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Everything posted by Uzumakikunai

  1. Hype train has no brakes. Looking forward to the resurrection of one of my favourite stories
  2. I'd probably go for light. Being able to shoot laser beams would be amazing.
  3. This makes me all the sadder that BIONICLE is finishing... I really wanted to see the ELs at least :/
  4. Cool. My BBC entry should be alright for this (well, i didn't enter or publish it, but it was built for the contest). I just need to make it a lot bigger....
  5. Uzumakikunai

    Bring Back Teal!

    Do want. Teal is so cool. Also it suits Tesara somehow.
  6. Uzumakikunai


    Miss Kusanagi's signature do would be cool, I don't see many people with it.
  7. Uzumakikunai


    I play, although usually only when I have friends over. I generally brawl as Ike, but sometimes go to Lucario or Toon Link. I'm not brilliant but can generally hold my own.
  8. Uzumakikunai

    British People

    What Omi Spoony said
  9. Gosh, this brings back memories. Especially of the movie. You got the touch! doo doo doo....
  10. •What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year? Seems like a few too many for one year, in my opinion. •Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why? Not particularly. I generally don't buy much outside of bionicle unless the sets have sweet bionicle-or-technic-compatible pieces. •Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from? Yes. Personally, I think they should just stick with one or two. But hey, if all the lines sell well that means more money for lego, which is a good thing. •If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set? Admittedly, I'm unsure how the designers will present Toy Story characters, in that they are already based on existing types of toys. Still want Nintendo based sets or stuff from other videogames I think lego Legend of Zelda would be a good thing. Or maybe metroid. Mmm.... lego meta ridley....
  11. I loved the original, so I'm certainly going to get this =D But alas, I'm more looking forward to the up-and-coming metroid game.
  12. Man something tells me I'm gonna regret not entering BBC 53..... Updates sound good, though.
  13. You'll do fine I just had RE today. Glad my worst subject is out first :/
  14. You said that we weren't allowed to keep the bohrok design. Does this mean that it can't look like a proper bohrok (what with the white fangs, clear head, shields etc) or just not be a set-bohrok with a new set of shields? Because the MOC I have planned is essentially a Tuma-sized customized Tahnok, with most of the signature features intact.
  15. Sounds cool. I'm so glad that we have months to do it because then I can work on it after my exams :3 I'm gonna keep the ball-form and headbutting functions as best I can...
  16. Its quite scary, but the closest its gotten to me yet is scotland, so I'm not panicking just yet. I'd invest in one of those facemasks if you go near hospitals.
  17. Uzumakikunai


    A new console game, or handheld? If its a new console title... wow, that was really speedy.
  18. Ah, mystery men. A classic. "Junk it!"
  19. NNUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU That was mean >:¬(
  20. Interesting. If a piece came from a playset but was originally from something else (I'm thinking gold Kraahkan here) would that be allowed? And can I pm you with a prototype of an entry to check if any pieces are not allowed before I actually submit it?
  21. Uzumakikunai


    Fave: Raspberries Least Fave: papaya
  22. Nice! I love those white mahri visors, but my lego store ran out of the MM sets that had them How does he see where he's going?
  23. Is the final animation better than the sequence we saw at toyfair, or roughly the same?
  24. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Mmmmm...... pot-bellied green guy. Seriously, why does he have a big bit of armor on his stomach? Makes him look fat. I wonder how many nidhiki mocs will flood the forums after this guys is released....
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