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Dark Wanderer

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Everything posted by Dark Wanderer

  1. I have all of my Mata waiting to kick some Makuta.
  2. On Ebay. Genuine used ToM! Only 563.48 Canadian! Limited-time offer! Buy Now!
  3. Complain. It always works. Or steal a Wal-Mart and tell about it.
  4. Accursed internet bizzarities. Double post acknowledged and reported for deletion.
  5. One question: Why did the price go up when the piece count goes down? Some of these sets only have as many pieces as the Mata. It'd be correct for them to then be $10, not $13. So why the big increase for the smaller sets?
  6. Dark Wanderer


    I stick a sparkler onto an arrow and shoot it straight up then run for cover.
  7. If Bitil's is stretched out straight forward there's even less armor around it. A vertical neck does better to establish the neck as just a seperate piece of the torso, and was actually one of the concepts I had at one point for a Gali Phantoka due to its attractively arched back (I dropped the idea because it began to seem too complex for a canister set if I were to armor it). And Gorast's seems to make the most sense at a sort of an angle, not quite vertical but not quite horizontal. Anything short of that, particularly too horizontal, would indeed seem too wacky, as if she had a broken neck. Vertical, however, would seem to work OK, though I prefer the intermediate due to it giving her a more mosquitolike posture. Yes, Gorast must be mosquito-like. However, from a practical standpoint, Bitil's neck should not be straight up. Even if it's just to make it appear separate from the rest of the torso. You don't expose your neck, unless you want your head to come off. As I said, we can't expect Toa and Matoran to react in the same way, based on the reason you just provided. But it still seems a bit awkward. Yes, Taka is rather... huge now. Truly massive. He should have been somewhat smaller, probably. Red Mantax feet would work pretty well. Maybe in TNB Trinuma was wearing clogs? Or stilts? Karzahni's set was a bit... peculiar. Yes, Trinuma is a quite nice combiner, knowing what it came from. Clogs sounds good. ~~ Reason for edit: Quote tags fixed.
  8. I like this idea. I like that idea too. Unfortunately, that isn't really an option for me, because I left my skyship moored to a tree in my back yard, and now I can't get to it. I'm waiting for a sale, meself. I mean, wait six months and poof, they're half off. Because Axalara that nice little red Corvette's price tag is so @#%#@&*^% huge. Dearest Coconuts?
  9. Their heights are all somewhat wacky; however, it seems that yes, Krika should give Tahu some decent shade while he's doing some energy draining. My revamp should do that. I am doubting that Gorast really walks around with her neck stretched out like that. It seems quite uncomfortable. As with Bitil/vertical neck: he would never fly around with his head stretched out for all to smite. He's a Makuta; they're the hunchbacked neevil guys, yes? Takanuva, yes, is massive. But we do have an explanation for that, and I believe that as a Toa of Light, he would most likely have more light in him than a Matoran of Light, so, he is probably not on the same growth scale. It might actually be a good thing that he's now a giant- a bit more prominent in the story, as his previous part was not very large. Trinuma is a bit short for his stature. (Ooh, double negative!) With or without his horns. Unfortunately, he uses some of the longest legs we have seen. This could be remedied by having some sort of red Mantax feet, although those do not exist. ~~
  10. 1. Yes, I do. It's such a nice element. And it's shiny. 2. An animal? 3. Blargshmarg: Used in H2G2. 4. Rice pudding. 5. Who's he? 6. Time and Relative Dimension(s) in Space 7. What?
  11. *Fires Kongu who is holding Nerf gun that is shooting Mudkip out of Nynrah Ghostbuster* *Gets fired by even bigger Nynrah Ghostbuster in turn*
  12. Well, if it's the future, shouldn't we get back to it? 88+1.21+no roads necessary= future.
  13. Dark Wanderer

    Acting Part!

    Methinks the accent should be a little more... strongly British. If it's to be in any kind of media, it should be greatly exaggerated.
  14. Everyone is a noob at some point in their life. But some are noobs for longer times than others. Like this person, apparently.
  15. Dark Wanderer

    So Um Yeah

    * The funky purple and yellow and black amazingly-built one. Wait; wrong reality. Sorry. * No. I might go Premier sometime, though... * Interesting. * It's called Einstein. It's an action figure of Albert Einstein. * ....
  16. Had to be planned. No way that's a coincidence.
  17. Dark Wanderer


    Er.. Aren't there supposed to be other videos after the Toa/Makuta one? Because there appear to be some, but there is no 'Play' button.
  18. Er. Funky. But my raft does not follow me around. It just runs over ducks.
  19. Fun and somewhat scary. What would you do if a forum's staff started acting very, very peculiarly?
  20. Why did you bother highlighting this space? You have far too much time on your hands. Er.. Happy half-new year?
  21. Dark Wanderer

    Get Smart

    I am... prohibited by my respect to the original show to see that movie ---------- Too bad. I haven't seen the old show. Was it that good? -K-
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