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Blog Comments posted by Foolery

  1. :blink:… ‘Kay, still not 100% sure what you’re getting at, but who said that creating a parallel universe was complicated/difficult? It’s as easy as drawing a diamond on a flowchart :D. And technically, no, you don’t need to dive into the philosophy of it all, but the philosophy is half the fun! Apparently you don’t like fun :P.



    - MechaFizz

    well, basically the brain is a physical system and anything it does is a reaction to what happened before, so I don't think your decisions are any more likely to cause universes to branch off then say, the flip of a coin.

    So I'm disagreeing with SPIRIT's statement "human decisions make parallel universes." and instead saying "time machines make parallel universes" which is a lot tidier.


    I do like fun, I like fun a lot, and I also like philosophy, but only when it's relevant, otherwise you don't make any progress.

  2. I disagree that the human mind is somehow exempt from the laws of physics, it may be complicated, but it isn't magic.


    A simplified version - when you time travel, it creates an alternate universe. No free will discussions needed.

    I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. If you’re talking about my mind-universe-jump theory, then I’ll just direct you to the theory of human collective unconscious and be on my marry way :P.


    This also brings me to the point that, in theory, if you break further than the limits of your own mind and its allocations, you could then enter the collective unconscious and gain omnipotence. You could then view realities where you have since died or were never born through another. Though, in both theories, you’d have to prepare yourself and be open minded (no pun intended), or else you may end up in mental shock from the sudden inflow of information.



    - MechaFizz

    No, I decided to stay out of that argument and respond directly to the main post.


    Basically I just don't think the human mind is complicated enough to start making parallel universes, and neither do I think it's relevant, because Spirit said as soon as you arrive in your time machine it makes a new universe, and that's the problem solved without needing to get philosophical about it.

  3. That's interesting... I've never had a phobia of getting brutally murdered by stalkers before, I think I might stop talking to girls just in case.


    Anyways, you guys need to be more active and confident, stop stalking people and start talking to them, use your brilliant senses of humour - just don't mention the violent day-dreams or the stalking and you should be fine.

  4. I'm not going to fish for the exact quote, but "she looked like a matoran, but with fancier armor" just seems a bit sloppy to me, perhaps something along the lines of "she looked like a matoran, but with intricate details in her armor." would be better. You're very good at creating intricate plots and knowing when to have action or to set the scene, but you need to put as much effort into your use of words, I get really drawn in to your stories, but it does end up feeling a bit sterile and impersonal at times.

    I have a... a writing experiment I did a while back which illustrates some of the things you could try, I might send it to you later if I can find the link.

  5. i usuallky just type with my leftr index finger??(occasionnally using mnyh thumb) but his was typed just using my nose (9and toungue for the shift key when using bracketts)./


    now I've got spit all over the shift key and a bit of a headache from watching the keys zoom in and out so close to my face, all that dedication just for a sentence full of typos, don't know why I bothered.

    To elaborate on my answer, sometimes I use both hands or one or the other, it depends what I'm doing, I might be texting or using two computers at once or just too lazy to sit up and type properly, I think I mainly use my left hand because I use my right hand for the mouse.


    which do you use?

  6. But Greg, what's your response to his claim, "The fact that we get everything about the story on a silver platter every time we just ask is not good story development." Because that's the only part of this guy's PM I agree with... a lot of the time I like not to read all your answers to questions because it stops the story from developing on its own. Case in point, today's website update ("Unity") being complete old news for most of us.


    That wasn't Greg's fault though, all of that info was in the movie, and spoilers have been allowed for a while now so we'd know it all anyway even if he wasn't here.

    Translation: It's bones's fault. :P

    well that isn't your responsibility, when you choose the spoiler dates your job is to find the balance between protecting people from spoilers and letting people discuss the new interesting info.

    There has to come a point where they're left to protect themselves from spoilers (as unintentionally cheesy as that sounds). If they decide to go on an innocent stroll/scroll through the ogd, it's entirely their fault when they get struck down by baterra technicalities or blown to bits by the ending of tlr.


    regarding the multiverse, from my experience, questions like that (ones that won't ruin the openness but are difficult enough that you need to discuss with Swert) are really going to help you fresh it out and fill any dangerous holes, as well as being good for the fans.

  7. Greg is right, once again.


    But Greg, what's your response to his claim, "The fact that we get everything about the story on a silver platter every time we just ask is not good story development." Because that's the only part of this guy's PM I agree with... a lot of the time I like not to read all your answers to questions because it stops the story from developing on its own. Case in point, today's website update ("Unity") being complete old news for most of us.

    That wasn't Greg's fault though, all of that info was in the movie, and spoilers have been allowed for a while now so we'd know it all anyway even if he wasn't here.

    People who think it's easy to get new info out of Greg obviously haven't tried recently.

  8. in today's society there is too much focus on negatives, people pointing out every imperfection, it's fine if you think the negatives out balance the positives so you will choose not to buy them yourself but I dislike people running around, spamming and flaming about the mistika for example recently (I'm not saying anything about the member, just the post) in the 2008 sets topic, someone posted:

    "gali is a fat ugly cow"


    they could have at least said:

    "in a recent picture I noticed gali bears a certain resemblance to a cow, this put me off buying her a bit"

    it would have contributed to the discussion more and been less offensive and also less forceful, the first one expects every one to accept it as a fact which they won't, resulting in argument=bad


    the bashers often make valid points but they somehow do it in a way that starts flame wars, you should be making an effort towards peace rather than going against them, they may be stubborn and try to make a flame war about it if you argue against them


    I'm not saying you should completely change what you're doing but you should keep an eye on the flaming and think peace when you do it


    I might join, could I?

  9. maybe true but I'd like to see you suggest a better alternative that doesn't involve doing anything stupid


    we just have to put up with this until something better comes along

    a bit like the mistika if you're a mistika hater


    have fun and try not to ruin it for everyone else

  10. maybe you should, when you restart the shop, keep the worker list empty

    and leave it up to the workers to ask for their position back

    that way it's their fault


    and then you can carry out your other ideas every so often

    to keep the sparkling new worker list free from cobwebs so to speak


    Edit: also I may be off-line for a few days but it shouldn't make too much difference

  11. what does he expect you to say

    "oh no! I'm sorry I made the storyline too good. I must ruin it imediatly. thank you for telling me this"

    just ignore him he doesn't deserve the attention if he's going to make up something like that


    too bad my mum isn't glad to have bionicles in the house :(


    oh well at least I seem to have more of a social life than this odd person


    edit: greg you won't let me PM you :angry:

    why not :???:

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