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Everything posted by Zipper

  1. Zipper

    New (better) Pic

    Worse. Now I can't even find his arm.
  2. Zipper


    I assume Gresh. Well, not really.
  3. But Dande's Jerbraz is sooo much better!
  4. I thought it was penguins...
  5. It's kinda worrying me that people on the internet are being more extroverted towards unknown strangers than they are with their real friends. *whimper* *goes and hides in corner* I actually plan on blogging about this fact eventually. -CF
  6. Zipper

    A Separate Peace

    Not a movie, but it was supposed to originally be a movie project. Now it's propaganda techniques for stuff like the Winter Carnival.
  7. I thought you already withdrew from the BBC, Laka.
  8. Zipper

    A Separate Peace

    Hey, I'm doing that book right now, and we have to do a project for it too. Just finished the character log for it.
  9. Zipper

    Vahki Fad Rant.

    I thought both sides were childish, one for thinking that a fad would make them popular and well known, the other for butting their heads into the business and complaining about it more than Mistika.
  10. Zipper

    Kanohi Akaku...

    He's one of the legendary gods who created the epic Flow of the River interactive RPG. That game was the reason that I joined BZP.
  11. Zipper

    Emo Vs. Emo

    They'd kill themselves first.
  12. Sadly, that stuff would've still have been ignored in the BBC. >_<
  13. Lulz, I know. But the criticism is always the most important, and as long as you have that, you're good to go.
  14. Then that makes them a bad MOCist. I'm assuming that the really short posts are spammy pieces of praise, and the MOCist only wants to accept that praise, and not the criticism. But that doesn't mean you should stop writing reviews. Keep on reviewing, until they get the message that they're not the nest MOCist eber.
  15. Excellent. But the part about Jacob Black was rather unnecessary.
  16. Huh. Of all people you'd expect Vastus to be the retired one.
  17. It's scary thinking of what Wrack can do with a bunch of drills.
  18. Zipper


    Because people don't know how to properly use it?
  19. Zipper


    At first I thought it was an anime face with cat lips, but if you look at it form the right side, it looks like gratitude. This makes more sense: (3
  20. Zipper


    I think it depends on the severity of how bad of a deed your friend has committed against you. Can't exactly forgive them for stealing something of great value of yours. With stuff like that, they would never be a true friend, and untrue friends aren't worth keeping.
  21. Admit it. You are the enlightenment seeker of BZP. I hope your quest brings you full understanding.
  22. Zipper

    Well Darn...

    I noticed too. This better not be permanent.
  23. Woah. Totally inactive.

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