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Taka Nuvia

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Year 16

About Taka Nuvia

  • Birthday April 20

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    a dark box
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    .Card games
    .Fantasy - Elves, Fairies, other pointy-eared creatures
    .Music: (Heavy/Gothic) Metal, KPop, and whatever else I find interesting
    .Jester Hats
    .Technical stuffs, robots, etc.
    .Retexturing stuff for PC games

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  1. There's not much that can be compared to the feeling of having finally solved a mathematical problem on your own. :3

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    2. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Oh, mathematical? Resolving a Physics problem is more satisfying, in my opinion.


      Zeene, if someone ever got to the solution of that, maths would just implode. :P

    3. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      @Zeene: riiight...


      @The Renegade Emperor: I actually like both, but mathematical problems are usually much harder for me, which therefore of course also makes me happier if I do solve one ^^"

    4. >_<


      Actually, it's rather simple.

      The surface area of a circle = pi*r^2, while the formula for the surface area of a rectangle is l*w.

      However, since this is a square we're talking about, l*w=l^2=w^2

      and if we then say l=w=sqrt(pi)*r, the r being the same r we used for the circle, the surface area of a square = (sqrt(pi)*r)^2 = pi*r^2, which is also the surface area of the circle.

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