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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Phyoohrii

  1. Pfft, unpopular opinion my eye. They were awesome. Maybe not so much the mainstream, but a lot of the stuff that's influenced me was from the 80s.
  2. One day I might catch a break with something. Anything. Please? Kromber Kromber has 69 posts (4 Star Rating, 162 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 7-July 08. He had a Populus avatar, a Personal Photo of his RZ sprite, a banner to his 'comics', likes comics and a computer, among things, and lets us ponder about three men, rich, poor and dead, respectively. I cannot be bothered finding out the answer. He last visited on the 16th of September 2009, and his birthday is the 21st of May 1997. Youngun. Here's that banner you can see on a computer.
  3. Ever since we've been living in this house, 9 or so years, my mum has had a grudge towards the people directly opposite us on the street. I won't go into why, I honestly don't understand. But anyway, they finally moved out earlier this year, and a trio of three Uni girls (one who is a family friend, ugh), and suddenly a new and much worse grudge has appeared towards the other two girls. It's pretty hilarious, actually. But yeah, the two girls are daughters of some doctors or something, who live only a couple of streets away. They're spoilt, with a huge BMW and are clearly up themselves. Recently they have been parking their Beemer outside our house, and since they are obviously bad drivers, they not only park well into the road, obstructing traffic, but they park so close to our driveway that it is difficult to drive our cars in. Especially for me, who still has his Ls (hopefully not this time next week) and is not a particularly great driver. Oh, and yeah, they're snobs. But the more annoying thing is I have to hear from my mum all the time about how insufferable they are. It's insufferable. First life update in a while, I guess. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
  4. Opposite of 'unbeaten'. Not 'unbeaten'. Anyway, never mind, I have no memory of what I needed it for anyway.
  5. Guys, what's the opposite of 'unbeaten'? In other words, what's a word for not having won a game, as opposed to not having lost a game. It is really unimportant, it's just on my mind. As is Friday. As is the random person. Shadow Rahkshi Shadow Rahkshi has 444 posts (5 Star Rating, 297 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 16-April 07. He has a Rahkshi edit as their avatar, a banner for their BBC56 MOC, claims to be inside my bowels (ew), and likes velociraptors and parkour, among things. Rad. He last visited on the 17th of January 2010, and his birthday is the 20th of September 1994. Great and great. Rawr, I'm a banner.
  6. "Welcome to the Official LEGO World Wide Website". "LEGO Primo is for babies!" The 90s.
  7. Phyoohrii


    Made this guy, all silver, black and red, like all cool things are. It looked awesome. ...I feel like getting it. D: Man, making Matoran would have been awesome in the BIONICLE days with this sort of thing. Anyway.
  8. Oh wow, that avatar is amazing.

  9. Hooray. Probably should go to sleep now so I can take advantage of it. BTW, no, haven't thought of checking out the things you told me to check. But I know they're there, don't worry.
  10. It is true that I have lapsed into an epileptic trance staring at it for a few minutes numerous times already.

  11. April Fools is such a joke. And I hope the staff stay like this forever. Bizo Nuva Bizo Nuva has 445 posts (no star rating, 12 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 21-October 02. They like Monty Python and folding (???), among things, and claims to live on the moon. Obviously. They last visited on the 1st of March 2008, and their birthday is the 3rd of September 1991. Reminds me of something not stupid to blog about, yay. No one expects the Banner Inquisition!
  12. What's your favourite molecule of air that you've breathed?
  14. I've got nothing interesting to tell you!
  15. Just here saying I saw that Seinfeld episode (in your Personal Photo) the other day. Yay.

  16. Happy today. Don't know why. It's kinda nice. Anthony_Dalek Anthony_Dalek has 167 posts (3 Star Rating, 403 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 10-August 06. He has a preset Teridax avatar and lives in England. Fancy that, a guy in England who likes Doctor Who, what a surprise. He last visited on the 4th of July 2010. A bit of a sore anniversary in British history? Banner and streamer.
  17. Wow, I think you might be the first person to work that out without me saying. Hooray.

  18. I don't know if it's related, because I don't have time right now to have a good read of the article, but I might have ordinal linguistic personification, not so much with numbers, but definitely days and somewhat months I think have a certain 'feel' to them. Like, I can always tell what day it is by how it feels, somewhat.
  19. Go to member list, narrow some of the search parameters, find out how many are in the list, go to random.org and generate a number, find the member that comes in that position on the list, tada. I could explain that better and in full, BUT I WON'T.
  20. This is the one I use anyway. I admit it might not be the one others use.
  21. Watching Leaving Las Vegas in class today, for stuff about gambling and all that. All I can do is stop myself from grinning because I can't stop thinking about the Nic Cage Song, especially in the opening. Guys. Girls. Find me something cool that isn't Homestuck. Now. It's becoming a problem, haha.
  22. Good. Beacause seriously, it's the best.
  23. I don't know which one I like more, your first 'green' landscape or this one. As I said before, you should really do more of these. I must say, though, that the silhouettes of the trees in the foreground look a bit off to me in this one. Like a couple on the left, particularly the big grey one, which seem to have some blur that doesn't seem to fit. My little nitpick.
  24. Usually I love reading these in the paper, I find them clever and funny, and usually I understand them. But this one...I want to know how you interpret this. What I think it is is that they're making a point of how the Japanese government has made a point of having a certain exclusion zone around the nuclear fallout, whereas international governments want their citizens to not be in a much wider exclusion zone. Not sure why they're only safe on the main island, and not the one to the north (sorry, I don't know my Japanese geography). Also it seems to be making a point of how unsafe Christchurch is, though not for the same reasons, even though both areas should be considered unsafe for the same reason that Christchurch is, that being on major faultlines. And meanwhile, Tasmania is just about not affected by anything ever, touch wood, and that's why it's so awesome. I have no idea what the fly is about.
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