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Master Inika

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Everything posted by Master Inika

  1. When I saw the title "Modern MNOG" the first mental image was Takua dabbing.
  2. To recap: sets good, everything else bad It is tragic to recall the hype when we first saw the sets slowly killed by the realization that the story wasn't getting any bette.
  3. I never actually noticed the Nidhiki thing. That's pretty cool. But nevertheless, it is possible it's just a prototype of the original piece that was changed for the Vahki art but not Nidhiki's. Distorted makes a good point--the Hydraxon chest armor looks similar to his helmet, so they might have wanted at some point to create a new version to look more aquatic for him.
  4. I have noticed this before, and it must either be an error or possibly prototype. Hydraxon's is more interesting than the other IMO, because the others still display the parts themselves correctly, just not lining up right. This is the only time I know of the part itself looks noticable different.
  5. I don't. It just didn't offer that much.
  6. By forcing me to look at this majestic work of art, my eyes shall never again be able to truly appreciate anything else. This is the pinnacle of human culture. 10/10. Please teach us your ways. Seriously not bad. He looks like a Voyatoran.
  7. Interesting question. AIK's formation and subsequent drop off the face of the earth is so weird. I have no idea about their CDs or anything, but I'm definitely interested in seeing what turns up.
  8. Very good point. It seems like with HF and even G2 LEGO finally figured out how to transition gracefully between generations.
  9. Excellent model. It looks like Robby the Robot in attack mode.
  10. Nice. I like the subtle differences in Dume.
  11. You're going to confuse future archaeologists so much. But I get it. I do it a little differently with some sets. For two City sets, I didn't even put on the stickers (they look fine without them) and I just save the stickers, box, and instructions. Does anyone else remember how, at least with Bionicle sets, the bags would be numbered? They had pretty cool graphic designs on them, too. If I could save any, it would be those. I've tried opening the bags cleanly, but it's so hard. If I were serious about it I'd use scissors.
  12. I like him. The name made me expect an astromech droid, though.
  13. It's because they're designed to look like they're swingable when they're really not. Even the movie knew to just have the weapons be solid weapons.
  14. The Proto Pitons are whatever looks cool at the time.
  15. I like him. Great model and also great translation of the original set.
  16. The Spear of Fusion doesn't seem to work consistently. Remember when Vezon used it on a bat and it got split into two one-winged creatures. Honestly there's a good chance the Spear could split you into one being with a mouth and another being with lungs.
  17. I voted Great Masks in Turaga, Infected, and Metru colors
  18. I got 13 out of 16. Fun quiz. The last one was totally unexpected, and it's one I missed.
  19. Pretty cool, wish I saved mine. Describe Annona in a line.
  20. I'm under the impression John Dexter just made the MOC, and LEGO did everything story-side. LEGO kept the mask because obviously Dexter couldn't make his own unique mask. Krakua's mask is one of the most confusing elements of BIONICLE sets vs. story. I've just learned to not think about it. Regardless of what a book or Greg says, when I hear Krakua, I think of a guy wearing a mask that looks like a Hau, but I also know he wears a Mask of Telepathy.
  21. The day I definitely stopped being a child was the day I learned that an entire season of a LEGO City TV show had aired.
  22. For years we thought it was a funny mispronounciation, but Greg made it canon. Describe Nathan Furst in a line.
  23. It reminds me of the old leetspeak Kanoka codes. For that reason, I think it's fitting. That being said, I didn't even realize it was today until just now. What kind of BIONICLE fan am I? I just wish it were 2008 and we were all criticizing the Av-Matoran for the first time again.
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