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Blog Comments posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. hahasonu.png


    *laughs at Sonu*


    In all seriousness though, good job! I only have one that wasn't in a vehicle. It was on Anchor 9, I eventually picked up a shotgun, and just walked around the map shooting people. No camping, scout's honour. And then I stumbled upon some more ammo without even realizing it. I didn't even know I got a perfection until the announcer announced it at the end.


    Also, I still am very proud of the 1 fair one I got in Halo 3. While I was flying around in my hornet on avalanche, my guns never stopped firing.



  2. I just can't support synthesis or control. In control, you're doing exactly what the Illusive man wanted you to do. Not to mention in the extended version, The Shepard reaper king states something along the lines of "I now have an army that cannot be defied." And I can't stand synthesis either. Not only is it A: Space magic, but B: you are forcibly removing galactic diversity from the galaxy. You were arguing that point just before. And I've honestly never cared that much for EDI. I felt worse for Joker because she was gone. And as much as I love the Geth, none of them are Legion. Besides, if we can rebuild Mass relays without the Reapers, pretty sure rebuilding Geth will be no problem. Pretty sure Quarians have some Geth in their suits as well.



  3. I used to watch Ben 10 all the time. I'm pretty sure I've seen all the original episodes. Alien force just wasn't as good. I wasn't as committed to catching up on missed episodes.


    Also, I don't care what anybody says, Ghostfreak will always be the best villian on that show.



  4. I didn't think Microsoft's presentation was THAT bad. Sure, Usher was awful and whatnot, but other than that, I don't think there was anything horrible out of it. People are just jumping on the fact that it wasn't as good as the other ones and are trying to tear it apart for that fact.


    And 343 has officially gotten me excited for Halo 4.


    In my opinion, other than that annoying woman host, I thought Ubisoft had the best presentation. Was not expecting the nudity though. The navy battles look insane for assassin's creed. I also love how climbing on trees seems to work so well without making the trees look like they're pre-placed. Watch dogs looks really interesting too.



  5. I liked it. Though I kind of cheated myself of the surprise by scrolling down to see how long it was, and my eyes decide to fixate on the name in the 3rd last line.


    Though if this was actually true, since almost all residents of spherus magna are part synthetic, this means that in my canon playthrough, I have also killed essentially all my favorite Bionicle characters thanks to Bioware's stupid endings.



  6. @everyone: Well, I have a knack for putting a lot of money in my wallet. My mom hates me doing it and always yells at me to take it out. I can only assume that I took some out because she told me to, and then put it in my bedside cabinet. I probably forgot about it because then with the help of my aunt, my Mom was finally able to pay off the $360 she owed me, which I then put into my wallet.


    @Chols: Funny you should mention that. Back when we got robbed about half a year ago, the thief had looked through my brother's room, but not mine. My door had been opened, but the room was untouched, even though all the robber had to do was look down and right to see my wallet in plain sight. I can only assume he opened the door, saw a shelf full of Bionicles, and figured it was a kid's room that wasn't worth looking into. In summary: My Bionicle sets protected my room.



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