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Everything posted by Trevsky

  1. lol, I've kinda seen it as a panic thing, like forcing fake happy thoughts even when not necessary to do so however, I approve of the changes you made to the info section, although your profile picture may be more fitting
  2. i demand a tribute to my awesomeness right now
  3. blatantly telling yourself to think happy thoughts is a psychological misdemeanor, you must instead strive to happy naturally in order to actually be happy. not to mention, artificial happiness doesn't make problems non-existent then again, it is a reference so I'm probably coming off the wrong wall
  4. Trevsky

    Sooo, Games?

    as a pretty big call of duty fan, don't buy mw2. just don't black ops is bearable, although the multiplayer has raeg inducing problems and the Xbox version is much better cod4 is my favorite of the series by far
  5. Trevsky

    Sooo, Games?

    Uncharted 2 is excellent
  6. Trevsky


    we all love it man but I can't decide 'Sympathy For The Devil' or 'Gimme Shelter' for my sig lyrics D:
  7. Trevsky


    man when I play cod4 I've gotten up to five games in a row that ended within two minutes because of the host dropping out yeah, host migration is nice but dedicated servers are better
  8. Trevsky


    what ever happened to that writing center thing you had?
  9. I have noticed that the discussion keeps on looping through entries that call for peace and respect. If people could just shut up and not say anything about the subject anymore, even if its just to ask for the subject to end, then there won't be a place for the fighting and bickering to instigate. everyone wants this discussion to stop, but making entries about that desire for peace only keeps the fires burning.
  10. Trevsky

    Doctor Who Fans,

    I've considered watching Doctor Who just for the sake of obtaining a better British accent
  11. Trevsky


    Reason for edit: Sig Enabled unchecked. -S
  12. This is a no-fact zone. Fox News, I want a copyright on that.

  13. while this indeed a sad occurrence, I think it is great that a teacher can have such a profound effect on a community .
  14. Trevsky


    A victorious plunder is maximum possible enjoyment with as little possible complaint from your parents about the absence of money in their wallets.
  15. Trevsky


    oh, so you didn't take a victorious plunder into your parents wallets?
  16. Trevsky

    Silence Is Power

    ... ... ... ... BOOM HEADSHOT
  17. Trevsky


    needs some chips ps: pro tip change the margins on your blog so my 800 pixels of glorious hutchiness can fit
  18. you are a tube

  19. I subbed to him nearly a year ago cuz of his MW2 Spec Ops dual comms with Hutch. I only watch a few MC vids, my favorite involved a cave which called something town.

  20. Trevsky

    Dancing Roaches

    isn't that a normal occurrence in the Big Apple? Except with real roaches, just human sized? I kid, I kid.
  21. lulz, I kind of a mancrush on FPS Russia. (yes homo)

  22. Have you seen Memento yet? Cuz you should xP
  23. Trevsky

    Bioshock 2

    this is why its better to own a console, stability and reliability
  24. wait where have you been spink :0
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