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Everything posted by Phyoohrii

  1. Oh man, I really can't wait for this! :D Martin Freeman is great, he'll be a great Bilbo! Nice to see the old sets, Rivendell, Bagend, as well as Sir Ian and Andy Serkis again, hooyeah. Also I like the new dwarf theme that features throughout, but also the callback in the end to the original LotR theme (can't remember the name)...aaaaaaahhhhhhhh.
  2. The only thing that's changing is the volume and frequency of well established Internet attitudes. It's always been like this, it's just getting worse.
  3. Phyoohrii

    A Sighting

    Yeah, I haven't seen EW in ages!
  4. ...as I realise that the BZP Store at the top of the page isn't a thing. Not that I would have any idea what it would sell, or what I would buy, if anything. Anyway, just another of those added features that will never be used, hooray. Also 800th entry for Phylog 2.2, I guess.
  5. Pet peeves are my pet peeve.Also those people that try and be clever when really they're not.<<>>
  6. So mum and dad had their anniversary of the first time they dated yesterday (Saturday), so they went out and my sister and I had our annual stay at home and watch movies from the videro store and eat takeaway night. We borrowed two movies that we probably should have gone to the movies for, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?) and Cars 2. Mmm. I'm not going to spoiler things because reasons that are borderline obvious. So the former, was much better than I expected, and I'm partly regretful for not going to see it. It actually did pretty well for a HP movie, pretty tense and amusing, but rounded things off nicely. The movie did a terrible job of explaining why Harry survived though. I honestly don't even remember how. Oh well. The latter, while still entertaining, is showing that Pixar isn't invincible. It just didn't have that spark of simple brilliance with the premise, it was a bit same old for the animation genre. Also the plot kinda cancelled itself out with the reveal of the evil mastermind, IMO. And I don't like where Pixar's going, at least for the next one or two films. Grave fears. So not really reviews but comments OH WELL.
  7. Aw man. This is just about the coolest idea ever. Oh, to be young again, I would totally enjoy this, when I spent my money on such incredible things. Alas, those days are behind me, too many years too late, I'm afraid. But yeah, this is completely awesome.
  8. REGULAR SCHEDULE BOOYEAH. Also alphabetised RBZPotW return for a third time next week, so more chances of being picked! Tolkien Tolkien has 1081 posts (5 Star Rating, 6265 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 7-December 03. He is currently most active in Short Stories, but used to be most active in BIONICLE Storyline & Theories. He is both a POBZPC and a Fact Team Member, has an avatar of Tolkien's insignia, is twice the BIONICLE Quiz master, has a Yahoo and LEGO.com accounts, has a blog, lives Westward and has too many interests. Is there such athing? I guess... He last visited on the ?? of ??????? 20??, and their birthday is the 1st of June 1990. Question marks. More BZP royalty, and this banner is the thanks he gets? Lame.
  9. This is amazing. It looks so ridiculous, but it would have been awesome simply because of the Orient Express/Adventurers vibe, still one of my favourite themes. Nice find! They sure put a lot of effort into that pitch, though a shame it was never endorsed.
  10. In all seriousness my actual vector stuff that I've been working on for a very long time and you've seen from time to time is not that great, but people still kinda like it? Me included?
  11. Redglare wasn't a Cancer. But yeah, I'm sure if I wasn't a Cancer I wouldn't even think about it. And getting the Spiro would be cool for summoning sprites and such. Because that's actually what they do in real life as well for sure. They do look cool, anyhow. Wish I'd waited for the calendar, though, I'm currently calendarless for next year and that one looks pretty sweet. Oh well.Oh and those updates, who knew a firefly could provide such emotions to a story.
  12. Phyoohrii

    No Words.

    We all have different ways of dealing with grief.
  13. Phyoohrii

    No Words.

    Girl 1: "p.s you're now half of 40 ha" Girl 2: "Haha 1/4 of my life's gone! Provided that i live to 100 :/" ...
  14. I plan to. May take a while though. As well as being an international customer, there's been a lot of shenanigans trying to get funds sorted, the banks combined with Paypal makes things particularly slow when you don't have a credit or debit card, and my foolishness with it has made it longer. Probably the last thing I buy in a while from the interwebs (HS music excluded).
  15. I could easily get that by going to a jewelry store or something and picking up a Cancer pendant.Therefore, I opted to order a spirograph keychain. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngMreh, the only ones I could find were ridiculously expensive or too stylistic. Not that I went to a jewellery store or anything, just looked online and such, but I was thinking about going to one of those new age stores, seeing if they would have one. But now don't have to.Spirograph keychain and pendant are nice, if I was stinking rich I might have picked those up too. Well, the keychain anyway. But I've got loads of keychains anyway and I only really have one key right now, so bit redundant. And my affinity towards Karkat/Sufferer/my star sign knows no bounds.
  16. None of that matters because Sufferer pendant. Even though I also bought a Blood tshirt but whatever.
  17. I will not rest till I have one in my possession. :0 But yeah seriously, was trying to find one before, but none look nearly as good as this one. Bit more costly than what I was originally going for, but I don't care. Also it's fun searching in blogs now that it works properly. A lot of funny things I said and other people said in the past. Ah the good ol' days. Of 4-6 years ago? My goodness. :0
  18. tl;dr, just looking at my pony. It's glorious.
  19. Phyoohrii

    Jacques Tati

    Had the grace to accidentally run into a doco on TV about the great man today, reminded me of how great his films and humour was. I still haven't seen Trafic or Parade, but I have seen his other major films (Jour de Fête, Monsieur Hulot's Holiday, Mon Oncle and Playtime), the latter three I also had the privilege of seeing at a local art house cinema hear for a Tati festival a few years ago. Added to this during the downtime I saw the animated film The Illusionist, which is based off one of his scripts and is a lovely film, one I'm sure Tati would have been proud of. They're very unique films, ones which I hope you would enjoy. Speaking of old comics, it reminds me that I still haven't really looked at my boxset of short Chaplin films I got nearly four years ago. Welp.
  20. Definitely someone I do remember! Hi there! Welcome back I guess.
  21. ...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and also in non MSPA news I've caught up with these Randoms, yes. Dum Spiro Spero Dum Spiro Spero has 4503 posts (4 Star Rating, 6209 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 12-December 05. He is currently most active in BIONICLE RPG. He has an avatar of some underwater thing, a banner of a space shuttle with "Dum Spiro Spero Audaces Fortuna Iuvat" written on it (as well as "Ride Semper"), and lives in Washington. He won't tell me his interests unless I ask him. Which I won't. He last visited on the 6th of November 2011, and their birthday is the 29th of September 1992. Great. A quick google search of the intriguing banner of his suggests that what's been said here is "While I breathe I hope" and "Fortune Favours the Bold", and the other part I believe to be in relation to the The Ride for Semper Fi, a charity bike ride for injured US Marines. What a cool and meaningful banner. And here I am giving him this one instead. ------------------------------------------------ Kughii Kughii has 589 posts (5 Star Rating, 577 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 29-October 10. He is currently most active in BIONICLE RPG. He has a coffee cup as his avatar, hangs out in BZPRPG (duh), has a LEGO.com account, claims their 'location' is writer's block and their 'interest' is whether I smell popcorn. Actually, their archived account lists many interests, but that's the past and I don't care. Trollolol. He last visited on the 9th of December 2011. SO RECENT. And finally, back to regular banner schedules, hoorah.
  22. A thing I posted elsewhere... But to the matter at hand...AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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