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Blog Comments posted by Zatth



    Zatth managed to convince me about my secret double life that I never knew I had and the horrendous acts I never thought I committed.

    *whispers* good, i've done my job


    (In all seriousness, it was a joy saying hi again! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed BrickFair this year, and as always feel free to come up and say hi and hang out with us whenever)


  2. I knew I was forgetting something. I have not spoken of the hatpile in months. ALAS, THERE IS STILL TIME!


    ...provided I can find an appropriate hat.


    What if the hybrid is part time lord, part human? The prophecy never named the warrior races.


    Will the livestream be recorded?




    As to the Hybrid comment... Danny, you are the hero Gotham needs but not the one it deserves.


    And the lifestream might be recorded, I believe if it's done on YouTube we can later upload it after the fact.


    I have made Sumiki aware of this image. He lost it :P

  3. If we're discussing diacritics, I prefer fütbol

    Oh, don't even get me started on axaxaxas mlö


    Actually, the sports commentator would be yelling and exending the word goal whenever someone made a point. XD

    That was actually the remainder of the game, but we had to cut it short due to shattered eardrums :P

  4. You sounded Scottish when you said Balaclava.

    Oxford changed me more than I thought.


    They were dark times...


    Bonkles - bone-kay-lay


    I miiiiiiight have to do one on Bonkles (if the people commenting on the videos realize I am joking and don't really think that's how BIONICLE is pronounced :P )


    My brother calls them "bunny-claws."

    Of paws he would.


    Brickfair 2k16 shenanigans confirmed: Brickfair Pronunciation Guide.



    • Upvote 2
  5. Same as Wind: I can't speak to your experience, but I did attend a school where overachieving was the norm, where having taken less than 8 AP classes made you beneath the students, and not applying to at least two Ivy Leagues (and hoping to get in) made you a source of contempt. If you need to vent, to talk, to see cute cat videos or pictures (I have an entire Google Doc devoted to those), let me know. BZP has helped to shape a lot of us, and I know we'd be more than glad to help one of our own when Life gets tough, as it tends to do.

    We're here for you, for whatever you need :)

    • Upvote 1

    I think Spirit meant all three at once.


    Ha! Hmm...


    Jayne's hat underneath Indy's fedora, bowtie and suspenders beneath Indy's jacket, and Sonic Screwdriver and Nerf gun.


    Find the best quotations from the three and find ways to mix them into recognizable somethings that can identify the three, and create a punny/mixed name for the cosplay abomination brilliance!





    It won't even be your final form.

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