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Everything posted by Phyoohrii

  1. I'm not so sure, they're talking at the moment as if he's still alive for some reason, so that's why I'm putting him here. EDIT: But I did forget Mannerly Highbrow for some reason.
  2. So I'm just putting a list of characters here that have never died in this series, or at least hasn't been seen to die a single time. It's not a big list, but I think it's still bigger than I thought. Wayward Vagabond Peregrine Mendicant Lil' Cal God Cat Squarewave Sawtooth Serenity Lord English Ms. Paint Wolf Head : ( Gamzee Makara???????????? Ryan North Wild Resident Pony King Blacksmith Butcher Codsmith Swamp Wizard Elf Mage Hog Cleric Clown Bard Dapper Swain Mannerly Highbrow Churlish Toff Ugly Dog The Devil Death Yes all this is incredibly important and I felt the need to write this down. I'm tired.
  3. Hasn't happened to me in a while, which is weird since I've really been without a schedule for the past 3-4 months. But anyway, one thing's for sure, I certainly will have a schedule when Uni semester returns next week (1 week later than usual). How the month's have gone by. Terrifying. GOOD GOLLY I wish I had something interesting to say, I really do. But no. Sigh.
  4. Certainly not one of LEGO's best. A pretty average effort if you ask me, not nearly a good enough likeness. Some of their other Architecture ones have been much better...but maybe I'm just biased and believe it deserves more justice. It could be a lot better, though at that scale, I'm not sure. Anywho, pretty disappointing.
  5. Knowing is growing. Actually I found this very interesting, and I eagerly await opportunities to drop it into conversations to the chagrin of the other participants.
  6. Phyoohrii


    Who cares, everyone be lovin' the pre-scratch Sufferer.
  7. Oh man, clearly you're missing this dude. Because clearly that's the most important thing I have to point out.Otherwise I like how this one works. Also good for reminding me about some of those rare sets, like the large containers of pieces and such.
  8. New favourite flash (that's not an EoA). Chyeah. And I got my fix of Tensei, woot.
  9. It was so good when I finally did it last year, playing it from beginning to end, so good. There's a version on one of the archive things fans have set up that has done a pretty great job of alleviating most of the glitches.
  10. Dinner later tonight, that'll be two out of five things I have to go to in this 4 weeks. Great times. TradTheMentalist TradTheMentalist has 122 posts (5 Star Rating, 445 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 20-March 10. He is currently most active in Completely Off Topic, but used to be most active in Comedies. He has an avatar of some cool mechanical thing, lives in Malaysia, and seems to hate a number of things, while also being pessimistic. That's cool. He last visited on the 6th of February 2012, and his birthday is the 11th of November 1997. That's an awesome birthday day. Here's a tidy banner. BZP Member List Trivia: There are (at the time of writing) 2406 members starting with T that have more than 10 posts. Of those, only 259 have posted since BZPower has returned from the upgrade. Another 5269 have less than 10 posts. That is a total increase of 420 members since the 5th of February 2010, and 5465 members since the 1st of August 2008.
  11. So...I may have alluded to the fact that I might be entering. However, considering it's due by next week, and I haven't started, and I only have a ridiculous idea that has actually no story to go with it as of yet, and it will probably take forever to make, I probably will not attempt entering. So...yeah. Have fun! BUT! I do plan on making it eventually. So...look out for that.
  12. too find out watch thing is true...... READ THE TOPIC??
  13. Oh man, the clues were all here the whole time too argh.
  14. Oh my goodness gracious me what on earth could this be a reference to I have absolutely no idea in the slightest.I cannot wait.
  15. For the most part it actually slipped my mind, I was that busy with stuff. That's my way of dealing with it. And being with my true love: the music. Also, that all nighter I was talking about? Yeah, that didn't happen, so that's why yesterday was busy. Oh well, I got what I needed to do done. Clearly in this entry V Day stands for Vague Day.
  16. Oh man, MORE X-Wings and TIE Fighters? Man, they've done those to death! Maybe they should try thinking of doing some other Star Wars sets.
  17. Wish I had this much dedication when I'm in study periods. Which I won't be for another couple of weeks. Joy. Probably is telling me that I'm not doing the right thing at Uni. Oh well.
  18. Phyoohrii


    I love Yes, but the only ones I've heard and own are the first three on your list, plus Yessongs which is a live album from the same period as those three albums. Never bothered to look at the others. Been meaning to though, I mean I've known them for 10 years now, you'd think I should have by now. But yeah, amazing stuff. Close to the Edge is probably my favourite (was the name for my blog for a short time too).
  19. Sorry, I don't deal with subjectives like these. Duly noted though. I will openly admit though that he's got just about the best username.
  20. Phyoohrii


    So in the past couple of weeks, thanks to the wonderous world of social networking, I pretty much have every Saturday (including this one) for the next month tied up with invitations to birthdays or going away shindigs or both, mostly for 21st birthdays. The celebration of the 21st birthday is mostly redundant in this country as all our laws focus around the ages of 16 and 18 (like joining army, drinking, voting, getting a learners permit, etc). 21st these days really doesn't have any meaning, but it goes with the trend established by generations past and continuing encroachment of other countries' culture on ours (ie USA). I certainly don't plan on doing anything when my 21st comes around in Jul... ...wait I'm turning 21 this year? When did that become a thing!? D: Anyway, the point of this entry was really about I've spent the first month and a half of this year not really seeing anyone and no one particularly wanting to see me anyway, so it's a bit shocking to have your next four Saturdays taken up with gatherings. I don't complain though. I've been feeling pretty lonely recently anyway, so whatever. forevver alone Also uranianUmbra is the best so there. :U
  21. Now begins an interesting two week period. Not for randoms though, nothing new here. Surely you've got the gist of this mess by now. Although I guess I could say that I'm actually the only source of this sort of thing, now that the front page of BZP no longer has it working officially. So score! Darcsyde Darcsyde has 2167 posts (5 Star Rating, 3175 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 7-March 05. He is currently most active in Comics, but used to be most active in BIONICLE Artwork III: BIONICLE Comics (which is essentially the same thing he says in a sing song voice if you can imagine). He has an avatar of one of those pokemans, you know, those ones people have talked about for well over a decade now, you know, AS WELL as that claims to be at the end of the pistachio shards (OK), has a Skype account, is Christian, likes extreme sports, reading, writing, gaming and music among things, plays cool instruments, and wants a further career in electronic music. That sounds awesome, seriously. He last visited on the 9th of February 2012, and his birthday is the 16th of February 1995. Not long till the big 1-7...which doesn't actually mean anything anywhere, does it, oh well. Here's a darling banner. BZP Member List Trivia: There are (at the time of writing) 645 members starting with D that have more than 10 posts. Of those, only 60 have posted since BZPower has returned from the upgrade. Another 1736 have less than 10 posts. That is a total increase of 107 members since the 23rd of May 2010, and 368 members since the 1st of August 2008.
  22. I think Eridan is finally getting competition for the best troll horns. I'm looking forward to seeing more from UU each and every update with her.
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