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Everything posted by Pohaturon

  1. Time for crab! Links to the other mocs crabs in this collab found in the description here.
  2. I'd peg him as a conservative to be honest, he had to have had some policies that may lead on into what Teridax imposed later on, because if the shift would be too drastic it would have raised suspicion I believe.
  3. I'd be quite interested in a story-only reboot, maybe with comics and a MNOG-style low-production cost point'n'click game, but unless Lego is ready to relinquish the Bionicle trademark (not happening), officially license it to Faber (unlikely) or straight-up rehire Faber for this project (also unlikely imo) it's going to need to change things up to dodge trademark strikes. At that point it would just be that, a spiritual successor with no direct ties to Bionicle. I'd still be interested, but at that point I'd rather see a wholly original and interesting new IP. It's an all or nothing situation in my mind. Either do Bionicle but then really do Bionicle, or don't, but then don't try to force it into the same mold.
  4. Thank you for the in-depth feedback and the praise! I'm happy that you spotted all those asymmetric details. The torso is definitely the part of this MOC I'm least happy with, and it went through several iterations while building. The cloth piece is from the TFA Rey buildable figure.
  5. That title reads an awful lot like a challenge. Hah! You think the fanbase is strong? It cannot hope to stand before my powers of underfunded marketing and mediocre multimedia support!
  6. It had a game and some short toy bios and website descriptions, but probably nothing more.
  7. We haven't gotten any sets since 2016, and we haven't gotten any good sets since 2009. Speak for yourself. G2 had superior set design to G1 in every technical sense, and the sets looked mighty fine too, thank you very much.
  8. Four pages of irony, here we come! Sir yes sir!Well, you're obviously not dead yet. I've seen you posting around recently. I myself can honestly admit that this is probably the most active stand-alone forum I've seen. I mean, we are faring much better than the Casio calculator forums. Besides, we could always just use the Mask of Life. I have a feeling that sub-forum will be around for a while as well. Casio calculator forums? You must be kidding. *checks* You're not. This is amazing.
  9. let's get this thread to page four
  10. Where? Seeing as everyone in the Instagram comments is going crazy about Bionicle coming back (again).
  11. He literally said this isn't an official Bionicle project and Lego isn't involved. It's fan art or a Cryoshell thing, nothing more.
  12. I currently don't have an sets on display due to a lack of space, but when I build a set I too feel compelled to keep it 100% instruction-accurate. I never mod them or such, they always have to completely adhere to the official specifications.
  13. I don't know about Turaga Kopaka having a shield to be honest, but the overall concept is neat. Some time ago I saw some fan art depicting them as a blend of the 2001 Turaga build and the movie style, with 2015 Toa masks standing in as their "noble" versions. I'd say Takanuva fits well enough into their group. He did have the same build in 2003 and their stories are inherently linked due to MoL.
  14. You'd be angry too if you'd be hungry all the time.
  15. I feel like getting our hopes up just sets us up for disappointment but I just can't not feel a bit giddy due to that image.
  16. This is a horrible idea for countless reasons and will never happen - nor should it.
  17. Hold on, I inspected the date/time element of that post and I found that it was posted at 6:34 PM EST. Copenhagen, where Faber lives, is 6 hours ahead of that, so that means Faber posted this at 12:34 in the morning on April 2nd. This means one of 3 things: Faber had a brain fart and forgot to post this in a timely fashion, so he posted the slightly-belated joke after waking up from a weird dream about a sexy grapefruit or something. Faber posted this at time of day people west of him on the globe would be able to see on April Fools'. This is actually a thinly-veiled legitimate post which Faber intentionally posted just after April Fools' ended for him.Again, if it is a joke, it could still be real, just not Bonk-related. EDIT: Also, it's worth nothing that nothing followed this up. No "haha, gotcha" from Faber himself, no explanation, nothing. Given that this isn't some clear, ludicrous prank, this suggests that he's actually trying to tell us something. The number "310" may be a hint, but I can't imagine what it means other than "lmao it was never Bionicle, just a number, you plebs." Might just be another Cryoshell album, but I think they just dropped one, so that can't quite be right. What's more, this looks like a professionally-made logo, which seems odd to pay someone for if it's only for a rather insignificant joke like this. I'll just wait to see what happens. I mean...what else is there to do? Track down top Lego executives, kidnap them, hide in your secret underground lair guarded by henchmen, and demand that The Lego Group reveal any information about Bionicle over an untraceable phone line bounced between Egypt, Mongolia, Australia and Chile, obviously.
  18. Did you get the Panrahk second hand? If so, it may have been built with parts not originally from a Panrahk canister. The Rahkshi spear tip pieces were often used later on, so it is possible that the spear tip came from a later set, such as a late production Pouks, it would explain the colour difference. In 2003, they didn't yet begin changing the colouration.
  19. They're not on hand, but as I recall they were in production during the time Lego was shifting over from flat silver to pearl silver. Some units were packed with the flat silver bits while others with the pearl silver bits, depending on how early or late in production they were. Really, it's just a similar situation as the anomalous switch from flat gold to pearl gold producing the rear pearl gold Krahkaans in late 2005.
  20. Thanks! It's more of an axe, really.
  21. I teamed up with a few other builders to create the unseen and unnamed members of the Toa Cordak, and I chose to build the Toa of Stone. You can find links to the other creations on the photo I posted to Flickr. On an unrelated note, this is my 1000th post on BZP!
  22. Just have them land in pre-colonial New Zealand. I mean it's the same thing, right?
  23. Well his set design is his mutated form, so differences in his appearance there are to be expected. His armour colour could very well have changed from the mutation. His BS01 page does say his colour difference between Dark Destiny and Bionicle: World is an example of him rebuilding himself, but that needs a citation. I suppose it does makes sense though, given his initial role in the universe was to rebuild Matoran sent to him, so rebuilding himself doesn't seem out of the question. Maybe he has a large armor wardrobe and likes to change things up. Why stick to the exact same outfit for 100,000+ years, right?
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