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Blog Comments posted by Zatth


    [M]y beard. Debuting for the first time ever this brickfair.


    And really, what would you rather have? A big, green muscle? Or face hair?


    I have half a mind to keep my road trip beard going until August—not to compete with yours as much as to provide a little slap insulation.


    Also, the video is beautiful. I laughed all the way through.



    Please keep your beard. It'll create a sharp contrast when the Vines show that the likes of Xaeraz and Sumiki have grown and matured, and Pablo still looks like he did back in the first BrickFair videos, except without the flowing mane.

    • Upvote 1
  2. in the meantime, we should get a cardboard cutout as a standin, if possible. I am willing to submit a photograph of myself for this purpose.


    Would you be willing to settle for a print-out on a sheet of paper (unless someone steps in to fund a cardboard cutout)? With the sheet of paper I can guarantee your appearance in at least one Vine.

  3. I meant that as in I will not be attending this year, because it coincides with our family beach trip.

    Aw :( Well, no worries. Unless we finally find the way to harness the energies of the sun inside the convention center (which we would've gotten away with last year if it weren't for those meddling kids!), BrickFair will stand for many more years, and by extension, you'll be able to make a glorious return!




    We also don't have a Hulk.

    What we do have, however, is my beard. Debuting for the first time ever this brickfair.


    And really, what would you rather have? A big, green muscle? Or face hair?



    You know, this COULD be your new username. I mean, Horse Divorce, Spinal Thirst, Face Hair... it practically rolls off the tongue (or the face, in your case).


    Am I part of your crew? o-o


    Of course! I based my metric of the "core group" on the people who mostly made videos with us (as well as needing a core roster for the project debuting tomorrow), but you're most definitely a part of Team Farm Animals! Just because you don't pitch in money to buy a Kek Powerizer (a bad brilliant purchase, in hindsight), doesn't mean you're not part of the motley crew!


    I do believe that, in my case, it's "Stare to be Stoopid".


    Also, dancing.


    EDIT: Furthermore, how on EARTH have I not seen a bfahome *breathing intensifies* gif yet?


    Takuma Nuva









    We also don't have a Hulk.

    What we do have, however, is my beard. Debuting for the first time ever this brickfair.


    And really, what would you rather have? A big, green muscle? Or face hair?


    It is so unfortunate that my (not so) glorious mustache won't be making an appearance this year.


    It's ok. That appears to be Xaeraz's department now. Plus, you can bring another defining trait this year!

  5. 1) Is there any particular event at BrickFair VA that we should check out while we are there (Outside well, the MOCs and the people)?

    Seminars and games are always fun. Since there's a good amount of each, you should be able to choose from a wide variety. BZP-specific is the fancy dinner and lasertag, which are two events that are always super fun.

    2) Is there anything outside of the con that we should check out (Museums, ect)?


    Museums: Closest to BFVA is the Udvar Hazy Center, which is the Virginia wing (pun intended) of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. On the other hand, you could also spend an entire day at the National Mall; it's surrounded by, like, seven Smithsonian museums (all free), as well as the monuments, the Capitol, the Library of Congress, etc.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I agree with the above comment; you're handling it much better and more maturely than I did when it happened to me.


    Here's a funny video that should get your mind off of things: look in YouTube for: "Simply Delicious Shower Thoughts with Cookie Monster". 

    ​If nothing else remember it's ok to feel whatever it is you're feeling; don't try and ignore or deny those feelings. Let them come over you, allow yourself to feel however you want to feel, but after a sufficient time, move on. In this way you allow yourself to feel as you wish, but also understand that, as many a philosopher has said in ages past, "this too shall pass."

    • Upvote 1
  7. I don't think I mentioned it under your confirmation of BFVA, but I live 20 mins away from the Dulles Expo Center, so if at any point you need anything (a tour guide for the museums, a ride somewhere, even a late night recommendation for a place to eat dinner), feel more than free to send me a message or anything! Hopefully Sumiki and others can attest, at least, to my willingness to go on and on about the museums here and whatnot.


    Anywho, super glad you're joining us! (And don't worry about the social awkwardness thing, because not only are you much cooler than many of us, but you can do what we do to forget our social awkwardness, which mainly involves hats, Galidor, and overused jokes that we beat to the death. Mainly a combination of all three :P )

    • Upvote 3

    The "hideous building" looks like a Gothic building on Geonosis.


    Also I will change my name to Pablo in order to make an appearance on this new show.



    Your name isn't already Pablo?


    How is that possible. No, no, the opposite must be true. It is destiny.


    Fun fact: the direct translation of "Cap'n Subnuki" into Spanish is Pablo! [CITATION NEEDED]

    • Upvote 4
    • Voriki

    • Soh Cah Toa

    The element of surprise


    I would probably respond using "flowery" language

    Reveal 10 years later that it all happened inside a giant robot



    Bring Back Hero Factory Is NOT BIONICLE Club


    They have more articulation than 2001, so very advanced

    As long as they're clowning around, I'll leave them be


    Snape kills Trinity with Rosebud the sled

    I'm the star of the sequel to The LEGO Movie. Alternately, I'm the victim for the opening of a Doctor Who episode

    • Upvote 2
  9. It's "becoming" cool and mainstream? When hasn't it been?

    You'd be shocked just how hard it was to convince anyone in Venezuela 2000-2009 that LEGO was cool or mainstream. I must've been, what, one of five KFOLs in the country?


    It's times like these that I'm glad I know what time it is.



    • Upvote 3
  10. I'm happy to hear that everything went well. Keep recovering!


    Thanks! I only just started to actually be able to laugh today, so there will be much luff-related recovery.


    Holy cats.  As someone who's been on the major-abdominal-surgery train before, I can say I feel your pain completely literally, and so with as much emotion and sympathy as possible: ouch, dude.


    Glad to hear everything went well, though!


    Thanks so much! Yeah, I was kinda scared about the procedure itself, but it turns out that the combination of my obscenely long intestine and my high tolerance of pain made the procedure and the recovery go surprisingly well.

    Still hurts, though, but they do say no pain no gain :P

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