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Everything posted by Scrash

  1. Giants in six or seven. We won the NLDS and NLCS on the road; we needz to win at home, dosh garn it. And then the Rangers will win the World Series next year.
  2. Scrash

    Hey Lewalew

    This man is full of intelligence and antilogic. B)
  3. Scrash

    One Away

    One away...? PFFT. MORE LIKE ZERO AWAY. The Giants are the NLCS champs! I wish the best of luck to Bengie and the Rangers; this is gonna' be a heckuva World series.
  4. Scrash

    Stringer Legs

    Better than the set, I'll say that.
  5. I knew it was to happen. Congratz, Rangers... and congratz to ol' Big Money Molina!
  6. Scrash

    One Away

    Agreement in the hizhouse, yo.
  7. Scrash

    One Away

    In response to the bold, why is that an issue? I don't care if he has long hair; his quality of pitching is the only thing that should really matter.
  8. No way. I thought it was a multi-million dollar TV series that's been around since the fifties. What the heck? =P
  9. Scrash

    One Away

    Lol, I think we're like the two Giants fans here. But I think - I hope - that tomorrow will be the end of the N.L.C.S. It will be perhaps their most difficult game to play up 'til now... but I have confidence. I'm also rooting for the Rangers. Might be interesting to see how ol' Big Money Molina fares against Lincecum, Sánchez, Cain, Bumgarner, and the bullpen. Regardless, go Giants!
  10. 1b) - Aye. 32b) - Aye. 34c) - Aye. 145a) - Aye. 240, 241) - Aye. Didn't know you guys were gonna' join, but okay! 242) - Aye. It's general enough to not really mess with anything, I'm sure. Plus, if memory serves me, it was never explicitly said the one Great Being was the first nor the only to do it. 243) - Aye. No problem naming people that'll more than likely not get named in story. 244) - Aye. Nothin' against it.
  11. Scrash

    L C S

    Pfft. I think the Giants will win in seven, with nothing at all being easy and every moment being pure torture, as they say. We're due, I believe.
  12. Could you just put me as "Iro" for the list, please? Thanks. And I'm also a fan of the Athletics 'cept when they play against the Giants, of course.
  13. Mario. He survives concussion after concussion, dies like fifty times a day, and saves people from a turtledragon on a regular basis. C'mon, that's not bad for an Italian immigrant. B)
  14. Well, there go my hopes of facing the Reds rather than the Phillies in the NLCS, at least if Cincinnati keeps up the awesome playing as they did today. =P Oh well, still have hope that this could be our year, so crossin' my fingers for that.
  15. Scrash


    Meh, I thought it sounded very Disturbed-typical. Not bad, but just more generic. Lucky me, I only downloaded it. =P Though, I do really like Another Way To Die and Never Again.
  16. He is the one, so maybe a World Series ring for us..? B)
  17. You got me there. =P Plus, I mean, Kuiper's got a heckuva home run call.
  18. Personally, I prefer the Comcast Sportsnet Channels. I dunno', the commentators from the Bay Area subchannel are pretty cool. Though, haven't watched MLB network before, so I can't say much about it.
  19. So long as people have them look, you know, good, they're perfectly fine.
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