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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Phyoohrii

  1. That you guys have only just found out about the random sentence generator? Man. Amateurs.
  2. This plan is so convoluted, it has to work! I'm scared.
  3. Phyoohrii


    Would be awesome to see it (go look it up, if you don't know what it is. I sure did). Except for the fact it is cloudy. Typical. What's the bet that it'll be cloudy where I am when Halley's Comet comes along in a few decades? Murphey's Law reigns supreme.
  4. It is March 18th. I don't know if that is significant Amalga Amalga has 3530 posts (5 Star Rating, 185 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 1-August 01. He has an avatar of his own artwork version of himself, has some interests, is an OBZPC, lives in Rockford Illinois, and believes we have not stood up and walked yet after our shackles have been broken. Way to mangle what they actually said, me. He last visited on the 25th of October 2010, and his birthday is the 9th of June 1988. Old. Banner for them.
  5. QUOTE(Makaru @ Mar 16 2011, 05:50 PM) 7344488[/snapback] Hey guys? Toys. They are supposed to bring joy. I think you might be doing it wrong. Truth. Seriously, people, you're being incredibly silly.
  6. What is this I don't even. Cred to Tanma for Lesovikk sprite. This was meant for yesterday, the 14th of March, but it didn't come up properly because of the board being unresponsive last night, my timezone. I doubt I'll ever get back to comicing.
  7. Phyoohrii

    Daylight Savings Time

    Hmm, I don't think our DST ends for another couple of weeks. Then an extra hour of sleep, hooray!
  8. Phyoohrii

    Japanese Tsunami

    It's ridiculous. Japan has building regulations for dealing with earthquakes, so initially they're fine. But these regulations are useless against tsunamis, so there is no way to be totally safe there. It's not fair. It's nothing short of horrific.
  9. Phyoohrii

    Pink Floyd

    Wish You Were Here is overrated. Good, but overrated. My picks are Meddle and Animals. Try those, they're wonderful. Also I have a bit of a soft spot for The Final Cut, even if it's less rock-sounding for the most part, and it's more of a Roger Waters album, anyway.
  10. Oh what a milestone! This is the one everyone talks about it! You better believe it! Warrior of the Nevareth Warrior of the Nevareth has 90 posts (5 Star Rating, 233 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 24-December 07. He has an avatar, personal photo and signature about Cabal (and I assume the name), lives in Abbotsford BC and believes everything should be done with style. And why not? He last visited on the 5th of April 2010, and his birthday is the 30th of April 1994. Is he the reincarnation of Richard Scarry?!?!?! Assuming he is not the reincarnatino of a famous children's author, I'll give him a Cabal banner, that makes more sense.
  11. Phyoohrii


    With some of the ones that were wildly talked about in our media, and in other texts today, I just feel there must be some sort of passive registering of things, you know? Like, you may not be interested, but if you see it, you still retain a bit of it or what not. And yeah, if things are always talked or joked about later, even over a decade later, surely you may have picked up on it at least once. Even if you've forgotten, something might trigger your memory, not just stare blankly at the tutor as they explain it while everyone else in the room knows exactly what's being talked about. That's me being more related to what I was saying originally. I mean, it could just be good memory retenion on my behalf, I dunno, anyway. I totally agree with you about trying to have multiple places to get your sources of info. As long as you have the freedom to look at whatever media you like, you should use that freedom to form your own views and opinions on different issues and such. You can't just let the world pass you by without taking it in, I feel. And yes, there is definitely too much focus on the trivial and mundane (again, to an extent, Lewinsky case, but that's a fine line) while the important stuff goes by the way side. It's ridiculous what the media can get away with today.
  12. Phyoohrii


    Well, yeah, I don't know the details either. Again, I do have vague recollections though. But I guess that's right, it is a whole learning experience. But still, it's often quoted and mentioned and stuff, surely they would have at least heard of it at some point. Anyway, yeah, I know there's plenty of stuff I should know but I don't. ...wait, I know there's plenty of stuff I don't know? Hahaha. I think I might know of people that don't know about narwhals. I'm not sure what to think about the potatoes.
  13. Phyoohrii


    I would be totally surprised and really sad if an American of my age didn't know about the Lewinsky case. However, I certainly discovered a Tasmanian today who didn't know ANYTHING about it. And they're at Uni, where the educated supposedly thrive. How could you not know about it at all? That's one of many things that I thought many people should know about, even if it is kinda silly. What things you thought most people would know that someone did not know?
  14. Oh, and yeah, to end the story in a lighter tone, I ended up having a nectarine at home. It was lovely. The end.
  15. So walking back home from classes, this old Italian woman is standing outside her house across the road where I'm walking. She shouts out at me, I don't hear what she says because I'm listening to my iPod. I take my headphones out, and realise she was offering free fruit, probably nectarines. I decline, but she insists, still on the other side of the road. I eventually am able to leave. But now I want a nectarine.
  16. thats really all there is to say on the matter
  17. Yeah, I'm really tired. Tohron Tohron has 310 posts (no star rating, 8 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 2-December 03. They have a preset Vorahk staff banner, claims to be at Storm Peak, is a BIONICLE Expert, and believes to be legendary. I dunno... They last visited on the 8th of May 2009. So thrilling. Here's an equally thrilling banner. --------------------------- Agwa Agwa has 1339 posts (4 Star Rating, 321 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 2-January 07. He has a cat avatar, a nothing is certain Personal Photo, loves mysteries and oceans, may never have an interesting signature, is anywhere but HERE, has a Karzahni of an 'intrest' list that I have no desire to go through. There's too much. He last visited on the 29th of October 2010, and his birthday is the 12th of May 2000. Now that is young! Well, young'un, hope you enjoy this banner I spent many a second making.
  18. Started Uni again for the year. It's pretty good so far, hopefully I won't stuff things up again. Getting increasingly frustrated that I can't seem to get some time to see the girl I'm into right now. I guess at least we're talking a bit. Failed my drivers test today. Feel awful, what a waste of time. I'll do RBZPotWs later today. I don't remember, do I owe two?
  19. My Mistake I Mistook You For An Alternate Kanaya

    You Still Are Great

  20. Hey Kanaya You Are The Best

    Or More Accurately The Second Best

    Keep Drinking

  21. In New Zealand, particularly Christchurch, obviously, my heart goes out to you. This is yet another unprecedented disaster for you, and it's simply not fair. Let you rebuild and prosper once again.
  22. Last one is of particular interest. Also the mini-obsession in Goods and Services Tax is kinda odd.
  23. Guys And Girls I Am Having A Personal Crisis Here Kanaya Maryam Is Maybe Becoming My First Favourite Troll I Am At A Loss About What I Can Do Also Only Just Realised Maryam Looks Quite A Lot Like Mary Anne I Thought That Might Interest You
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