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Everything posted by Zipper

  1. Great MOC. Not enough Cags.
  2. Zipper

    Blog Update

    To be honest, the main thing that bugged me about your blog was how the blocks are on both columns. It covers up most of the comments behind the images.
  3. Zipper


    I've got a steam... thing. Might just scrap it. And has this been the first non-real life entry you've made in the entire month (including April)?
  4. I'd join this debate, but I dunno if the fight is about the word filter or Velox's club right now. >_<
  5. Interesting! :o

  6. You'll need more than that to be a Cags.
  7. Don't forget the other blogs (Bioniblog, YSA, etc, etc,).
  8. Possibly the first time I've agreed with Zip? -Laka Second or third, methinks. Maybe it's because Primus is the most active Bionicle builder on Flickr and he's on a lot of other Lego forum sites?
  9. Yeah... Primus is a good MOCist, but the amount of popularity he is getting from the System duds is downright surprising. They act like they've never seen Bionicle before.
  10. Invert black and lime. Use those colours. You mean for the rest of my robot or for a new MoC? Because I don't want anymore black or lime for a while... If you are talking about my robot, that would be way too much lime and too little black, considering my collection that is.
  11. http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showuser=81474
  12. Zipper

    I Want This

    I want my own portal gun. *Shoots portal into Omi's head*
  13. Are we allowed to have some sort of "armoured shell" like the Exo-Toa for the regular Bohrok bodies? Also, are Krana supposed to be in the same colour as the original Kal, or are Krana not required at all?
  14. Very nice idea Bones, but should the revamp retain the original shape and features of the Bohrok?
  15. Zipper

    Twilight Redux

  16. Zipper


    Whack me with your umbrella please.
  17. Zipper


    You guys can be heros for as long as you want. But I will be the hero.
  18. Zipper

    53 Entry And Chrome!

    This reminds me... there was once a special-edition Star Wars Naboo Star Fighter with Chrome all over it. It was on sale for $15 instead 0f $40. $15. At a Gabriel Brothers (man, they had all sorts of large, awesome Lego sets there during Christmas time). I didn't get it because I was a foolish 9 year-old at the time. >_< Kinda regret it.
  19. Zipper

    Well Crud.

    What BZ feature allows you to know how many days before your PMship ends?
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