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Everything posted by munchy

  1. munchy

    Yay Blogeez

    Beens just told me that you could blog for free for a month so im blogging yay fried egg umm oh yeah i learned a new juggling trick called takeouts and i can juggle with my eyes closed. i think my record is about 17 seconds
  2. I played runescape and gained about 30 Cb levels and got membership and learned a few new juggling tricks
  3. what happened?!?!?!?!?!?!

  4. Well you see i just logged on when beens showed me the forums were back and i went to my profile and on my interests list in loads of different places "<br />" has appeared. Does anybody know why?
  5. munchy


    colbro i like shooting stars also wat the cee under my approval down in the content block it says muchys groovy approval instead of munchys its missing an n wekuhrkuhwtkguh he world will explode unless you fix it also my typing is gone mad i keep making mistakes all the time i keep leaving letters out or if its not me it might be the keyboard
  6. 7 and 3 shgskhgjgf i dunno what order somebody else decide which order theyre in Annoying colour removed. -EW
  7. are you allowed to cross onto different lines from where they cross (if you imagine it is 2d) if you can i found 4 different paths for it
  8. JxcelDolghmQ

    i hope i spelled that right

  9. munchy

    Too Hot...

    holy banana thats mad i would be dead if i lived there EDIT: dran i thouught i was great because i actually had remembered to close the color code tags thingy and then i posted this and i didnt work and i realised that i had written
  10. munchy

    Bbc #61 :/

    ygAFSDGS im just urbish at mocing anyway so thats why i dont enter allso piccys is >: ( not because of pressing shutter button because must upload to computer and edit crop resize upload to birkshlef and makes me bored so banana
  11. Your font is like chlorine to my eyes. wat wat wat i dont use a font its the same a yours
  12. zkugzhbhd i hat chlorine i my eyes also i bought some lamp oil so i can do fire stuff B)B)
  13. HI IM MAD B)B)B)

  14. 'w'


    where did get that characktur >:(

    '^' n_n 8_8 ¬¬ @_@ :9 p_p

  15. munchy

    Ask, Draw

    is wafel=waffle? or is banana=sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfdssdfdsdfdsdfdsdfdsdfdsfddfdsd
  16. munchy

    Ask, Draw

    if banana = banana but banana^2 = banana^2 then how many pies make an elephant fat?
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