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Everything posted by Phyoohrii

  1. A night which was actually fun for its entirety and I had no qualms about it, even this deep into the next day? Unheard of! Parents gone up north to spend time with family for tonight and tomorrow, mostly to talk about family history and stuff. Fun times.
  2. Phyoohrii

    Googling Kurahk

    Anger > Fear. Google doesn't know anything. B)
  3. JEALOUS. Was tempted to go get tickets to one of the Aus shows, but my gosh they are expensive. And no one would go with me anyway.
  4. Yeah, well, my face is right over there, from two years ago. <<< I'm pale, thin and brown haired, and have a bit of growth on the face. I want to look like what I look like, ie the coolest and sexiest person ever to walk this earth. BUT FOR HEAVENS SAKE DON'T DO ANYTHING. D: D: D:
  5. ...my drought of going to the hairdressers. Pretty sure I haven't had one since the 2nd of May, which would make it the longest amount of time I've ever been without a haircut. And it shows. It was really becoming unmanageable, couldn't really do anything without it getting in my face. Course now it's in the other extreme now, pretty sure this is the shortest it's been since 2007. Here's an artists impression of what I look like now. Oh and I bought some CDs but no one cares about that.
  6. Karkat, Kanaya and Aradia are my favourite of the main trolls, in that order. The first is also my patron troll, so yeah. Shipping is silly. But I like the story behind Jake and Jane very much.
  7. G-rating a dumb thing, but it's still very much true. I mean seriously, like looking at dA and other art sharing sites and what not, people will make (often terrible) art about anything. I mean, lately I've been following a couple of Let's Players, because I like watching people playing games but not really playing them myself. Because having fun is wrong. But anyway, to my surprise, even those guys get art of them done by fans. I mean seriously, why? That's just ridiculous. I'm not saying it shouldn't be done, that's none of my business, but it's kinda funny and scary. Anyway, since I exist, art of me now. :angry:
  8. Honestly, I don't remember either versions of that song that well, but the mix you created sounds really nice. I just had a quick listen to the start of each, the rejected and new versions, and I can see what you mean, with the treble and bass. In any case, it's a great combo, works really well. Also, thanks for the heads up that AIK are also known as Dial Zero, maybe. That's bugged me for years, why we couldn't find anything by them. Might go looking around to see what they've done I dunno whether it is, last time I checked the BIONICLE Music project it wasn't there, but for convenience's sake, here you go.
  9. Everyone talks about lemons as if it's a bad thing. "When life gives you lemons, keep them. Because, hey, free lemons."
  10. Feeling lonely. Though it pleases me that I've nearly caught up with these infernal things. Shine Shine has 3454 posts (4 Star Rating, 4002 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 15-May 06. He is currently most active in Completely Off Topic, but used to be most active in BIONICLE-Based Creations. He is a Blog Assistant, but has no blog (that I can find), has some anime/whatever guy as his avatar, a signature with lyrics from Bad Religion's song 'Them and Us' (I think), and likes around 94 bands. Most of which I've never heard of. He last visited on the 2nd of December 2011, and their birthday is the 6th of April 1992. Hooray. Here's to music and banners. ------------------------------------------------ Ryan T. Loveless Ryan T. Loveless has 1116 posts (4 Star Rating, 72 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 6-September 03. He is currently most active in General Discussion. He is a Premier Member, has a Lolcat avatar (pew pew pew), has a blog, has several ways of contacting him, lives in Southwest Ohio, and has as of today (!!!) joined the US Navy. Wow. My timing couldn't be better/worse. He last visited on the 20th of October 2011, and their birthday is the 10th of February 1991. Right. I wish you the best of luck, good sir. This banner is for you, an admittedly less than adequate gift from me to you. But do your country proud. ------------------------------------------------ ~TSO~ ~TSO~ has 53 posts (5 Star Rating, 339 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 15-October 06. He is currently most active in General Art, but used to be most active in BIONICLE Storyline & Theories. He has a disturbing Pony avatar, has a Submachine 7 banner (I think? Also there are that many?) and a BIONICLE Quiz banner (an expert!) and lives in St. Petersburg. Woo, don't think we've had a Russian yet in a RBZPotW. If you prove me wrong, you have no life. He last visited on the 24th of November 2011, and his birthday is the 31st of October 1989. Why do I leave comments here again? In Soviet Russia, banner makes me. ------------------------------------------------ L. Seraphim L. Seraphim has 2974 posts (4 Star Rating, 4222 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 14-August 03. They are currently most active in BIONICLE RPG. They are a Premier Member and have some dude as his avatar. Cool. They last visited on the 20th of October 2011. Uh. OK, another banner, and I'm nearly caught up, just...today's actually. Oh well, I'll do it next week.
  11. Heh, BBC Contests sure have changed since I last looked. I actually like the simplicity and fluidity of the Flash, so I'll go with that one. Good luck to the finalists!
  12. My interest is really not returning to me as I hoped it might, I'm only sorta lurking around, but the fact is most of my good friends on here are long gone, and I'm not really working on anything that would increase interest in being here. Not really much reason in me sticking around...and yet I'm still here?So, answering the question, probably not that long. Year tops? Though wouldn't be surprised if I stayed longer.
  13. Right bang in the middle of page five, and I appear to be among some very prestigious company on that page, BZP greats past and present...and me.
  14. Dude, yes! It's been so annoying checking up things on the archives and then trying to go back to the new forums once you're done. All I need to do now is actually remember that next time I need to do that.
  15. The long loading times were an incredible pain, especially as I was still using a Windows 95 at that stage! It was almost impossible to play it at all, let alone MNOLGII. But yeah, I do miss the slowness of framerate for the Nui-Rama game for example, the other notable example being the Defend Kini-Nui game. In the old days I could hit all of them no problem, but now I'm only able to get those that explicitly attack you. If they made that game today, I suspect that would be a non issue, as they would have created set speeds for everything. So that I agree is annoying, but I don't miss the loading times one bit.
  16. So this has happened three times so far, but I keep getting notified for replies, posts or comments on my content or whatever, but I never actually see any of these posts when I go to look. Is it because they're being deleted by mods or is there some processing errors going on? I'll assume the former, but it's a bit annoying seeing that people may be telling me how great I am (pssshahahaha, good joke) and I cannot see them. Anywho, no biggie.
  17. Yeah, this is less of a mystery than you would think. I've only been picking people who have posted at least once since the board returned, so there's bound to be more recent (and popular) people turning up here.
  18. [media=600","81]http-~~-//player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F28925912&some=.swf[/media]"Just a quick thing I made from scratch, it's basically Flare by Clark Powell, only not very good. Bad even. It needs plenty of work to sound any good, but I only got this together in a couple of hours or so. Also contains elements from Cascade (Joren de Bruin), Upward Movement (Robert Blaker) and Three in the Morning (Clark Powell)."
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