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The Hip Historian Iaredios

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Everything posted by The Hip Historian Iaredios

  1. I once found a few red LEGO and BIONICLE pieces in a clear plastic container shoved behind a shelf at school. Asked the Teacher if I could have it, she said, "sure why not", she didn't know how it got there in the first place.A year and a half back I found one of my Taxadox heads (got the set twice), with all the pieces connected to it (eyes, pincers, neck), right outside the driveway covered in a few pebbles. It was quite dusty.I still don't see how it got there now that I think of it: Takadox was fully intact when I left, Mom was at work all day, my brother and I were both at school, and I'm always the first to come home. It's like someone broke into the house without a trace just to rip off my sets head and partially bury it. :ninja:I also once lost Kongu Mahri's mask soon after I bought him..... a year later, I found him in a pocket in my Backpack for that school year. Every year I buy a new backpack and throw the old one away, so I don't see how my mask could have gotten in there.
  2. Isfahan, by E.S. Posthumus. Such a beautiful and powerful song, I sometimes have to hold back on shedding tears of joy depending on my mood.I feel the same for the song Arise by the same group, which I'm about to listen to....
  3. After The Fall, Composed by Nick Phoenix, produced by Two Steps From H-ll.I have to say, this is one of his masterpieces.
  4. I'm not sure exactly......I'm going to have to say I like mine, because I drew it, and It's all that's left of what was going to be my best drawing. :(Black Six also has a good one. Always been a fan of it.
  5. A Pony in a Santa hat, winking at me for some unknown reason. Sucks 'life energy' out of Matoran Universe inhabitants.
  6. The Golden Hau of Tahu Mata facing off against the Krana of a Bohrok.
  7. A new comic strip involving hugging.I Appear to have been severely 'ninja'd'. :lol:A strange man with clown markings on his eyes.
  8. Sprites...AND MORE SPRITES!! http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/fear.gif...And some quotes.
  9. Overrated? Well most of the music out there. Some special gems, but most of it doesn't appeal to me and others.What is truly underrated and under-appreciated is trailer music. it combines many aspects of different genres and time periods with classical music, and though it is unknowingly listened to a lot, it is still largely unrecognized. Groups like Two Steps From H*ll, AudioMachine, and Immediate Music deserve a lot more attention then they are getting.At the same time, it's an acquired taste, so It can't be expected to be liked en masse. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/confusedw.gif
  10. A funny banner.... Christmas Day is coming up, and the T was made lowercase due to it's similarity to something else.... No, it's not a video game.
  11. That's poorly drawn lightning. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/confusedw.gif
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