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Everything posted by Tradakk

  1. Por eso estoy aqui. ^_^

  2. Umm...

    Holy ****. Read the signature guidelines, and act accordingly.

  3. Ha! I got you beat! Supper today we had corned beef, Irish soda bread, home-made scalloped potatoes, and lime jello cake. IRISH POWER FTW
  4. Obligatory After-Crash Entry Actually, I really don't mind that much. Except for PMs. >.>
  5. Tradakk

    I Want You....

    angry gnashing of teeth I won't be coming due to stuff going on like a wedding + other stuff so I'll like mail you my MOCs kk
  6. Oh my goodness Will you ever stop changing your blog title?
  7. Billy Mays can sell you anything. ANYTHING
  8. I'm heeere Just limited access for the last couple of weeks; my computer's wierd. ;_; Anywho, I recommend quadripedalness. You can make it all hunchbacked and bipedal toooooo, though
  9. Tradakk


    This one. Also the whole audience thing.
  10. Tradakk


    Look at my latest entry.
  11. As I recall it was a pornography. Wait, it was just Watchmen. NAKED BLUE MEN FTL
  12. Tradakk


    White Man by Michael Gungor
  13. soo....

    wat u think

  14. If you want to be grammatically correct, it's 'Of Latitude and Longitude'.
  15. Tradakk

    Holy God.

    Finals+last minute assignment scramble+track starting+other stuff=X.X, Vezok's friend.
  16. Tradakk


    Computer was all screwy this weekend, so I couldn't get on. >.> ? Later on today. =D
  17. Tradakk


    Hacks? Can someone inform me of this? I had two new PMs when I logged on this morning, but there were none when I checked.
  18. o rly?

    Well I'm an overwear ninja!

    *Fight comences*

  19. The real question here is, will kids get this?
  20. Tradakk


    I forgot the this week! I'll do it tomorrow, I swear!
  21. Tradakk

    I Want You....

    @Roa: I've got three micros (like, size-of-a-Mata-canister-lid small), one or two medium (like, canister-sized), and one large (like, Rockoh-sized.)
  22. Tradakk


    go to sleeeeep
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