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Dark Wanderer

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Everything posted by Dark Wanderer

  1. Lol BtB However, it is logical to attempt to bring logic to the illogical. |\\// *out-Spocks you*
  2. ...... To be frank, it wasn't as funny as the original. If you hadn't seen it before, it would work out fine, but since we've all seen it, it seems slightly... disjointed. And Dume's Communism wasn't long enough; you should have included all three scenes. ......... Also, the credits need a bit of a workover for the shortened version- there is no opening image, for example. |\\//
  3. No. MN is nowhere near any conventions except for Lugnet. |\\//
  4. A. You are going to be shaken like Kermit. B. You are going to be knocked off the ice mountain thing during the contest like Matoro. |\\//
  5. It is most certainly illogical for those.... children to think that no one will notice. Unfortunately, some will not. |\\//
  6. We should all begin to speak Vulcan. ..... And we should ban English.
  7. Dark Wanderer


    I would send one of my MOC's, but because I'm going to be gone for a month and haven't the time.... *Shrugs*
  8. Funny thing- right after name change, I get more comments in my profile than I have before.

  9. |\\//= Vulcan emote which contradicts itself

  10. Nay, nay, not to win, to get it here. Think of it as a little push in the correct direction.
  11. The eyes themselves or the eyebrows?

  12. They are a rather long-running joke on Star Trek: TOS.

  13. I assume you are referring to Spock's ears?

  14. I know. It was required.
  15. I am now Mr. Spock.

  16. Cool - I like it.- ? Cool - It sure is cold in here...- No, right temperature. Neat - I like it, but it could be better.- No, it's fine. Neat - It are clean! 0.o- Not clean, orderly. Naw - No. -'Maw' misspelled. Nah - No. -Some sort of noise. Classified - If I let you see it, I have to tie you to a chair in front of a T.V. and force you to watch Barney, Teletubbies, and Care Bears.- *Dies* Google it - Google it.- Google it. Awesome - Senjo or Nikira.- Spock. Weird - Okay... odd...- Odd is correct. Chicken - I like it.- everything tastes like it. Totally ham - I like it.- ? Spam - And eggs.- Are they green? Spiced Ham - And Spam - And eggs.- Is it purple? Yaks rock - What do you think, fool?!- No, alpacas. Gnu - I'm obsessed with them. - ? ...Corrected...
  17. Oh, good. DV won. Roa's Kopaka just didn't work for me; he was a bit too bulky for my tastes.
  18. 'Only eighteen or so people' Does that mean that Kex just slipped and told us BBCC 50 is invitation-only?
  19. Dark Wanderer


    You people asked for it.... Pop!^10^10^10^100.
  20. Dark Wanderer


    Reality? Kill it! Hand phasers on setting 5! Launch photon torpedoes! At least it's over in a week. I had to endure three weeks of something like that once.
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