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Everything posted by Tradakk

  1. I'm interested in your interests! o:

  2. Quick thoughts on BBC: Entries have been really diverse, which is cool, and also shows how even the best MOCers can crack under enough stress (i.e. a ton of specs and a pretty steep deadline.) I'm actually really impressed by the number of virtual unknowns entering the contest with brilliant MOCs; I have high hopes about the future of our BBC forum after this contest is over. =) Who do I think will win? Well, actually, I'm putting my money on either this one or this one. Notice that both are fairly unknown MOCers up to now. =D Once again, I apologize for the recent lack of existence; I've been busy both educationally and teenager-ly (O_o) recently. See you all around! =)
  3. You, my sir, are an incredible artst.


    wait what

  5. *hisses and scurries away*

  6. The whole, 'no proto but still posting' thing still throws me off.

  7. you're still aliiiive

  8. WAIT i think ive seen this one before doesnt this one end with a biiig jazz number, then a love song?
  9. Eightwo's not a word silly umm yeah ... Mine would probably be something like 'umm idk lol'
  10. Tradakk

    My New Toy

    You name your hard drives? O_o I name my flash drives. My main hard drive is simply (C:) drive. The portable hard drive is like a big flash drive that shouldn't be touched when running since there's a spinning disk inside, but it can be renamed and would probably be better than just "Removable disk." Ewww. -CF
  11. its totally ur birthday

  12. So hey


    wake up


  14. Tradakk


    [flash=250,100]http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/sprxtrerme/BANNERS/thornax.swf ? D:


  16. *Throws COoB's comments out a window*

    Welcome to BZP!

  17. At one point, I considered changing my name to "The Ambiguous Tarduk." Kinda fell through, though...
  18. Tradakk

    Platinum Coding

    I really need to get Wifi... Anyways, I've got Platinum. I'll edit this post with my Friend Code later, when I get home. Okey? EDIT: But I've got Diamond completely fleshed out, if you want to fight cross-game. : D
  19. you, good sir, have an extraordinarily large paw

  20. Tradakk


    I realize that I've been virtually dead for the past few days, and for that I apologize.It seems as if I have less and less time every week for things such as this, mostly due to a quickly-filling schedule and an increase in schoolwork. =/ I've also been having 'teenage troubles', as Mom calls them, similar to Phyoohri 'Pink' at the moment. I'd just like everyone to know that I've not forgotten you all, and that eventually, if ever, I might be able to return to BZPower in full once I get everything straightened out. Oh, and I will finally finish my blog layout, if I come back. This is my temporary leave of absence... Don't forget me. =)
  21. Rejoice! for there is internet
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