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Dark Wanderer

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Everything posted by Dark Wanderer

  1. Even though it's late, I can not resist.... Teaser picture is teasing.
  2. How old is this computer of yours? My brother found one in a dumpster that was eight years old and had a smashed screen, yet it worked fine.. The things you can find in college dumpsters.....
  3. Oh. Good. That was rather bizarre with my avatar/banner combination.
  4. This is like Kex going nuts with the Official 2008 Sets Topic. The mods used up all their niceness with the Pony Incident...
  5. *Waits impatiently for new chapter to be posted* Where be it?
  6. Oog. Nasty week? My suggestions: 1. Kill evil kids w/ fireworks. 2. Use more gray/lime green combinations to get people used to them. 3. Bribe Tufi for BBCC 50. ..... ....... More to follow.
  7. Dark Wanderer


    Newva/=/Nuva. Enough said on the entire subject.
  8. Dark Wanderer


    I would go Premier and then be OPBZPC, but I just can't seem to get around to it. *Procrastinates*
  9. You mean that one is a flying shiny thing and the other one is a boring set? ....
  10. First of all, you happen to be doing it wrong: Second of all, you do not actually need a cool head- if you lack emotions altogether, then you would not panic/therefore do not need a cool head, as you would have no concern/panic/anything.
  11. *House explodes* Oops. Well, I better go watch a few explosions across the border..
  12. It's evil! You know, you shouldn't go and admit it- hide, scurry, sneak, anything... And the weirdo neighbors are having some kind of big party tonight, so another insomniac night.
  13. Well, when you're north of them, you can call them 'Those most peculiar people to the south did _____ today, eh?'
  14. XD Dunno. Which prototype pictures are you referring to? I didn't notice because the silver and dark bluish grey are easily mistakeable in just about every picture of Onua, and since he has a dark grey body and dark grey Rahkshi legs already exist, one would assume that his limbs were the color that both already existed and also worked better with his color scheme... Karzahni's Servant – Tahu and Gali both have silver limbs as well... Oh. I thought Tahu had dark bluegray Piraka limbs. Silver? That's a little silver-heavy for me... Although I can still use the limbs.
  15. Yup. Are Tahu's silver or dk. gray? *fixed quote tag*
  16. Hey.. That Power Lance look awfully familiar... I would try the leg, but I'm still trying to figure out how to attach a silver Metruan torso to a Piraka torso for Onua, like on the prototype Kopaka. It's not going too well.
  17. You know what you can do.. Purchase the bitsies of yellow in the Jetraces; purchase blue Jetrax; presto chango. New yellow-switching Jetrax. Or raid the Lego headquarters showroom. Or curse at the new prices and scheme/connive to get some more money. ... .... Has it occurred to you to have a fundraiser? New! Donate $10 to help ToM buy new sets for his amazing creations! Quick and Easy!
  18. *lurks around profile*

  19. Where be these instructions? They be evading me on purpose!
  20. Spock would you. Except he would disagree that emotions are necessary for logical though and promptly denounce your entire line of reasoning. Unfortunately, I must also disagree with you on that point. Emotion is not necessary for logic- it merely gives you a feeling of well-being afterwards. Therefore, it is not critical to the logic process itself. ... Where do you come up with these entries?
  21. Robby>Number Five>Wall•e>Gort>Stanley>C-3PO>R2-D2
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