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Takuma Nuva

Premier Blog Assistants
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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. Hello, and welcome to BZPower! We look forward to seeing you in the forums!

  2. Hello, Kopaka-Cool_as_ice! We look forward to seeing you in the forums!

  3. Hello! 'Tis I, Takuma Nuva! Actually, I noticed you had added me to your friends list. I was simply curious as to the reason behind it. I don't seem to recall/recognize you...

  4. Hello! 'Tis I, Takuma Nuva! Actually, I noticed you had added me to your friends list. I was simply curious as to the reason behind it. I don't seem to recall/recognize you...

  5. Hello! 'Tis I, Takuma Nuva! Actually, I noticed you had added me to your friends list. I was simply curious as to the reason behind it. I don't seem to recall/recognize you...

  6. Hello! 'Tis I, Takuma Nuva! Actually, I noticed you had added me to your friends list. I was simply curious as to the reason behind it. I don't seem to recall/recognize you...

  7. Hello!

    Just thought I'd let you know that the image you have in your sig is waaaaaaaay over the limit. You might want to change that before you get the Mods on your tail.

  8. Hey bud, got your comment. Just gotta say that I've got the flu, so that's where I've been. This is the only reason I'm on BZP right now; just putting some minds at ease. Gotta go get some rest now...

  9. Hey diddle diddle, the Swert and the Fiddle, the Swert jumped over the Swert. The little Swert laughed, to see such Swert, and the Swert ran away with the Swert.

    1. Shioi


      How Swerty of him...

    2. Hexann


      Oh, my Swerting Karzahni.

  10. Hey, Gerlicky, ever notice how some members post on profiles about comics, comedies, and stuff about how much they like them INSTEAD of the topic? Then they just dissappear and you never hear from them again. Weird, isn't it?

  11. Hey, I finally made it back up to five stars! Now maybe this crazy roller-coaster ride will stop...

  12. Hey, just came on BZP long enough to say I've been sick with the flu so that's why I've been gone. Well, that's all...

  13. Hey, not fair using my nick-name for Vakama TK! d=

  14. Hey, Pirates of the Caribbean Online won't cost you a thing. d=

  15. Hey, Sue, I'm collecting Christmas ideas. How does an invisible, force field-emitting TOASTER sound? (four slices at a time, of course)

  16. Hey, we're featured on the front page! Cool!

  17. Hey! That is one AWESOME personal pic there, Turakii! Hope to see on there again soon!

  18. Hi there! If you ever need any help, just let me know!

  19. Hmm... -Haru- left that exact same comment in my profile. The only thing you and I seem to have in common is the MNOLG kit and comics...

  20. Hmm... a distinct lack of profile comments. Yabba Jibby Flabber![/random comment]

  21. Hmm... I give him a rating at it goes up a star. Sweet!

  22. Hmm... not many other people leave comments here...[/thinkingoutloud]

  23. Hmm.... you know, girls can be so much trouble. They should have made "shadow" a female element from the start! =P

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