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Status Updates posted by otter

  1. Have you read Halo: Cryptum? Its the newest book, has the Didact and Bornstellar Makes Eternal Lasting in it. The Didact was a Warrior-Servant, that was his class in the Forerunner society. He was of the highest rank, a Promethean.

  2. He knows he mispelt it. I keep annoying him 'bout xD.

    Also, are you happy that I got Zaphos to lazer Junkyard?

  3. Hey Lemos, are you a fan of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider's of Pern series? Cause in it (and other spin off series) there's a hold called Lemos.

  4. Hey, kieno tu pusėje?

  5. Hi Makuta! I noticed while on my friend Iranu's page that you were making a club, and i meant to tell you i didn't want to join. So, sorry, but i'm not going to join.

  6. Hmm...Fordo.....

    He's really good with the DC-17 hand blasters, if I remember right from Star Wars:Clone Wars

  7. Hmm...Star Wars, eh? Episode one? 1999? Hmm... I might have been at the same theater...

  8. Hmm...where'd I get four stars from? O_o


  10. I believe there is a glitch in the Matrix. Why? Because...I am the glitch.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. a goose

      a goose

      I made a Big Bang Theory reference.

    3. otter


      I know. And I completely disregarded it.

    4. sunflower


      Good thing I'm awesome with computers. *gets to work fixing the glitch*

  11. I didn't know any FM that wasn't premier. Now I know that there are some that aren't. You ever read any of David Edding's books?

  12. I don't care, I Shoop da Whoop'd the multiverse. That's a win.

  13. I don't know why, but my Toa of Ice always have a manipulative streak to them.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      He almost made Nemesis cry. Lol.

    2. a goose

      a goose

      My Toa always have serious mental issues. =P

  14. I don't know why...but I'm looking at a really nice straight razor to buy. Maybe I'm a hipster-shaver.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. otter


      Not like I shave very regularly as it is, though.

    3. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      Gotta have that clean shaven look.

    4. otter


      That clean shaven look I never keep. :P

  15. I don't know, Herc.

  16. I feel like a herp-derp.

    1. ~Xemnas~


      Why? What did you do this time?

    2. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      You're my HLP herp derp doe.

  17. I guess I am smart. One amazing discussion and you add me as a friend. You have just contributed to my already-oversize ego. Ah well, nice to meet you. You play the BZPRPG?

  18. I have to ask, where do you get the inspiration for all these mocs? O_O

  19. I just found out that a sixteen year old managed to make Minecraft within Minecraft. Recursive Reality just got that much cooler.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Plague
    3. otter


      Inception was based on a Recursive Reality plot device, after all.

    4. Plague


      Yeah... heh. My friends and I use the term inception alot. :P

  20. I just sang "Never Gonna Give You Up" and "What Is Love" with Cleverbot. I bet you all wish your lives were this cool.

    1. Highly Suspicious Person

      Highly Suspicious Person

      I sang Yellow Submarine with Cleverbot once. Then it told me I was a robot in the middle of the song.

  21. I love food.

    1. ~Xemnas~


      What a funny coincidence- so do I! :D

    2. Plague


      Yeah, I have to have some...


      ... like, every day!

  22. I meant Halo, not hale. Sorry for the confusion.

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