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Master Inika

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Everything posted by Master Inika

  1. I would assume not. Elemental Sonics power, like what a Toa would have, only allows them to create, control or destroy their element. Power Scream seems to me like a more specialized power that only certain beings, like a Rahkshi, could access. Though maybe, with particular training, a Toa could learn those sorts of powers.
  2. I see Greg's point of view that Vakama really wasn't the kind of person to do a heel-face turn. 2005 and 2004, IMO, each work when taken in isolation, but '05 is not a logical progression from '04. That being said, Vakama betraying the team was most impactful because he was the leader. Not to denigrate Matau, but he's just another one of the teammates. Any of them defecting would have been problematic, but Vakama as head has a special responsibility. 2005 was actually, plot-wise, one of my favorite years. It really seemed to balance Greg's character-driven, Flash Gordon type storytelling with LEGO's desire for something more cohesive quite well.
  3. Greg would def say no because HF is canonically somewhere in our universe and BIONICLE definitely isn't.
  4. That was a blast. Sometimes Greg can come off as really pessimistic but it's still heartwarming to hear him say working on the comics was a joyful experience. It felt like reading his responses in the OGD like it was all those years ago. It is so cool of him to still take an interest in the line. It does so much to keep the fanbase together, imo.
  5. As Hank Hill would say, "Don't you see you're not making HF better, you're just making BIONICLE worse?"
  6. Great mixing of G1, G2, and even Slizers. The rubber bands also create some very dynamic angles. The color I am unsure of. It definitely takes its tone from G2, but I suppose it's better than an overly busy color scheme. I will never be able to see a specially-made hand piece without seeing it as a hand. I just see a five-fingered hand holding Kongu's legs where his crotch should be. On the whole, though, excellent models.
  7. Desperation is making us lower our standards.
  8. Definitely agree on the point of how cool it is seeing a classic combiner model. He looks awesome.
  9. I wondered that as well, and found this definition: "Ever since the great success of Ninjago in 2011, LEGO seems to have shifted their business model from having just casual original themes to having mostly just Big Bang Original Themes. In case you aren't familiar with what a "Big Bang Theme" is, it's an original LEGO theme that is planned to last for at least three years, and gets a lot of marketing push in the first year in order to create a "Big Bang" in terms of sales. On the surface, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with such themes, until you realize that all the Big Bang themes we've gotten so far have been more or less just Ninjago clones. Chima, Nexo Knights, and recently Monkie Kid have all tried to emulate Ninjago's success while simultaneously competing against it, and for the most part, they have all failed more or less. Chima tanked in it's third year, Nexo Knights was cut short very early on, and while we don't know yet about how well Monkie Kid sold, I have a feeling it would also suffer a similar fate as the other two (especially when you consider how overpriced the sets are)."
  10. Agreed. Some of those masks would be nice to have.
  11. The story team had Andrew Francis holler random assemblages of syllables and picked the combination that would sound most comical in an animated movie.
  12. Very cool. It makes his face look so much more alive.
  13. I wonder this as well. Between him and Tony Wedgwood, BIONICLE really had a thing for deep-voiced stoic narrators.
  14. Excellent visual depiction of the phrase "I can go to the bathroom in the morning."
  15. As long as Earth and Stone are different elements, nothing will ever make sense about Elemental Powers. In one of the Legends books, Dalu uses her weapons to exponentially increase Gali's sense of sight, allowing her to see visually through the fabric of reality and driving her insane. Would this be a Psionic power? This is why most franchises use a simple formula of "telekinesis and mind control" as what their psychic-power people can do.
  16. Very cool model. Are you able to see out of it?
  17. This is the comic I come to BZP for. I would read it if you made a regular comic about these Matoran.
  18. I've heard that piece of music many times (first time after MNOG in a Disney Channel Original Movie). It follows me around, taunting me.
  19. That's pretty beautiful. Nostalgia has a way of doing that to you.
  20. What book, movie, comic, or anything did you enjoy most recently? How many years has it been since your first time enjoying it, or was it your first time? I believe mine was revisiting Tahnok-Kal's Promo CD on my old computer that still managed to play most of it. The Promo CDs are a special thing for me. The eerie ambient background music has never left me.
  21. They could have called that flying zamor launcher with wings polybag Takanuva and it would have been more recognizable than the Mistika.
  22. That answers some questions, but the auxiliary towers look nothing like the skyline one. (Neither does the main tower for that matter.) They're way shorter and less steep. Plus, the side towers in the skyline are pointy. So if anything now there's three Coliseums.
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