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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Phyoohrii

  1. No RBZPotW is better than any other RBZPotW. But some RBZPotWs are more not better than others.
  2. But first, a thought. You know how songs are censored and all that? Often 'creatively', with sound effects and backwardness and stuff? Anyway, what's the point? It's obvious what they're saying. And besides, even when the words are censored, the uncensored part still often has some very strong adult themes, innuendo and all that, so in actual fact you're not really censoring anything. It kinda defeats the purpose of censoring anyway, people know what is actually meant anyway. Anywho, in a nutshell, censoring ruins songs for me, haha. Mahalis Mahalis has 5822 posts (4 Star Rating, 668 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 16-December 01. They have an avatar of Onua using his Hau, a Personal Photo for Aperture Labratories, is BZPower's Mini-Geek, a POBZPC, a BIONICLE Master, claims to live in Faerieland, probably had a website and is an awesome person because he did at least a few of the BZPower spinnies, as well as all these awesome avatars, the Plushie Generator, and numerous other awesome things from memory. This is BZPower Royalty. They last visited on the 20th of August 2008, and their birthday is the 19th of August 1904. Oh no, he didn't make it to his 104th birthday! So, pretty much no banner I make will be good enough for this awesome person. Oh well.
  3. Pretty. Actually, what you could do which could be interesting is make it flick between grey and red, much like the little badge in the loading screen of the Make Her Pay animation. But nah, that's neat as it is.
  4. Pfft, copying and pasting is for sissies. Real men write up their codes EVERY TIME.

    They are amazing. It's like Kanaya, Aradia and Karkat (blood) rolled into some bowl of awesomesauce.

  5. And that Kanaya is amazing.

  6. That's like the only time. I'm reserving it for the MSPA topic now, or whenever I talk about it, I guess. And it's the MSPA font, not just the Troll font, so bluh to you. :P

    Besides, adding fonts all the time is annoying. :D

  7. I think now LEGO is probably getting it right. Oh, to be young again, haha. Yeah, they're looking good now. While also being the new system. Also, I can watch Daily Show and Colbert online again, hooray. Must have just been because of the upgrade to their video player or whatever. Also again, it's really warm. Hopefully this means it's a late summer, not just a short one.
  8. Phyoohrii


    Chilling to My Bloody Valentine is the way to go on days like this.
  9. Phyoohrii


    Valentine's Day tomorrow. **sigh**
  10. Phyoohrii


    Mreh, I can see it. The sorta...pointy face. Sorta. And half of a full set of wolf legs. And two or four tails. It's basically the same. I'm more concerned about how a Kinloka doesn't look like anything, let alone a rodent.
  11. Kanaya. Then you could be our second favourite.
  12. OK, sure, go for it. Mreh, I can't really stop people from recommending things to me, can I? It's just whether I take it up and have a look. As for Iron and Wine, I haven't before, am listening now, on the video hosting site place thing. Heard 'Naked As We Come', 'Boy With A Coin' and 'Lion's Mane' so far. I've got to say, acoustic artists are not usually on the top of my list, because I usually don't find them exciting enough. This guy's got some great guitar and vocals though. I'll give him more of a listen, for sure. Any songs/albums you recommend in particular from him?
  13. Phyoohrii

    Purr Prreasure

    Pics of Pounce de Leon, please. :33
  14. Phyoohrii

    Sharing Clothes

    Man, you gotta be chill about that stuff, yo? Just go with it, spread the clothes love round, don't let the feelings bring you down, dig it? Yeah man, don't worry 'bout a thing, yeah? In all seriousness, I mostly have a problem with it too.
  15. But first, a rant...or two. So let me get this straight. Now I cannot watch either the Daily Show or the Colbert Report online, because Comedy Central has decided to make ALL the content only available in the US? If that is true, and not because they're buggy, I am simply furious, because it is no longer on TV here either so I'll have no access! In an unrelated situation, I hate it when Illustrator just goes ahead and corrupts your .ai files. What the crunch am I supposed to do with it now? I mean, I can still see the preview, so why can't I go in and use it?! To both of these rants, I go asdfghkjl;!!! Anyway, here's this week's member. Tahu92 Tahu92 has 863 posts (3 Star Rating, 20 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 20-April 03. He has a preset Vahki logo avatar and links to several BZP stories and the Rebirth Chronicles. Yeah cool. He last visited on the 23rd of January 2011, and his birthday is the 2nd of February 1992. Of course; it was in his name! So here's a banner just for you. If anyone else who uses it, you have my permission to virtually beat them up.
  16. Podu is literally the best. And probably the Great Being too.

  17. That Is Right And This Is Genuine A Club For All Bzpower Members Who Believe Kanaya Is The Second Best Troll Out Of The Twelve Trolls It Does Not Matter Who Is Your Favourite As Long As It Is Not Kanaya And Kanaya Is Your Second Favourite So I Would Like To Acknowledge The Sylph Of Space Herself Kanaya Maryam Vriska Sekret And Myself Are Already Associated With This Auspicious Club Also You Must Type Words In This Manner When Addressing The Issue At Hand
  18. My Kanaya Impression Is Just Terrible

  19. I Can Visualise Something Right Now

    The Kanaya Is My Second Favourite Troll Club

    You Could Be One Of Its Associates As Could I

    I Am Sure It Will Be Of High Standard

  20. Phyoohrii

    1024 X 600

    Yes, my netbook's got that resolution too. Sucks.
  21. Oh and yeah, get Kanaya's shirt for sure. :P I would, but I'm not a Virgo, and I'm loyal to Cancer/Karkat.

  22. Oh, you're Xaeraz. Sweet.

    Congrats with POBZPC as well, just because. :D

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