman's" job. There might be differences between genders, but they definitely are not as pronounced and prohibitive as you think they are. You'd be surprised by the large personality overlap between the two.
  8. "Mask of Tahu" is pretty much just a slightly-awkward way of saying "Tahu's mask" so I don't see how that's necessarily the wrong terminology.
  9. I mean, the bionicle universe is canonically, like, 90% dudes. If we're gonna talk romance being a thing here, statistically, there's gotta be some gay dudes in there.
  10. Kopaka/Pohatu is the one, the greatest Bionicle ship. All others pale in comparison. (Hewkii and Macku are good too i guess but everyone's going to say that.)
  11. Wow, the Barraki were released five years earlier than I first thought.
  12. I have said many a word of how Jurassic World seeks to bring dinosaur science of the 1980's to the public. I apologize, for I have spoken in error. They're going back further than that. That's right, it's a tail-draggin' dinosaur, right out of the early 1900s, for your viewing pleasure. Mind you, this tail posture is impossible for Stegosaurus (with one of the most compelling reasons for this being that its cloaca would be crushed), and has been known to be so by palaeontology since the Dinosaur Renaissance (the very revolution in thinking of dinosaurs that the original Jurassic Park brought to the big screen), and even a one-minute consultation with almost any palaeontology expert would be enough to keep something like this out of the film. Honestly, at this point, just stick the sauropods in the swamps and put heat lamps in the exhibits for the cold-blooded creatures. While they're at it, they can lay off their palaeontology consults, because clearly they're being paid for absolutely nothing. There is nothing in this film so far that shows they did any research beyond watching the first film. It is, quite frankly, pathetic.
  13. Except LEGO City is ostensibly a gender-neutral line, yet still historically the number of male minifigures significantly overpowers the female minifigures. That is not a nitpick; that's pointing out that even lines that should in theory be neutral are geared towards a male audience, with the assumption of male as the default. That is a symptom of larger problems. It may not matter much to you, but I fail to see how that makes it insignificant to discuss.
  14. I have literally never seen anyone who actually believes this, or really anything else in your post. It feels like a strawman that's been put up so many times everyone's convinced it's actually a real person, even though even a cursory examination shows the head is a pumpkin and there's straw poking out the seams.
  15. ...wanting half, as in 50%, as in the same amount as there are female people in the real world, of a cast of characters to be female isn't equality?
  16. Because there's a point when you have too many main protagonists. As it stands now, to even out the current standings, we would need four female Toa added to the team. Not only is that stretching kinda thin as far as elements as intuitive as the classic six (honestly, Stone and Ice are already redundant elements as it is), that bumps it up to ten main protagonists. Six is already on the higher end as far as main protagonists of a story go; ten would be downright unmanageable without stretching the already thin time for characterization perhaps to the point at which protagonists fall by the wayside. Hence why some people prefer the idea of starting out with a reasonably-sized party with an even gender ratio.
  17. I find this perplexing considering I've read/watched the story materials from 2001-2003 repeatedly and found nothing to suggest Kopaka having any kind of strong feelings towards Gali. They just... weren't characters that interacted much, much less had the kind of interactions that would suggest Kopaka held her in any higher regard than, say, Onua. Did you read Tale of the Toa? 'I had a vision,' Kopaka said. (he describes the vision) Tahu snorted. 'And when exactly were you going to let us in on this secret?' 'He just did, Tahu,' Gali pointed out quietly. 'And that's fine. There was no need of knowing it until now.' Kopaka gazed at her, touched that she'd come to his defence. "touched that she'd come to his defense" doesn't necessarily equal "totally obsessing over her friendship". There are many times I've been grateful for someone defending me; that doesn't mean I hold them in higher regards than my other friends.
  18. I find this perplexing considering I've read/watched the story materials from 2001-2003 repeatedly and found nothing to suggest Kopaka having any kind of strong feelings towards Gali. They just... weren't characters that interacted much, much less had the kind of interactions that would suggest Kopaka held her in any higher regard than, say, Onua. Kopaka and Tahu's rivalry was far more about Tahu's hotheaded nature and leadership position conflicting with Kopaka's cold demeanor and desire to work alone. (Plus, speaking strictly in terms of canon, any and all relationships were platonic, given the No Romance thing [which was stupid])
  19. Trans people (well, binary trans people) are male and female. A trans woman is a woman. Hence the word "woman" being in the term. I personally think LEGO could pull off a trans character (though I think they would be best suited for more human-centered lines), but given that LEGO has always been fairly guarded in that regard, I think a trans character is about as likely as a gay character. And I have yet to see a canonically gay LEGO character.
  20. I am totally down with changing any and all of the Toa's genders. (Well, changing Gali seems a little iffy since she was the token female already... i kinda wish I'd thought a bit before selecting her option.) I can understand other people's reasons for not wanting to change them, but I can't say I've ever personally found them very compelling.
  21. Considering both Pteranodon and Mosasaurus are called "dinos" in this trailer, I have come to the conclusion that "dino" is not, in fact, a truncated version of the word "dinosaur", but rather a neologism that means "whatever dang prehistoric species we feel like". A saber tooth cat is a dino, for instance, or an Arthropleura.
  22. Stopped by the library today to return The Breakfast Club and while I was there I checked out a volume of the Transformers More Than Meets The Eye comics. After reading it, I was so caught up in an overwhelming desire to take part in capitalism I stopped by target and bought a couple of Transformers toys (with my focus being Whirl, who appears in the comic.) Whirl is nice, with all the usual upsides of Voyager-class toys: full articulation, decent transformation, overall polished look. My biggest complaint is he comes with a ton of stickers, most of which are smaller than a sliver of pinky nail, none of which are any fun at all to apply. Also, after reading David Willis's review, I am extremely cautious when transforming the legs; lord knows I don't want to shell out another 25 dollars because of fragile knees. Bombshell is fun almost entirely because he turns into an insect and it is a very nice insect. I don't even care about any other aspect of him just. A+ insect that turns into a robot. Legends-class Strongarm unexpectedly is about as fun to transform as her Warrior-class toy, and actually very nice for a two-inch-tall Transformers toy. Between Bionicle coming back and my newfound appreciation for Transformers, I've bought a lot of toys. This seems like it probably says something about me as a person.
  23. re:wildlife: I think it's important to keep in mind that the only reason G1 had so many Rahi in 2001 was they made up the main antagonistic force. (That, and the focus on combo models that has since been diminished.) Since G2 didn't want to retread that exact story, and since they don't really release a lot of extraneous sets in story-driven themes, we didn't get wildlife this time around. (I'd love to get some, though. It seems odd to see Lewa gliding through a jungle where not a single creature is stirring.)
  24. Five pages? Ouch, you feeling alright? Want to sit down? Yeah, it seems that people are talking about MNOG, but how it ties into the main topic of how Gen1 is different than Gen2? No clue there. I brought it up as an example of a storytelling device G1 had in its first year that G2 doesn't have, and then speculated a bit about the possible reasons LEGO isn't taking that approach for G2. I absolutely LOVE Mata Nui Online Game for its story, immersive gameplay, and world-building, but I'm not sure how good a job it did at actually getting the story to the fans. I really wonder the same thing. It might have to do with how most kids today spend time playing mindless mobile games and that TLG might nto want to invest in something that would rarely be played. See, I've seen people say "most kids today play mindless games" multiple times and it just doesn't follow for me. Games like MNOG have never been the main kind of game LEGO puts out. Even a majority of Bionicle G1 games were as mindless as any mobile game. It's not that kids today are so much worse than kids back then. MNOG was a fluke.
  25. Consider my curiosity piqued. What made the fansite panel bad/BZP-inappropriate?
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