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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Pomegranate

  1. Thinking about making a bonkle animation for one of my assignments...

    1. Bonkle


      Aw, shucks, you don't have to animate me. :P

    2. Pomegranate


      this username humor is getting out of hand lmao <3

  2. So far I only have Rebecca Sugar to look forward to, and that's gonna be super exciting! But what else is happening? Does anyone know if LEGO has any plans to show up at this one? Perhaps something Bionicle will be involved? It was truly the highlight of NYCC for me last year, I think, so it's gonna feel really empty without Bionicle this time 'round. Also if anyone else is going let me know!! ALSO! Whoops, looks like I more or less vanished from BZP for the last few months or so. My bad! Busy, busy, busy. Traveled all up the US West Coast, was a camp counselor, got busy with school and work, lots of stuff going on. I'm gonna try to pop in more often, I did check up on the blogs regularly even if I wasn't logging in ^^
  3. Pomegranate

    nothin special

    AAHH THAT'S SO COOL it really has an nice Starbound aesthetic to it too. I love Starbound and have been looking for an excuse to use to computer I have it loaded on, too, so, I'm down to join in too
  4. You need to get some security for this post 'cause a riot's about to break out
  5. Oh no! BZP's almost left Bionicle's 7-14 age recommendation! The end is nigh
  6. 14 years of BZP! And coincidentally, today makes the 8th anniversary of my registration! I'm in awe that this is technically the second year I've been on BZP for more than half its life. Y'all are just great, it's really incredible looking back on all those years of Bionicle and BZPower and finding myself sitting here today, Bionicle alive and well again and BZPower still here for all of us. Life is really wonderful sometimes. Y'all are wonderful too <3
  7. I don't watch, but I think the title is really clever
  8. It looks so gooooooood I bet their budget tripled or something 'cause it really is impressive.
  9. And they're going to make all our dreams come true
  10. Wait a second, will they just be giving these out as with the Clear Hau last fall? Or is there a super duper seriously limited amount that they're like, raffling away? The description in the news story confuses me.
  11. We finally have our 2015 Trans Neon Green Miru Scopio Mask Looks really neat, wish I could make it to grab me one; here's hoping they have something equally as nice for NYCC, if anything at all. EDIT: I'm recruiting a buddy's buddy to try and snag me one of these if they get a chance The collectibles struggle is so real in this fandom.
  12. I agree 100% with this. I'm in love with the premise and the visual effects and some of the execution looks pretty good, but the treatment of the characters and the jokes themselves are thoroughly disappointing-- I really hope the plot doesn't suffer as well. So far the trailers have been really lackluster in that regard and I'm hoping whoever put them together just has really bad taste and took a lot out of context, and the movie ends up a lot better.
  13. Can't believe we fell for it again
  14. Now that is a quality commercial It's so good it's worthy of my 3000th post I'm wondering if they got a new studio to do the CG, 'cause it's spectacular, I don't remember any past Bionicle CG looking that pretty! Big fan of this, really looking forward to the skull squad hitting the shelves now. And, yes, story's over folks, Tahu won, go home
  15. Haters gon' hate. That is the way of the Bionicle. -Turaga Vakama
  16. 1. It means they're shy 2. It makes them sad, put the shells back
  17. Now this is the content I like to see. LEGO Dimensions continues to prove itself one of LEGO's best ideas and investments. There seems to be no limit to amounts and kinds of franchises and accompanying fanbases they're getting their greedy plastic hands on I'm very excited for this
  18. This is the best thing from the whole update
  19. -Lhikan to Vakama
  20. Pomegranate


    Maybe it's from the future? Things do get lost...
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