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Taka Nuvia

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Year 16

About Taka Nuvia

  • Birthday April 20

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    a dark box
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    .Card games
    .Fantasy - Elves, Fairies, other pointy-eared creatures
    .Music: (Heavy/Gothic) Metal, KPop, and whatever else I find interesting
    .Jester Hats
    .Technical stuffs, robots, etc.
    .Retexturing stuff for PC games

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  1. There's not much that can be compared to the feeling of having finally solved a mathematical problem on your own. :3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      @Zeene: I was actually told it's impossible.


      @Taka: Odd. I thought Physics were harder, at least Maths doesn't have all those vectors and coefficients. ( on a side note, call me simply TRE or Renegade or Emperor or whatever shortening you want, if you prefer - but I'm pretty sure you indeed prefer ^^ -, my name's a pain to write to its full extent)

    3. >_<


      @TRE: As you saw, theoretically it's entirely possible. Practically it'd be very, very hard to do, the word 'exact' causing the problems here. But hey, Mathematics assume every value you enter is exactly that value, and that's why it's awesome.

    4. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      @Zeene: I would have to sketch it down to figure out what you're actually doing there, might even do so later, but now... it's waaaay too late for that xD

      Mathematics is cool though, albeit difficult and sometimes confusing ^^


      @TRE: Nah, at least in Physics I usually more or less know what it's all about; and vectors are quite fun to work with IMO. :)

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